Rebeca Velasco
Kutane und systemische Veränderungen mit Ähnlichkeiten zum Omenn‐Syndrom bei heterozygoter Mutation im RAG2‐Gen
Two-year-old girl with tuberous xanthomas.
A 2-year-old girl was referred for evaluation because she had two nodular lesions located on both heels, and another elongated lesion in the intergluteal cleft. On physical examination, two yellow to orange well-defined nodules, suggestive of xanthomas, were bilaterally located on the Achilles tendon areas (figure 1A). Moreover, another yellowish, slightly raised lesion with band-like morphology was seen in the intergluteal cleft (figure 1B). There were no other anomalies on physical examination. Figure 1 (A) Tuberous xanthoma located on the left heel. (B) Planar xanthoma located in the intergluteal cleft. (C) Peripheral blood smear examination showing numerous red cells and two macrothromb…