Ivars Ijabs

Latvia. Human Development Report 2008/2009. Accountability and Responsibility

Accountability and Responsibility. The objetive of the 2008/2009 Human Development Report was to examine different levels of accountability and the specific way in which accountability is manifested in Latvia at individual, coolective, and institutional levels which come together to form an accountability "network". The Report also compares the situation in Latvia with that in the other Baltic States, the European Union, and elsewhere in the world.

research product

Latvija. Pārskats par tautas attīstību 2012/2013. Ilgtspējīga nācija

Pārskats par tautas attīstību sagatavots valsts pētījumu programmas «Nacionālā identitāte» ietvaros.

research product

After the Referendum

During the years 2011–2014, Latvia experienced a significant increase in the adoption and use of militant democracy measures—constitutional amendments, refusals of party registration, restrictions on referendums and popular initiatives. These events, triggered by a widely attended referendum on the introduction of Russian as the second state language, highlighted the problematic relations between democracy and nation-building in Latvia. Despite earlier expectations that the original militancy of Latvian democracy would decrease with the gradual integration of the Russophone minority, recent developments show that the defence of a particular type of nation-building has become an integral pa…

research product

Another Baltic Postcolonialism: Young Latvians, Baltic Germans, and the emergence of Latvian National Movement

This article looks at the emergence of Latvian nationalism in the mid-nineteenth century from the intercultural perspective of postcolonial theory. The writings of early Young Latvians, and the reaction to them from the dominant Baltic German elite, show that the emergence of a modern Latvian nationalism is to a large extent due to postcolonial mimicry, as described by Homi Bhabha. Attempts to imitate German cultural models and to develop a Latvian high culture lead to hostile reactions from the German side, which, in their turn, lead to increasing consolidation of Latvian nationalism. Since the Baltic German elite increasingly legitimized its rule in terms of cultural superiority, the Youn…

research product

The Nation of the Socialist Intelligentsia: The National Issue in the Political Thought of Early Latvian Socialism

This article deals with the political debates of early Latvian socialists concerning the national question in the late nineteenth and early twentieth century. These debates were crucial for the later development of Latvian politics. The idea of Latvian democratic statehood was first pronounced and advocated in this context. The debate also strongly influenced those Latvian socialists, who as the ‘vanguard of Bolshevism,’ later became devout followers of Lenin. An interaction of several intellectual traditions can be observed in these debates, both German and Russian. The internationalist orientation of the later Bolsheviks (Fricis Roziņš, Pēteris Stučka) is mainly due to the influence of th…

research product

Unintended Effects of Energy Efficiency Policy: Lessons Learned in the Residential Sector

The European Union has set an ambitious goal to tackle climate change, and energy efficiency in the residential sector is among the measures required to close the gap between targeted and actual greenhouse gas emissions. While different policy tools have been applied, the diffusion rate of these measures remains low. A system dynamics simulation model of the residential sector was developed to assess the advantages and drawbacks of energy efficiency policy in the multi-family building sector based on experience accumulated over the last twelve years in Latvia. The model was validated in expert group model building sessions and with historical trends. Simulating the model, a hypothesis was t…

research product

Latvija. Pārskats par tautas attīstību 2008/2009. Atbildīgums

Šis ir desmitais pētnieku sagatavotais "Pārskats par tautas attīstību" un trešais, kuru sagatavojis Latvijas Universitātes Sociālo un politisko pētījumu institūts (SPPI) sadarbībā ar partneriem no Rīgas un reģionālajām augstskolām – Rīgas Stradiņa universitāti, Daugavpils Universitāti, Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāti un Vidzemes Augstskolu. 2008./ 2009. gada Pārskata uzmanības centrā - plaši sazarotā atbildīguma problēma. Spēja apzināties atbildību un paust to savā rīcībā veido to “līmi”, kas nodrošina ilgtspējīgas saites starp dažādiem indivīdiem, sociālajām un politiskajām grupām. Mūsdienu sabiedrībā atbildīgums ir kļuvis par neatņemamu sabiedrības vērtīborientāciju komponenti. Pār…

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