H. P. Dienes
Herpes simplex virus type 1 and 2 in the adrenal glands: Replication and histopathology
The adrenal glands were shown to be the most severely infected organs in the early phase of HSV-1 infections (up to 10 days p.i.) after i.p. infections in mice. Virus could be isolated from the adrenal glands as early as one hour after infection with pathogenic and apathogenic strains. Infection of the adrenal glands is a result of viremia. The content of HSV-1 (5 strains) was much higher in the adrenals than in spleen and liver. It peaked at 3-4 days p.i. compared to 1-2 days in spleen and liver. Only strain 17 syn+ produced low tissue titres in the adrenal glands. Morphologic alterations by HSV-1 infections commenced with distinct foci 2 days after infection in the zona fasciculata, detec…
In vivo confocal laser endomicroscopy of the human liver: a novel method for assessing liver microarchitecture in real time
Background and study aims Confocal endomicroscopy is a unique novel tool for in vivo histology in humans. Due to limitations imposed by the form of the equipment and by sterilization workflows, its use has been limited to the gastrointestinal tract so far. We have developed a rigid miniaturized probe for confocal endomicroscopy of the human liver during laparoscopy. Patients and methods To assess the feasibility and potential clinical value of this new system (diameter 6.3 mm), 25 patients with liver disease were examined during routine minilaparoscopy under conscious sedation. Results Subsurface serial images (from surface to 250 microm) were generated in real time after fluorescein inject…
Veränderungen der extrazellulären Matrix in der Venenwand — Ursache der primären Varikosis?
Die kontraren Theorien zur Entstehung der primaren Varikosis fuhrten zur molekularbiologischen Untersuchung der Venenwand, genauer der extrazellularen Matrix. Das Ziel war, die Matrixexpression zu quantifizieren und die pathologischen Veranderungen der Venenwand mit der klappenorientierten Stadieneinteilung der Varikosis zu vergleichen, um so Hinweise auf eine primare Ursache der Varizenbildung zu erhalten.
Microtubules and intermediate filaments of herpes simplex virus infected cells.
The fate of microtubules and of vimentin or keratin containing intermediate filaments during infection with fusion or rounding producing strains of herpes simplex virus (HSV) was investigated. Microtubules polymerize early after fusion of cells. However, they do not reconstitute 6–7 hours post infection (p.i.) after release of a colcemid block. Keratin and vimentin are maintained around the original nucleus still inside of recruited cells in the polykaryocyte. Cells of fibroblastic and epithelial origin fuse. Inside of polykaryocytes keratin or vimentin containing fibers seem to polymerize. Keratin is to be found in invaginations in the nuclei surrounded by the inner layer of the nuclear me…
Involvement of actin-containing microfilaments in HSV-induced cytopathology and the influence of inhibitors of glycosylation.
Two and a half hours after infection with a high dose of different strains of HSV-1 which induce rounding of cells, breakdown of actin containing microfilaments can be observed. At the periphery of the cell, actin containing knob-like protuberances were visible. Later on, actin seems to be located exclusively on the surface of cells. Observations were done by immunofluorescence microscopy, scanning electron-microscopy and immunoperoxidase staining of ultrathin sections. The envelope of HSV appears to be stained by anti-actin. Strain IES produces rounding of cells at a high dose of infection before fusion proceeds at 37 degrees C. Similar alterations were not observed with the fusing strains…
Loss of surface fibronectin after infection of cultured cells by HSV-1 and 2
Fibronectin is lost from the surface of HSV infected cells during cell rounding. In order to investigate also the fate of fibronectin during the process of HSV-induced cell-fusion, BHK, Vero as well as primary or secondary rabbit kidney cells were infected with HSV-1 strains producing cell-fusion. By immunofluorescence and immunoelectron microscopy a considerable loss of fibronectin after HSV infection could be demonstrated leaving only irregular clumps of fibronectin containing virus particles on the cell surface. Decrease and disarrangement of fibronectin was similar during cell rounding and cell fusion. Loss of Fibronectin was closely connected with the two types of the cytopathic effect…