Sergejs Vidinejevs

Development and characterisation of polymer composite materials with bio-inspired functions

Promocijas darbs ir izstrādāts disertācijas veidā fizikas nozarē materiālu fizikas apakšnozarē. Pētījums tika veikts LU Materiālu mehānikas institūtā. Darbs saistīts ar aktuālu un jaunu pētījumu virzienu: bioinspirēto funkciju tālāku attīstīšanu slodzi nesošos kompozītos. Tās ir mehānisku triecienu vizuālās indikācijas un polimēru matricas vaskulārās pašdziedināšanas funkcijas. Šīs funkcijas tika nodrošinātas, izveidojot viedus slāņus un iebūvējot tos kompozītā. Pētījumā tika noskaidrotas piemērotās pārbaužu secības, attīstītas kvantitatīvas metodes un mehānisks modelis, lai novērtētu jauno funkciju efektivitāti kompozītos. Ir pierādīta funkciju augstā efektivitāte un spēja uzlabot slodzi n…

research product

Development of Composites with a Self-Healing Function

This research aimed to realize experimentally the facilevascular self-healing system in epoxy glass fibre reinforced composite. Using flexiblepolytetrafluoroethylene tubes as removable preforms, the channels were embeddedinto both neat epoxy resin and unidirectional glass-fibre reinforced epoxy laminate.Room temperature curable epoxy resin with a surfactant and an amine-basedhardener were the components of the binary healing agent. The specimens oftapered double cantilever beam geometry were subjected to Mode I fracture tests.Fracture of specimens released the healing agent from channels and triggeredself-healing process of the crack. Tested neat epoxy resin specimensdemonstrated recovery o…

research product

Prompt Determination of the Mechanical Properties of Industrial Polypropylene Sandwich Pipes

A simple and prompt method to determine the mechanical properties of industrial multilayer extrusion polypropylene pipes for a gravity sewer network is suggested. The engineering formulas included for calculating the permissible thickness and relative position of a foam core in the pipes are based on a linear-elastic approximation and the rule of mixtures. The applicability of the approximation was justified experimentally during investigation of the effective tensile characteristics of single- and multilayer pipes and each layer specimen by using traditional tests and finite-element calculations. The results obtained were used to formulate engineering recommendations for calculations of th…

research product

Smart polymeric coatings for damage visualization in substrate materials

For damage indication needs in polymer composites, three smart acrylic coatings based on microencapsulated crystal violet lactone leuco dye with embedded developer silica gel and methyl 4-hydroxybenzoate were elaborated. Damage visualization ability upon duralumin substrates was tested. Indentation tests were conducted in the interval of 0.0005–0.55 J of mechanical work. Digital image analysis was used for evaluation of the visual response in the form of “bruise” spots. The measure of response intensity was relative excess of blue color above achromatic gray in the scanned images of the “bruise” spots. This technique allowed detecting influence of the coating formulations onto the substrat…

research product

The system of carbon fibre-reinforced plastics micro-tubes for self-healing of glass fibre-reinforced plastics laminates

A system of pultruded carbon fibre-reinforced plastics micro-tubes is used for self-healing simulation in laminated polymer composite. The system consists of a package of micro-tubes, placed in the symmetry plane of the GFR/epoxy laminate stack. Healing agent is a mixture of the epoxy resin and hardener. The healing agent releases and penetrates into the cracks after the composite is damaged by the quasi-static indentation. The specimens are healed at 30℃ for 24 h. Rectangular specimens notched under ASTM D2733 have been subjected to tensile test to determine interlaminar shear strength. Shear strength of specimens has been compared in three states (virgin, damaged and healed) for various …

research product

Development of Removable Visual Impact Indicator or Polymer Composite Materials

The prototype of removable visual impact indicator for thermoset polymer composite materials is developed, and its characteristics are experimentally determined. The indicator is a fabric tape glued by epoxy to the surface of the polymer composite. The tape is impregnated with a composition that provides a visual response at the place of an impact on the composite surface. Ball-drop tests demonstrated the increase of the magnitude of the visual response with the impact energy at different substrate hardnesses. The shelf-life and mode of the tape storage until commissioning are determined. Peel tests showed the ability to remove a used indicator without damaging the surface of the composite.

research product