Predicting children's mathematical performance in grade one by early numeracy
Abstract This longitudinal study examined how children's early numeracy assessed in kindergarten predicts their mathematical performance in the first grade, after controlling for the effects of age, gender, and parents' education. The participants were 212 Finnish children (107 girls and 105 boys). At the time of the first assessment (kindergarten), the mean age was six years, and the second assessment was conducted one year later. The results demonstrate that the acquisition of counting and relational skills before formal schooling are predictive of the acquisition of basic arithmetical skills and overall mathematical performance in grade one, above and beyond the effects of demographic fa…
Achievement emotions and arithmetic fluency : Development and parallel processes during the early school years
This study investigated the developmental trajectories and interrelationships of mathematics-related achieve-ment emotions and arithmetic fluency from first to third grade, and the effects of these on third grade mathe-matics performance. Participants were 232 Norwegian students. Students' emotions and arithmetic fluency were measured four times and mathematics performance once. Applying latent growth curve modeling, developmental patterns of decreasing enjoyment and increasing boredom were observed over time. The mean level of enjoyment remained fairly high, and of both boredom and anxiety quite low. Individual differences were observed in both the initial levels and development of all emo…
Achievement goal orientations and subjective well-being: A person-centred analysis
Abstract This study examined whether students with different achievement goal orientation profiles differ in terms of subjective well-being (i.e., self-esteem, depressive symptoms, school-related burnout, and educational goal appraisals). Six groups of students with unique motivational profiles were identified. Observed differences in subjective well-being indicated that goals related to self-improvement and growth were positively associated with various indices of well-being, whereas avoidance tendencies and concerns with validating or demonstrating one's competence were linked with different types of adjustment problems. Findings demonstrate the importance of including measures of well-be…