Juris Rozenvalds
Latvia. Human Development Report 2008/2009. Accountability and Responsibility
Accountability and Responsibility. The objetive of the 2008/2009 Human Development Report was to examine different levels of accountability and the specific way in which accountability is manifested in Latvia at individual, coolective, and institutional levels which come together to form an accountability "network". The Report also compares the situation in Latvia with that in the other Baltic States, the European Union, and elsewhere in the world.
How Democratic is Latvia? Audit of Democracy 2005–2014
The Audit of Democracy 2014 prepared within the scope of National Research Programme “National Identity”. Audit preparation and publication supported by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation and the United States Embassy in Latvia.
Latvija. Pārskats par tautas attīstību 2012/2013. Ilgtspējīga nācija
Pārskats par tautas attīstību sagatavots valsts pētījumu programmas «Nacionālā identitāte» ietvaros.
Cik demokrātiska ir Latvija? Demokrātijas audits, 2005–2014
Demokrātijas audits 2014 sagatavots Valsts pētījumu programmas “Nacionālā identitāte” ietvaros. Izdevuma sagatavosanu un izdosanu atbalstījusi Frīdriha Eberta fonds un ASV vēstniecība Latvijā.
Russian-speaking communities in the member states of the European Union (EU), especially the Baltic States and Germany, have earned special attention, in recent years, as subjects of important integration policies, on one hand, and the main targets of Russia’s propagandist efforts, on the other. Because a significant part of Russian-speaking communities accepted these efforts, questions were raised concerning the effectiveness of previous integration policies to strengthen the national identity and invoke a feeling of political togetherness. Thus the factors fostering and triggering integration and the relations between civic and ethnocultural components of integration are of wide interest.…
Latvija. Pārskats par tautas attīstību 2008/2009. Atbildīgums
Šis ir desmitais pētnieku sagatavotais "Pārskats par tautas attīstību" un trešais, kuru sagatavojis Latvijas Universitātes Sociālo un politisko pētījumu institūts (SPPI) sadarbībā ar partneriem no Rīgas un reģionālajām augstskolām – Rīgas Stradiņa universitāti, Daugavpils Universitāti, Latvijas Lauksaimniecības universitāti un Vidzemes Augstskolu. 2008./ 2009. gada Pārskata uzmanības centrā - plaši sazarotā atbildīguma problēma. Spēja apzināties atbildību un paust to savā rīcībā veido to “līmi”, kas nodrošina ilgtspējīgas saites starp dažādiem indivīdiem, sociālajām un politiskajām grupām. Mūsdienu sabiedrībā atbildīgums ir kļuvis par neatņemamu sabiedrības vērtīborientāciju komponenti. Pār…
Phenomenological Ideas in Latvia: Kurt Stavenhagen and Theodor Celms on Husserl’s Transcendental Phenomenology
It is commonly known that after the publication of Husserl’s Logical Investigations a great number of students from different countries came to Gottingen and, after 1916, to Freiburg to study phenomenology with Husserl. Among them were students from the Baltic states. The best-known of them, Avon Gurwitsch and Emmanuel Levinas, left their native country Lithuania to study and never came back. Their subsequent philosophical careers were connected with the United States and France, respectively. Quite different is the case of Husserl’s students from Latvia. Unlike E. Levinas and A. Gurwitsch, all of them returned to Latvia after their studies in Gottingen and Freiburg. Therefore it is possibl…