Fernando Hornero

Incidental Finding of Coronary Embolism During Valve Surgery

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Reliable Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation Substrate Assessment During Sinus Rhythm Through Optimal Estimation of Local Activation Waves Dynamics

[EN] The analysis of coronary sinus (CS) electrograms (EGMs) during catheter ablation (CA) of atrial fibrillation (AF) is highly important for AF substrate evaluation. However, channels of the CS catheter may be affected by vigorous cardiac movement and bad contact. This work investigates the most reliable channels in preserving the AF dynamics during sinus rhythm (SR). Local activation waves (LAWs) were detected in 44 bipolar CS recordings of 60-300 seconds duration in 28 paroxysmal AF patients undergoing CA. Recordings consisted of five channels: distal, mid-distal, medial, mid-proximal and proximal. LAW duration, amplitude, area and correlation between dominant morphologies of each chann…

research product

Técnicas de preservación de válvula aórtica

ResumenLa prótesis valvular aórtica perfecta e ideal no existe por el momento en nuestra realidad quirúrgica y, conscientes de ello, los cirujanos trabajamos en mejorar nuestras técnicas. En este artículo exponemos las principales técnicas actuales de reparación aórtica.AbstractThe perfect and ideal aortic valve prosthesis does not exist yet in our surgical actually, and aware of it surgeons work on improving our techniques. In this paper we present the main current techniques of aortic repair.

research product

Intraoperative cryoablation of atrial fibrillation with the old-fashioned cryode tips: a simple, effective, and inexpensive method.

Nowadays atrial fibrillation is usually treated simultaneously with cardiac procedures, and new cryo-systems have been developed for performing easier and faster intraoperative ablation. However, the old cryode designs can still be useful in surgical practice and represent a more cost-effective method. In this article we present a technique using old-fashioned cryodes for intraoperative treatment of atrial fibrillation and comment on its advantages and limitations.

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Hallazgo incidental de embolia coronaria durante cirugía valvular

research product

Cirugía de las arritmias en las cardiopatías congénitas

La propia fisiopatología de las cardiopatías congénitas y el impacto de algunas correcciones quirúrgicas pueden predisponer al desarrollo de arritmias cardíacas, que incluyen taquicardia supraventricular macrorreentrante, flutter, fibrilación auricular, taquicardia auricular ectópica, taquicardia ventricular, síndrome del seno enfermo, bloqueo auriculoventricular y muerte súbita, entre otras. En la actualidad el tratamiento definitivo de estas arritmias y su profilaxis durante la corrección quirúrgica son procesos eficaces, con baja morbilidad y gran beneficio clínico para el paciente. En este trabajo se revisa el estado actual del tratamiento quirúrgico de las arritmias en las cardiopatías…

research product

Assisting Electrophysiological Substrate Quantification in Atrial Fibrillation Ablation

[EN] Catheter ablation (CA) is the most popular treatment of atrial fibrillation (AF) with good results in paroxysmal AF, while its efficiency is significantly reduced in persistent AF. With the equipment used for CA strongly depending on electro-gram (EGM) fractionation quantification, the use of a reliable fractionation estimator is crucial to reduce the high recurrence rates in persistent AF. This work introduces a non-linear EGM fractionation quantification technique, which is based on coarse-grained correlation dimension (CGCD) computed over epochs of 1 second. Recordings were firstly normalized, denoised and lowpass filtered. The final CGCD value was calculated by the median CGCD valu…

research product

El tendón de Aquiles de la cirugía coronaria: el ictus postoperatorio

Resumen Los pacientes con factores de riesgo preexistentes de enfermedad cerebrovascular tienen durante la cirugia coronaria un mayor riesgo de presentar un ictus postoperatorio. Entre los principales factores de riesgo a considerar esta la edad, las comorbilidades y la tecnica quirurgica, en especial la manipulacion de la aorta. Este articulo revisa la informacion medico-quirurgica actual de la lesion neurologica tipo ictus durante la CABG aislada.

research product

Reliability of Local Activation Waves Features to Characterize Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation Substrate During Sinus Rhythm

[EN] Analysis of coronary sinus (CS) electrograms (EGMs) is vastly used for the assessment of the atrial fibrillation (AF) substrate. As a catheter consists of five dipoles (distal, mid-distal, medial, mid-proximal, proximal), results may vary upon the employed channel: myocardial contraction and bad contact are unavoidable factors affecting the recording. This work aims to specify the most reliable channels in catching AF dynamics, using 44 multichannel bipolar CS recordings in sinus rhythm (SR) of paroxysmal AF with 1-5 minutes duration. Local activation waves (LAWs) were detected and main features obtained: duration, amplitude, area and correlation between dominant morphologies of each c…

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