Aldis Bulis


The results of the firms’ performance are one of the key aspects in the research of competitiveness. The competitiveness of firms is a concept that involves many aspects of measurement. There are many models that can be used to assess the international competitiveness of firms, including the competitiveness of foreign firms in the Chinese market. The opportunities of Latvian firms to enter China market and the capabilities of Latvian firms to compete in China have not so far been sufficiently studied. In 2010 the export volume of Latvian firms to China was 25 million EUR and more than half of it was export of raw materials. The model of SME competitiveness is used to research the competitiv…

research product

Development of “New Silk Road” Northern Branch through Seaport of Riga in Latvia

Abstract The study reveals opportunity to develop the “New Silk Road” Northern branch from North-West China (the People's Republic of China) via seaport of Riga in Latvia to Europe. The methods of the study are the monographic method, the statistical analysis, the expert method and a case study. The study shows that the shortest route for the “New Silk Road” Northern branch is through seaport of Riga (Latvia) which is the shortest way from China to the seaport in the European Union. The existing railway infrastructure can be used from Urumqi (North-Western China) to the seaport of Riga. Transit countries for this route are Kazakhstan and Russia. This route could be beneficial for distributi…

research product

BVP ir skolinimo elgsena : empiriniai Baltijos šalių ekonomikos požymiai

Darnus ekonominis vystymasis remiasi stabilia ir palankia verslo aplinka, kuri skatina organizacijų konkurencingumą. Komerciniai bankai palengvina kapitalo judėjimą iš mažiau efektyvių ekonomikos sektorių į labiau konkurencingas ekonomikos šakas. Šio tyrimo tikslas – išanalizuoti Baltijos šalių BVP dinamiką 2005-2010 metais ir patikrinti BVP koreliavimą su vietinių komercinių bankų išduotų paskolų verslui skaičiumi. Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad yra požymių, jog egzistuoja abipusė priklausomybė tarp BVP veiksnių ir išduotų paskolų, tai savo ruožtu sudaro pagrindą formuoti pasiūlymus, kaip gaivinti Baltijos šalių ekonomiką. Šešiose pramonės šakose atliktas Granger BVP ir skolinimo priežastin…

research product

Development of International Freight Transit in Latvia

Abstract International freight transit is transportation of goods through third countries which are neither senders or consumers of the transported freight. International freight transit provides the use of transport infrastructure capacities and the development of transport infrastructure in Latvia, especially in seaports and railways. In Latvia approximately 97% of all transported freight carried by railway is international freight transit. The turnover of Latvia's seaports is approximately 90% international freight transit transport. This paper describes comparative position of Latvia in Logistics Performance Index and assesses international competitiveness of Latvia's international frei…

research product

Latvijas ražošanas uzņēmumu konkurētspējas kavējošo faktoru novērtējums Ķīnas Tautas Republikas tirgū

Elektroniskā versija nesatur pielikumus

research product

Economic Cooperation Between Latvia and China on the Background of Belt and Road Initiative with Focus on Cargo Potential

Latvia is a Belt and Road Initiative country and can contribute to its Eurasian Land Bridge. The existing railway infrastructure can be used for establishing the Eurasian Land Bridge Northern Branch via Latvia, but the problem is a lack of cargo for this route. It can be integrated into the existing Eurasian Land Bridge with specialization to connect China and some European countries—the Scandinavian countries. The aim of the study is to assess the potential volume of Latvian cargo for the Eurasian Land Bridge Northern Branch through Latvia. The methods of the study are statistical analyses and the forecasts of experts. Forecast of experts is an innovative method for investigating this top…

research product