Three distinctively difierent implementations of convolu- tional perfectly matched layer for the FDTD method on CUDA enabled graphics processing units are presented. All implementations store ad- ditional variables only inside the convolutional perfectly matched lay- ers, and the computational speeds scale according to the thickness of these layers. The merits of the difierent approaches are discussed, and a comparison of computational performance is made using complex real-life benchmarks.
International Society for Therapeutic Ultrasound Conference 2016
Influence of GSM signals on human peripheral lymphocytes: study of genotoxicity.
Exposure to radiofrequency (RF) electromagnetic fields (EMF) is continuously increasing worldwide. Yet, conflicting results of a possible genotoxic effect of RF EMF continue to be discussed. In the present study, a possible genotoxic effect of RF EMF (GSM, 1,800 MHz) in human lymphocytes was investigated by a collaboration of six independent institutes (institutes a, b, c, d, e, h). Peripheral blood of 20 healthy, nonsmoking volunteers of two age groups (10 volunteers 16-20 years old and 10 volunteers 50-65 years old) was taken, stimulated and intermittently exposed to three specific absorption rates (SARs) of RF EMF (0.2 W/kg, 2 W/kg, 10 W/kg) and sham for 28 h (institute a). The exposures…
Feasibility of future epidemiological studies on possible health effects of mobile phone base stations.
The increasing deployment of mobile communication base stations led to an increasing demand for epidemiological studies on possible health effects of radio frequency emissions. The methodological challenges of such studies have been critically evaluated by a panel of scientists in the fields of radiofrequency engineering/dosimetry and epidemiology. Strengths and weaknesses of previous studies have been identified. Dosimetric concepts and crucial aspects in exposure assessment were evaluated in terms of epidemiological studies on different types of outcomes. We conclude that in principle base station epidemiological studies are feasible. However, the exposure contributions from all relevant …