Teresa Pinho


Dental anomalies in a Portuguese population

The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence and pattern of agenesis, supernumerary teeth, impacted teeth and transpositions, as well as the relation between them, in a Portuguese sample.The study sample consisted of 2888 patients, observed between 2005 and 2009 at the Dentistry Clinic of the Instituto Superior de Ciências da Saúde-Norte (ISCSN, Portugal). The study included evaluation of the following parameters: agenesis of all teeth, supernumerary teeth, impacted permanent teeth and tooth transposition. The age range varied from 7 to 21 years. In order to study the absence of the third molar, subjects aged below 14 years were excluded. Statistical analysis was performed using SPS…

research product

Effects of mandibular setback surgery on upper airway dimensions and their influence on obstructive sleep apnoea - a systematic review.

Abstract Background Mandibular setback used to be the traditional treatment of choice for correcting mandibular prognathism. Nowadays, bimaxillary surgery is preferred. Several authors have asserted that mandibular setback causes a relative narrowing of the upper airway (UA) that could trigger obstructive sleep apnoea (OSA); however, its potential role in OSA development is still much debated. Another controversial subject is whether changes in airway space caused by the procedure are permanent. Objectives To ascertain the consequences for UA size and shape of mandibular setback surgery in comparison with bimaxillary surgery (maxillary advancement with Le Fort I and mandibular setback), and…

research product

Les agénésies dentaires dans la population portugaise

Resume Objectif Cette etude a cherche a evaluer la prevalence et la distribution de l’hypodontie dans la dentition permanente, avec et sans les troisiemes molaires, dans un echantillon de population portugaise. Patients et methodes Le groupe d’etude comprenait 2888 patients, suivis entre 2005 et 2009 a la clinique dentaire de l’Instituto Superior de Ciencias de Saude-Norte (ISCSN, Portugal). Les patients ont ete examines pour l’hypodontie, et pour la presence ou l’absence de dents temporaires chez ceux qui presentaient une agenesie. L’âge des sujets s’etalait de sept a 21 ans. Pour l’etude sur l’absence de troisiemes molaires, nous avons exclu les patients de moins de 14 ans. L’analyse stat…

research product

Esthetic Assessment of the Effect of Gingival Exposure in the Smile of Patients with Unilateral and Bilateral Maxillary Incisor Agenesis

Purpose: The aim of this study was to determine the dental esthetic perception of the smile of patients with maxillary lateral incisor agenesis (MLIA); the perceptions were examined pre- and post-treatment. Esthetic determinations were made with regard to the gingival exposure in the patients’ smile by orthodontists, general dentists, and laypersons. Materials and Methods: Three hundred eighty one people (80 orthodontists, 181 general dentists, 120 laypersons) rated the attractiveness of the smile in four cases before and after treatment, comprising two cases with unilateral MLIA and contralateral microdontia and two with bilateral MLIA. For each case, the buccal photograph was adjusted usi…

research product

Tooth agenesis in a Portuguese population.

Summary Objective The aim of this retrospective study was to evaluate the prevalence and pattern of hypodontia in the permanent dentition, including and excluding third molars, in a Portuguese sample. Patients and methods The study group comprised 2888 patients, observed between 2005 and 2009 at the Dentistry Clinic of the Instituto Superior de Ciencias de Saude-Norte (ISCSN, Portugal). The patients were examined for evidence of hypodontia and presence or absence of deciduous teeth in those presenting agenesis. The age range varied from 7 to 21 years. In order to study the absence of the third molar, subjects under 14 years were excluded. Statistical analysis was performed using SPSS®. Resu…

research product

Aesthetic assessment of the effect of gingival exposure in the smile of patients with unilateral and bilateral maxillary incisor agenesis.

Purpose: The aim of this study was to determine the dental esthetic perception of the smile of patients with maxillary lateral incisor agenesis (MLIA); the perceptions were examined pre- and post-treatment. Esthetic determinations were made with regard to the gingival exposure in the patients¿ smile by orthodontists, general dentists, and laypersons. Materials and Methods: Three hundred eighty one people (80 orthodontists, 181 general dentists, 120 laypersons) rated the attractiveness of the smile in four cases before and after treatment, comprising two cases with unilateral MLIA and contralateral microdontia and two with bilateral MLIA. For each case, the buccal photograph was adjusted usi…

research product

Relationship between perception of malocclusion and the psychological impact of dental aesthetics in university students.

Introduction and Objectives: The objectives were to assess the relationship between perceived smile aesthetics and perceived psychological impact as measured by the Psychosocial Impact of Dental Aesthetics Questionnaire (PIDAQ), and their own perception of it using the Aesthetic Component of the Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need (IOTN-AC) and a Visual Analog Scale (VAS); relate the IOTN-AC and VAS to the PIDAQ; and study the predictive capacity of the scales for psychological impact. Material and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in 447 college students in Spain and Portugal (average age 20.4 years, 33.1% men and 66.9% women). The online self-completed surveys used the recent…

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Anomalies dentaires chez une population portugaise

Resume Objectif Le but de cette etude etait d’evaluer, chez un echantillon portugais, la prevalence et la distribution des agenesies, des dents surnumeraires, des dents incluses et des transpositions dentaires, aussi bien que la relation entre ces differentes anomalies. Materiaux et methodes L’echantillon comprenait 2888 patients, observes entre 2005 et 2009 a la clinique de dentisterie de l’Instituto Superior de Ciencias da Saude-Norte (ISCSN, Portugal). L’etude comprenait l’evaluation des parametres suivants : agenesie de toutes les dents, dents surnumeraires, dents permanentes incluses et transpositions de dents. L’âge des sujets s’echelonnait de sept a 21 ans. Pour l’etude portant sur l…

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