Elena Cristina Rada
Unconventional Reducing Gases Monitoring in Everyday Places
Abstract Air pollution, be it indoors or outdoors, is a major environmental health concern as it can lead to serious health effects, such as respiratory diseases, including asthma and lung cancer. Much progress has been made in Europe in improving outdoor air quality and limit values have been set for several pollutants. However, indoor air quality also requires attention because this is where we spend most of our time. Measurements at appropriate spatial and temporal scales are essential for understanding and monitoring heterogeneous environments with complex and highly variable emission sources, such as in urban areas. However, the costs and complexity of conventional air quality measurem…
Sustainable Development and Technological Impact on CO 2 Reducing Conditions in Romania
Climate change is a reality all over the world, and its complexity is increasing. Therefore, sustainability has become a national and international concern, ingrained in many organizational processes. The ability of organizations to respond to sustainability concerns is sometimes hindered by the complexity of integrating sustainability into business models and by the need to rethink their strategic directions. In Romania, sustainable development has become a priority for businesses, but even though companies are showing some concern, there are yet to demonstrate any full commitment (they are mainly concerned with areas such as society and the environment). This paper assesses Romania’s invo…
Experiencing Urban Mining in an Italian Municipality towards a Circular Economy vision
Abstract Selective waste collection in Italy has undergone significant changes over the last decade, highlighting very different approaches from one region to another. Research results presented in this paper are underlying differences between geographical regions and use them as a model of good practices to improve the less optimized systems. In the last decade, the Trento City Council has established a goal – the optimization of selective municipal solid waste collection – that led to a very low amount of recyclable materials in the residual fraction. More than that, for the first time sanitary textiles have been considered as a separable fraction at the source; for a long time this type …
Sustainable Development and Technological Impact on CO2 Reducing Conditions in Romania
Climate change is a reality all over the world, and its complexity is increasing. Therefore, sustainability has become a national and international concern, ingrained in many organizational processes. The ability of organizations to respond to sustainability concerns is sometimes hindered by the complexity of integrating sustainability into business models and by the need to rethink their strategic directions. In Romania, sustainable development has become a priority for businesses, but even though companies are showing some concern, there are yet to demonstrate any full commitment (they are mainly concerned with areas such as society and the environment). This paper assesses Romania’s invo…
Respirometric Index and Biogas Potential of Different Foods and Agricultural Discarded Biomass
The biological stability of biomass is an important parameter for treatment plant design, process control or compost use. Measuring the biological reactivity of waste with the help of indicators such as respirometric indexes (RI) becomes an important tool to prevent the significant environmental impact of biodegradable wastes in accordance with European legislation. The aim of this paper is to show the importance of the RI technique as a tool to establish further uses of biomass such as fertilizer or biogas. The respirometric process length for different types of biomass (grape marc, apple pomace and olive pomace) was quantified. Higher moisture content seemed to favor the biological activi…
Introduction of the circular economy within developing regions: A comparative analysis of advantages and opportunities for waste valorization
The introduction of effective solid waste management strategies in developing countries should be considered for improving sustainability at global level. Many barriers should be overcome, concerning the introduction of environmental policies, effective investments, social inclusion and public awareness, which are significant issues in low-middle income countries. The Circular Economy could represent the answer for improving current solid waste management activities worldwide, since denote the principle of waste valorization and recycling for boosting developing economies. This paper is focused on this theme, analyzing main opportunities for improving the current state of solid waste manage…
Renewable sources and its applications awareness in educational institutions
The topic of the presented research was to analyze the awareness on renewable energy sources among the students of three universities: the Ural Federal University (Russia), the University of Trento (Italy) and Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu (Romania). The survey included 6 basic multiple-choice questions about the main points of the renewable energy topic. Data were collected and analyzed in aid of percentage ratio of right answers among students on each possible answer. The approach adopted in the three universities for the education on topics related to renewable energy is different. This difference explains the different point of view of students on renewable energy.
Optimizing the Methodology of Characterization of Municipal Solid Waste in EU under a Circular Economy Perspective
Abstract The methodology for the characterization of residual municipal solid waste (RMSW) is available since decades. Some modifications have been introduced in order to modernize it. Now, in order to take into account the targets of the circular economy, an additional effort must be made to be sure of generating the right information suitable for the optimization of municipal solid waste in that frame. In that perspective, the Authors present a few proposals in order to avoid mistakes and to deepen the reliability of the data generated during the analysis performed to classify the residual municipal solid waste in fractions. A new model of characterization is thus proposed, suitable for p…
Energy recovery from Municipal Solid Waste in EU: proposals to assess the management performance under a circular economy perspective
In 2015 the European Commission issued a package of documents on Circular Economy concerning an integrated revision of legislative proposals on waste management. The aim was to stimulate a European transition towards a circular economy concept, which is expected to foster competitiveness, sustainable economic growth and new jobs generation. Three indicators are proposed in this paper to contribute to the assessment of the energy recovery management performance from MSW in a scenario of circular economy: a) referring to MSW directly used (RMSW) or indirectly used (SRF) as input of thermochemical plants, an indicator can be the percentage of waste having LHV > 13MJ/kg; b) referring to the MSW…
Good practices and actions for sustainable municipal solid waste management in the tourist sector
This paper deals with waste management in the tourism sector, specifically in the agro-tourism structures. Two regions of Romania and Italy have been considered as case studies in order to promote good practices and actions for sustainable municipal solid waste management. Specific criteria to adopt for the sustainable consumption of beverages and food and for the sustainable use of packaging of various types have been analyzed and suggested. The adoption of an indicator at the level of the single tourist structure has been proposed to help self-analysis that is aimed at setting the priorities of intervention for improving its environmental sustainability.
Although the main reason for the extraction of methane from coal beds continues to address ensuring the safety of workers, an important driver is the need to reduce emissions of greenhouse gases. In order to identify potential technical problems specific for available technologies implementation, we performed a comparative critical analysis, based on which the technically feasible systems resulted, their further selection being based on detailed analysis in financial and investment terms. The research goal was to establish options for using methane gas discharged through central degassing and main ventilation stations currently operational mines in the Jiu Valley collieries; through its lev…
The treatment and disposal of tyres from vehicles has long been of considerable environmental importance. The main problem lies in the mixed composition of the tyres. Studies have been undertaken to modify the structure of the tyres, especially with reference to the percentage of granulated rubber incorporated, in order to improve their performance, and also to reduce their environmental impact during normal functioning (noise, particulates, etc.) and facilitate recycling and final disposal. The aim of the present study is to review and compare how used tyres are treated and disposed of in two different EU countries. The first is Italy, which has been part of the European Union since its in…