S. A. Uryupin
Plasma emission at the laser tripled frequency
The third harmonic generation in the skin-layer of a dense hot plasma due to inverse bremsstrahlung is investigated for regimes having increasing experimental relevance. New analytical dependencies of the radiation flux density at the frequency 3ω on the plasma and fundamental wave parameters are established.
Unusual optical properties in ultra short laser pulse interaction with dense nonequilibrium plasma
Laser even harmonics generation by a plasma embedded in a static electric field
Even order harmonics generation of the laser radiation due to electron-ion collisions in a plasma embedded in a constant electric field is investigated theoretically. Even harmonics are generated because the presence of a static electric field removes the invariance of the electron distribution function under the symmetry operation of velocity direction inversion. Efficiency generation dependencies are investigatedvsdifferent significant parameters as: harmonics number; the ratio of the electron quiver velocity to the thermal velocity; the orientation of the constant electric field with respect to the laser radiation electric field and its wavevector. It is shown that in the general case th…
Infrared radiation harmonic generation in degenerate semiconductors
The basic properties of infrared laser radiation odd harmonic generation due to electron-charged impurity collisions in degenerate semiconductors are investigated. It is found that in the case of relatively weak fields, the electron Fermi distribution is the cause of an anomalous suppression of harmonic radiation. In the case of strong fields, the effect of the selective suppression of single harmonics is established.
High-frequency even harmonics generation in a plasma with electron heat flux
It is shown that in a weakly nonuniform plasma with electron heat flux the generation of odd and even harmonics of high frequency radiation is possible. The even harmonics properties qualitatively differ as compared to those of odd harmonics and depend in an essential way on the heat flux value and orientation with respect to the fundamental wave polarization and propagation directions.
Even harmonics generation in plasma as a new tool of current evolution diagnostics
It is shown that using even harmonics of a test wave it is possible to diagnose the fast time evolution of the current density.
Even harmonics generation of high frequency radiation in current-carrying plasmas
Generation of high frequency radiation harmonics in a current-carrying plasma is studied. The physical mechanism responsible for harmonics generation is provided by electron-ion collisions. The current in the plasma is sustained by a constant electric field. It is shown that the electron distribution function anisotropy due to the static field yields generation of even harmonics. As a result, the radiation spectrum emitted by the current-carrying plasma contains both even and odd harmonics, the latter being attributed to currentless plasma. For a broad range of plasma and high frequency radiation parameters, a detailed analysis of the even harmonics properties is reported.
Anomalous properties of hot dense nonequilibrium plasmas
A concise overview of a number of anomalous properties of hot dense nonequilibrium plasmas is given. The possibility of quasistationary megagauss magnetic field generation due to Weibel instability is discussed for plasmas created in atom tunnel ionization. The collisionless absorption and reflection of a test electromagnetic wave normally impinging on the plasma with two-temperature bi-maxwellian electron velocity distribution function are studied. Due to the wave magnetic field influence on the electron kinetics in the skin layer the wave absorption and reflection significantly depend on the degree of the electron temperature anisotropy. The linearly polarized impinging wave during reflec…
Third-harmonic generation in the skin layer of a hot dense plasma
The third-harmonic generation of a pump wave, resulting from the electron-ion collision frequency dependence on the electric field in the skin layer of a hot dense plasma is investigated. The relation of the current third harmonic with the high-frequency field in the skin layer is established for arbitrary ratios of the electron-ion collision frequency to the field frequency. For arbitrary ratios of these two frequencies, the field structure inside the skin layer is determined, and the field of the wave irradiated by the plasma at tripled frequency, too, is calculated. It has permitted us to find the explicit dependencies of the third-harmonic generation efficiency on the plasma and pump fi…
Nonlinear Current Generation in Degenerate Semiconductors Embedded in Constant and Low-Frequency Electric Fields
The explicit analytical forms of nonlinear currents in degenerate semiconductors serving as sources of coherent radiation in the wavelength millimetric and submillimetric ranges are established.
Amplification of nonlinear currents generation at harmonics frequencies of submillimeter radiation
The conditions are found when rapid heating of the electrons of a degenerate semiconductor in the presence of two electric fields, one constant and the other variable, is accompanied by the formation of a distribution function significantly departing from the Fermi one. It is also shown that the newly found modification of the electron distribution yields a relative amplification of nonlinear currents generation.
Unusual Optical Properties of the Dense Nonequilibrium Plasma
A concise overview of new optical properties of dense nonequilibrium plasma formed on the solid state target boundary is given. In this chapter, we describe phenomena such as the third harmonic generation in the skin layer, collisionless electron heating in the high frequency skin-effect regime, absorption, and reflection and transmission of radiation by a plasma with anisotropic electron distribution.
Plasma radiation spectra in the presence of static electric and high-frequency radiation fields
Harmonics generation of high-frequency radiation in a plasma embedded in a constant electric field is investigated theoretically. It is shown that the electron directed motion due to the static electric field yields the appearance in the plasma emission spectrum of high-frequency radiation even harmonics. The conditions are established when the even harmonics generation is as effective as that of the odd ones. At variance with the odd harmonics, the even harmonics polarization plane is found to rotate with respect to that of the fundamental field. The basic dependencies concerning the rotation angle and the generation efficiency on the plasma and field parameters are established.