Hervé Gaillard
Intégration d’une prospection géophysique dans la démarche de cartographie des sols : Exemple de l’unité expérimentale d’Epoisses
Intégration d’une prospection géophysique dans la démarche de cartographie des sols : Exemple de l’unité expérimentale d’Epoisses. 13. Journées d'Etudes des Sols
Projet CAREX - Cartographie des sols et de la réserve utile de l'Unité Expérimentale d'Epoisses à partir d'une méthode de cartographie classique et d'une prospection géophysique
National audience
Inhibitory capacities of acetylene on nitrification in two agricultural soils
Abstract Acetylene is currently used to distinguish between the relative contribution of nitrification and denitrification to soil emissions of the greenhouse gas, N 2 O. The basis of this method is that acetylene at low partial pressures inhibits nitrification without affecting N 2 O reduction. This paper reports experiments where low acetylene partial pressures were insufficient to totally inhibit nitrification in an hypercalcareous rendosol at water potentials higher than −3.5 MPa while they were always sufficient in a redoxic luvisol.
N2O and NO emissions by agricultural soils with low hydraulic potentials
N2O and NO production were studied on five agricultural soils with low hydraulic potentials. All experiments were performed in a laboratory under standard incubation conditions to limit any intrinsic soil heterogeneity. The mechanisms involved in NO and N2O production was investigated using the inhibitory properties of acetylene on nitrification and N2O reduction. This work confirmed that N2O and NO could be produced by soils under aerobic conditions. Nitrification seemed to be the only process involved in NO production and the main process involved in N2O production by the five studied soils when the water content was low. Nevertheless, aerobic denitrification with N2O release was observed…