Rudolf J. Knickenberg

Motivation zur psychosomatisch-psychotherapeutischen Bearbeitung von beruflichen Belastungen - Entwicklung und Validierung eines Fragebogens

Background There is a lack of questionnaires assessing the motivation of inpatients to scrutinize occupational stresses and deal with them as part of their psychotherapeutic treatment. Work-related stress contributes significantly to the development of mental disorders. Vocational reintegration is an outcome criterion for the success of vocational rehabilitation. Patients are often not motivated for dealing with occupational stresses during inpatient medical rehabilitation. Therefore it is necessary to assess patient motivation at the beginning of treatment, in order to assign them to specific interventions, e. g. promoting motivation. Method A questionnaire (Fragebogen zur berufsbezogenen …

research product

Vocational training integrated into inpatient psychosomatic rehabilitation--short and long-term results from a controlled study.

Purpose. The aim of this study was to determine the impact of a vocational training programme on short- and long-term results after psychosomatic rehabilitation. Method. 1,590 inpatients were screened for vocational integration. A high-risk group of 266 patients was randomly assigned to the vocational training programme plus psychosomatic treatment; treatment- as- usual served as a control condition. An occupational training was conducted at local companies, closely integrated into psychosomatic treatment. Vocational attitudes and adjustment were studied at intake, discharge, three, 12 and 24 month follow-ups. Results. More than half of the study participants were unemployment and/or long-t…

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Inanspruchnahme von Selbsthilfegruppen durch Patienten einer psychosomatischen Klinik/ Utilization and Significance of Self-Help Groups in Treatment Careers of Psychosomatic Inpatients

Zusammenfassung Fragestellung: Selbsthilfegruppen wurden in der psychosomatisch-psychotherapeutischen Forschung vernachlassigt. Diese Studie beschaftigt sich daher mit dem Stellenwert von Selbsthilfegruppen in der Behandlungskarriere von Patienten einer psychosomatischen Klinik. Methode: Vorerfahrungen mit Selbsthilfegruppen, Therapeutenempfehlungen und Plane fur kunftige Selbsthilfegruppenteilnahme wurden bei 1.604 Patienten bei Aufnahme und Entlassung aus einer psychosomatischen Behandlung untersucht. Ergebnisse: Patienten mit Selbsthilfegruppen-Erfahrungen (12 % aller Patienten) waren alter, gebildeter und hatten mehr Psychotherapie in Anspruch genommen. Sie berichteten eine langere Kran…

research product

Online Self-Help as an Add-On to Inpatient Psychotherapy: Efficacy of a New Blended Treatment Approach.

<b><i>Background:</i></b> Depression is one of the most frequent and costly mental disorders. While there is increasing evidence for the efficacy of online self-help to improve depression or prevent relapse, there is little evidence in blended care settings, especially combined with inpatient face-to-face psychotherapy. Therefore, we evaluated whether an evidence-based online self-help program improves the efficacy of inpatient psychotherapy. <b><i>Methods:</i></b> A total of 229 depressed patients were randomly allocated either to an online self-help program (intervention group [IG]; Deprexis) or an active control group (CG; weekly online inf…

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Inanspruchnahme von Selbsthilfegruppen und Psychotherapie im Anschluss an eine stationäre psychosomatisch-psychotherapeutische Behandlung

Until now little is known about the role of participation in self-help groups alone or combined with psychotherapy in post-in-patient care. In the present study 2933 patients were questioned about their experience of self-help groups and psychotherapy after discharge from a clinic for psychosomatic medicine and psychotherapy. Nearly 8 % of them utilized self-help groups (mostly combined with out-patient psychotherapy), and altogether 68 % out-patient psychotherapy following in-patient treatment. Patients without out-patient treatment were psychologically less burdened and had better resources than participants of self-help groups or psychotherapy. Self-help group members differed from patie…

research product

Psychodynamic focal group treatment for psychosomatic inpatients--with an emphasis on work-related conflicts.

Conflicts arising from the work setting have remained a neglected issue in psychotherapy. To address this, the present study investigated the effectiveness of a manualized focal group treatment for psychotherapeutic inpatients suffering from vocational strains and conflicts and identified predictors of outcome. Cohorts of patients were assigned either to a treatment (N=144) or control condition (N=135). The group therapy intervention was found to be highly accepted by participants who were also more optimistic about returning to work and more favorable in their evaluations of treatment than patients in the treatment-as-usual condition. Group climate was found to be a predictor of favorable …

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Does a cognitive-training programme improve the performance of middle-aged employees undergoing in-patient psychosomatic treatment?

Purpose. With the ever-increasing average life expectancy and rising age of retirement, cognitive and work capacities in advanced age take on great importance. Cognitive impairments, however, increase with age. The effect of cognitive-training programmes on people with mild cognitive impairment has not been verified in any systematic investigations.Method. This study presents a cognitive-training programme designed for middle-aged employees that was implemented and evaluated at the Psychosomatic Clinic Bad Neustadt/Saale in an AB study design (A: no intervention; B: intervention).Results. Memory performance of the intervention group (n = 33) improved significantly between intake and dischar…

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