Henrikki Salo-pöntinen
Reflections on the human role in AI policy formulations : how do national AI strategies view people?
Abstract Purpose There is no artificial intelligence (AI) without people. People design and develop AI; they modify and use it and they have to reorganize the ways they have carried out tasks in their work and everyday life. National strategies are documents made to describe how different nations foster AI and as human dimensions are such an important aspect of AI, this study sought to investigate major national strategy documents to determine how they view the human role in emerging AI societies. Approach Our method for analyzing the strategies was conceptual analysis since the development of technology is embedded with conceptual ideas of humanity, explicit or implicit, and in addition to…
Lost People : How National AI-Strategies Paying Attention to Users
Abstract. This paper focuses on how major national strategies call attention to the human dimensions of artificial intelligence (AI). All intelligent technologies using AI are constructed for people as either active users or as relatively passive target persons. Thus, human properties and human research should have an important role in developing future AI systems. In these development strategies, it is interesting to pay attention to the underlying intuitive assumptions and tacit commitments. This issue is especially interesting when we think about what governmental working groups say about people and their changing lives in their strategies. The traditional stances adopted in writing nati…
AI Ethics - Critical Reflections on Embedding Ethical Frameworks in AI Technology
Embedding ethical frameworks in artificial intelligence (AI) technologies has been a popular topic for academic research for the past decade [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7]. The approaches of the studies differ in how AI technology, ethics, role of technical artefacts and socio-technical aspects of AI are perceived. In addition, most studies define insufficiently what the connection between the process of embedding ethical frameworks to AI technology and the larger framework of AI ethics is. These deficiencies have caused that the concept of AI ethics and the construct of embedding ethical parameters into AI are used in an ambiguous, rather than in a complementary manner. One reason for the ambiguity…
Human-centricity in AI governance : A systemic approach
Human-centricity is considered a central aspect in the development and governance of artificial intelligence (AI). Various strategies and guidelines highlight the concept as a key goal. However, we argue that current uses of Human-Centered AI (HCAI) in policy documents and AI strategies risk downplaying promises of creating desirable, emancipatory technology that promotes human wellbeing and the common good. Firstly, HCAI, as it appears in policy discourses, is the result of aiming to adapt the concept of human-centered design (HCD) to the public governance context of AI but without proper reflection on how it should be reformed to suit the new task environment. Second, the concept is mainl…