Marie Frauciel
Les origines médiévales du « Ban de Laître » d’Augny, Moselle (fin du Xe – fin du XIVe s.)
Le document est est téléchargeable ici :https://www.researchgate.net/publication/324702732_Les_origines_medievales_du_Ban_de_Laitre_d'Augny_Moselle_fin_du_Xe_-_fin_du_XIVe_s/related; International audience
Une ferme seigneuriale (XIIIe – XVe siècle) à Laquenexy « Entre deux cours » (Moselle)
International audience
Analyse spatiale comparée de trois nécropoles mérovingiennes lorraines (Dieue-sur-Meuse « La Potence » (55), Lavoye « La Haie des Vaches » (55) et Prény « Bois Lasseau » (54) milieu Ve-VIIIe siècles)
International audience
Producing and working with iron
Combining archaeological studies and archaeometric analyses, this synthesis presents the importance of the iron economy in the eastern part of the Paris Basin from the First Iron Age to the early Middle Ages. The first contributions of this research project concern technological changes in the production system of iron objects. The attention paid to the share of recycling in production somewhat modifies the previous discourse in attempts to quantify the types of forged objects (tools, weapons, ornaments, etc). Additionally, the link between the status of the excavated sites (agricultural holding, rural hamlet, fortified site, large settlements) and the type of forging activity that was carr…