Alberto Domínguez-vicent
Power profiles in multifocal contact lenses with variable multifocal zone
BACKGROUND The power profile of multifocal contact lenses has been demonstrated to report important information that could be used during the fitting process. The aim of this work is to describe the power profile of a recent set of gas permeable multifocal contact lenses as a function of the pupil radius. METHODS The measured multifocal contact lenses have a centre-distance design, and are available with five distance-vision diameters (XS, S, M, L and XL) and two different additions: Type A (up to +2.00 D) and Type B (up to +2.50 D). The optical device NIMO TR1504 (Lambda-X, Nivelles, Belgium) was used to obtain the power profile measurements. The optical lens power distribution as a functi…
Optical and visual quality comparison of implantable Collamer lens and laser in situ keratomileusis for myopia using an adaptive optics visual simulator.
Purpose. To compare optical and visual quality of the implantable Collamer lens (ICL) and laser in situ keratomileusis (LASIK) for myopia. Methods. An adaptive optics visual simulator (CRX1, Imagine Eyes, France) was used to simulate the vision after ICL implantation and LASIK procedure from the wavefront aberration pattern for -3 and -6 D. Monocular visual acuity (VA) at different contrasts and contrast sensitivity (CS) at 10, 20, and 25 cycles/degree (cpd) were measured for 3- and 5-mm pupils. Modulation transfer function (MTF) and point spread function (PSF) were calculated for a 5-mm pupil. Results. The ICL showed a MTF near of diffraction-limited MTF, but the post-LASIK of MTF worsened…
Optical quality of hyperopic and myopic phakic intraocular lenses
Aims: To assess and compare the optical quality of the myopic and hyperopic implantable collamer lens (ICL) from its wavefront aberrations for different powers and pupil diameters. Settings and Design: Prospective study. Material and Methods: The wavefront aberrations of two myopic (−3 and −6 diopters (D)) and two hyperopic V4b ICLs (+3 and +6D) were measured in vitro . To assess and compare the optical quality of different powers of ICLs, we analyzed the root mean square (RMS) of total higher order aberrations (HOAs), trefoil, coma, tetrafoil, secondary astigmatism, and spherical aberration at 3- and 4.5-mm pupil. In addition, the point spread functions (PSFs) of each ICL evaluated were ca…
Repeatability of in-vitro optical quality measurements of intraocular lenses with a deflectometry technique effect of the toricity
Aim To evaluate the repeatability of an optical device for measuring the Zernike coefficients of toric intraocular lenses (IOLs) and assess whether its toricity has any impact in its repeatability. Methods An experienced technician used the NIMO TR1504 to measure the Zernike coefficients 30 times for an aperture of 4.50 mm for all lenses included. The IOLs included were divided into two group: toric and non-toric ones. The cylindrical powers of the toric lenses included in the present study were 1.00, 1.50, 2.25, 3.00 and 3.75 D. Finally, the repeatability of the NIMO TR1504 was described in terms of within subject standard deviation (Sw) and repeatability limit. Results The Sw was smaller …
Optical and Visual Quality of the Visian Implantable Collamer Lens Using an Adaptive-Optics Visual Simulator
To evaluate visual and optical quality of the implantable collamer lens for different powers and sizes of incision surgery.Prospective study in humans.An adaptive optics visual simulator was used to measure 3 powers of implantable collamer lenses and simulate the implantable collamer lens wavefront aberration's pattern for small- and large-incision surgery. Visual acuity (VA) and contrast sensitivity were measured in 11 observers for 3- and 5-mm pupils. Modulation transfer function, point spread function, and Strehl ratio were calculated.At 3 mm pupil, no statistically significant differences were found between both incision sizes for any implantable collamer lens power, except for -15 diop…
Assessment of corneal morphological changes induced by the use of daily disposable contact lenses.
To assess the effect of different disposable soft contact lenses upon corneal thickness, and upon anterior and posterior corneal curvatures using a dual-Scheimpflug imaging based device.Twenty-eight young, healthy subjects wore four different types of daily disposable soft contact lenses on four different days: Dailies Total1, Proclear 1 Day, Clariti 1-Day and 1-Day Acuvue Moist. The lenses had different material and water content. Pachymetry maps and keratometry values were obtained using the Galilei G4 twice a day: one before putting the lens on and one after an eight-hour period of contact-lens wear. Measurements were also recorded without any contact lenses being worn during a day.Clari…
Repeatability of in vitro power profile measurements for multifocal contact lenses
Abstract Purpose To evaluate the repeatability of an optical device (NIMO TR1504, Lambda-X, Belgium) for measuring multifocal contact lens power profiles. Methods The NIMO TR1504 was used to measure power profiles 30 times for each of 10 different contact lenses from 4 major companies. All contact lenses were labelled as −3 D for distance vision; half were for high addition and half for low addition. The optical zone in all measurements was set to 3-mm radius. For each lens, the median power profile and the residuals of the 30 measurements were calculated. The 95% confidence bands and two indices that summarize measurement errors were calculated: the repeatability limit and an index of repe…
Objective assessment of cataract: Comparison between the Lens Opacities Classification System III and a Scheimpflug camera
Purpose Develop an automatic system for cataract classification using the Sirius Scheimpflug for both nuclear and cortical cataract. Methods Scheimpflug images were taken using the Sirius system in 50 patients with nuclear and/or cortical cataract (mean age 69 ± 9.2 years). The nuclear opacity (NO) and cortical opacity was graded by an ophthalmologist according to the Lens Opacities Classification System (LOCSIII) by comparing the slit-lamp image with the LOCS's standard nuclear images. A custom-made MATLAB program was used to calculate the pixel intensity value within a region of interest (ROI) of the nucleus and to calculate the percentage of opaque pixels in the cortex. Results Eighty-ni…
Medida da profundidade da câmara anterior, distância branco a branco, ângulo da câmara anterior e diâmetro pupilar usando dois dispositivos de imagens de Scheimpflug
Purpose: To compare the ocular anterior chamber depth, white-to-white distance, anterior chamber angle, and pupil diameter, as measured with two different Scheimpflug imaging devices. Methods: This transversal study included 80 right eyes from 80 subjects aged from 20 to 40 years. Their spherical equivalents ranged from -4.25 to +1.00 diopters (D). Each eye's anterior chamber depth, white-to-white distance, anterior chamber angle, and pupil diameter, were measured for far vision using both the Galilei G4 (double Scheimpflug camera) and the Pentacam HR (single Scheimpflug camera) systems. Results: Mean anterior chamber depths were calculated as 3.12 ± 0.23 mm and 3.19 ± 0.24 mm when measured…
Assessment of modifications in thickness, curvatures, and volume upon the cornea caused by disposable soft contact lens wear.
Purpose To assess the effect of different disposable soft contact lenses on several corneal parameters–-thickness, anterior and posterior curvature, and volume–-by means of a Scheimpflug imaging-based device (Pentacam HR). Diurnal variations of these parameters were taken into account. Methods Twenty-one young, healthy subjects wore 4 different types of daily disposable soft contact lenses on 4 different days: Dailies AquaComfort Plus, SofLens, Dailies Total1, and Acuvue TruEye. The lenses had different material and water content. Pachymetry and curvature maps and corneal volume values were obtained using the Pentacam HR twice a day: one before putting the lens on and one after an 8-hour pe…
Effect of Decentration on the Optical Quality of Two Intraocular Lenses
To analyze the effect of decentration on the optical quality of two diffractive-refractive intraocular lenses, a bifocal and a trifocal, when displaced laterally (horizontal direction) from the center.The AT LISA 809M IOL (+3.75 D add) with two main foci and the AT LISA tri 839MP intraocular lens with three main foci (Carl Zeiss Meditec AG, Jena, Germany) were analyzed. The optical quality of the intraocular lenses was measured with the PMTF (power and modulation transfer function [MTF] measurement for refractive and diffractive intraocular lenses) optical bench (Lambda-X, Nivelles, Belgium). The optical quality of the lenses was evaluated by the MTF at different object vergences, the avera…
Myopic astigmatism correction: comparison of a Toric Implantable Collamer Lens and a bioptics technique by an adaptive optics visual simulator.
Purpose To compare the optical and visual quality of a simulated Toric Implantable Collamer Lens (TICL) and a bioptics technique to treat high myopic astigmatism. Methods An adaptive optics visual simulator was used to simulate the vision after TICL implantation and a bioptics procedure from the wavefront aberration pattern for moderate and high-myopic astigmatism. Visual acuity (VA) at different contrasts and contrast sensitivity (CS) at 10, 20 and 25 cycles degree−1 were measured for 3 and 5-mm pupils. Modulation Transfer Function (MTF) and Point Spread Function (PSF) were calculated for a 5-mm pupil. Results At a 3-mm pupil we only found statistically significant differences in VA betwee…
Intrasubject repeatability of corneal power, thickness, and wavefront aberrations with a new version of a dual rotating Scheimpflug–Placido system
Purpose To determine the intrasubject repeatability of a recently introduced dual-camera rotating Scheimpflug–Placido imaging system (Galilei G4) in determining corneal thickness, power, and wavefront aberrations in young healthy subjects. Setting University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain. Design Prospective evaluation of diagnostic technology. Methods The study comprised right eyes of 25 subjects aged 20 to 40 years with a spherical equivalent ranging from −4.25 to +1.00 diopters. The central corneal thickness, thinnest point value and location, anterior and posterior surface curvatures, total corneal power, and corneal wavefront aberrations were measured for distance vision using the dual S…
Measurements of anterior chamber depth, white-to-white distance, anterior chamber angle, and pupil diameter using two Scheimpflug imaging devices.
Purpose: To compare the ocular anterior chamber depth, white-to-white distance, anterior chamber angle, and pupil diameter, as measured with two different Scheimpflug imaging devices. Methods: This transversal study included 80 right eyes from 80 subjects aged from 20 to 40 years. Their spherical equivalents ranged from -4.25 to +1.00 diopters (D). Each eye's anterior chamber depth, white-to-white distance, anterior chamber angle, and pupil diameter, were measured for far vision using both the Galilei G4 (double Scheimpflug camera) and the Pentacam HR (single Scheimpflug camera) systems. Results: Mean anterior chamber depths were calculated as 3.12 ± 0.23 mm and 3.19 ± 0.24 mm when measured…
Multisectorial changes in the ciliary muscle during accommodation measured with high-resolution optical coherence tomography
ABSTRACT Purpose: To measure changes in the anterior ciliary muscle during accommodation at the nasal, superior, temporal, and inferior sectors by means of an anterior chamber optical coherence tomographer, and correlate them with vergence changes. Methods: Twenty-four subjects with healthy, phakic eyes, whose mean age was 27.1 ± 8.9 years, underwent measurement with an anterior chamber optical coherence tomographer. The anterior ciliary muscle was measured at the nasal, temporal, superior, and inferior sectors for 0, -1, -2, and -3 D of vergence. A linear model was used to assess the correlation of each eye parameter with the accommodative demand. Results: The anterior ciliary muscle area …
Posterior chamber phakic intraocular lenses to improve visual outcomes in keratoconus patients
The aim of this review is to summarize the results of using posterior chamber phakic intraocular lenses (pIOLs) to restore quality of vision in keratoconus patients. These pIOLs can correct the refractive errors associated with keratoconus and can also be combined with other surgical techniques to improve the results.
Effect of contact lenses on ocular biometric measurements based on swept-source optical coherence tomography
ABSTRACT Purpose: To determine the reliability of swept- source optical coherence tomography in cases in which soft contact lenses cannot be removed when acquiring biometric measurements. Methods: Eight subjects were included and only one eye per participant was analyzed. Each eye was measured six times by swept-source optical coherence tomography with the IOLMaster 700 instrument (Carl Zeiss Meditec, Jena, Germany). Axial length, central corneal thickness, anterior chamber depth, lens thickness, and keratometric measurements were evaluated for the naked eye and while wearing soft contact lenses of three different powers (-1.5, -3.0, and +2.0 D). Results: There were statistically significan…
Confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscopy versus modified conventional fundus camera for fundus autofluorescence.
Fundus autofluorescence (FAF) is a noninvasive imaging method to detect fundus endogenous fluorophores, mainly lipofuscin located in the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE). The FAF provides information about lipofuscin distribution and RPE health, and consequently an increased accumulation of lipofuscin has been correlated with ageing and development of certain retinal conditions. Areas covered: An exhaustive literature search in MEDLINE (via OVID) and PUBMED for articles related to ocular FAF in retinal diseases and different devices used for acquiring FAF imaging was conducted. Expert commentary: This review aims to show an overview about autofluorescence in the RPE and the main devices use…
Optical quality comparison among different Boston contact lens materials.
BACKGROUND The aim was to assess the optical quality of four Boston contact lens materials with an optical device based on Schlieren interferometry. METHODS The NIMO TR1504 (Lambda-X, Nivelles, Belgium) was used to measure higher-order aberrations and their corresponding root mean square values of four different rigid gas permeable contact lenses made from four different Boston materials: EO, ES, XO and XO2 . For each lens, 30 measurements were performed with two optical apertures: 3.0 mm and 6.0 mm. The modulation transfer function, point spread function, Strehl ratio and a simulation of the image provided by the lens were computed from the Zernike coefficients measured up to the fourth or…
Changes in anterior chamber eye during accommodation as assessed using a Dual Scheimpflug system
Purpose: To study the changes in anterior chamber depth (ACD), anterior chamber angle (ACA), and pupil diameter (PD) during accommodation. Methods: Eighty eyes of 80 subjects, aged 22 to 40 years, were included. The rotating Dual Scheimpflug and a Placido disc system (Galilei G4, Ziemer Ophthalmic Systems AG, Switzerland) was used to measure the changes in ACD, ACA, and PD during accommodation. ACD measurement was taken for the central zone and for 4 more positions, each in different orientation (nasal, superior, temporal and inferior), 4 mm away from the centre. ACA was measured for the whole eye as well for the nasal, superior, temporal, and inferior quadrants. These metrics were obtained…
Changes in the anterior chamber during accommodation assessed with a Scheimpflug system.
Purpose To study changes in the anterior chamber depth (ACD), anterior chamber angle, and pupil diameter with accommodation. Setting University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain. Design Evaluation of diagnostic technology. Methods A rotating Scheimpflug camera (Pentacam HR) was used to measure changes in the ACD, anterior chamber angle, and pupil diameter with accommodation. Peripheral ACD was measured at the corneal center and 2.0 mm away from it in the nasal, superior, temporal, and inferior directions. The anterior chamber angle was computed as the mean anterior chamber angle of the entire eye. All measurements were obtained with accommodation stimuli ranging from +1.0 to −4.0 diopters (D) in…
In vitro power profiles of multifocal simultaneous vision contact lenses.
Abstract Purpose To evaluate the power profile of multifocal contact lenses (CLs) using a new technology based on quantitative deflectometry. Methods The Nimo TR1504 was used to analyze the power distribution of multifocal CLs. The CLs under study were: Air Optix Aqua Multifocal Low, Medium and High Addition and Focus Progressives. Three lenses of each model were considered. Results All multifocal CLs showed a power profile characterized by a change toward more positive power values when aperture sizes become smaller. The near refractive addition of the lenses under study was +2.61 D, +1.44 D, +1.30 D and +0.30 D for the Focus Progressives, the Air Optix Aqua Multifocal High, Medium Add and…
Device interchangeability on anterior chamber depth and white-to-white measurements: a thorough literature review
We have reviewed a set of recently published studies that compared the anterior chamber depth (ACD) and/or white-to-white (WTW) distance obtained by means of different measuring devices. Since some of those studies reached contradictory conclusions regarding device interchangeability, this review was carried out in attempting to clarify which clinical devices can or cannot be considered as interchangeable in clinical practice to measure ACD and/or WTW distance, among these devices: A-scan, ultrasound biomicroscopy, Orbscan and Orbscan II (Bausch&Lomb Surgical Inc., San Dimas, California, USA), Pentacam and Pentacam HR (Oculus, Wetzlar, Germany), Galilei (Ziemer, Switzerland), Visante optica…
Power Profiles and In Vitro Optical Quality of Scleral Contact Lenses: Effect of the Aperture and Power
To assess the power profile and in vitro optical quality of scleral contact lenses with different powers as a function of the optical aperture. The mini and semiscleral contact lenses (Procornea) were measured for five powers per design. The NIMO TR-1504 (Lambda-X) was used to assess the power profile and Zernike coefficients of each contact lens. Ten measurements per lens were taken at 3- and 6-mm apertures. Furthermore, the optical quality of each lens was described in Zernike coefficients, modulation transfer function, and point spread function (PSF). A convolution of each lens PSF with an eye-chart image was also computed. The optical power fluctuated less than 0.5 diopters (D) along th…
Optical quality comparison between 2 collagen copolymer posterior chamber phakic intraocular lens designs
Purpose To compare the optical quality in vitro of 2 designs of the Visian Implantable Collamer Lens phakic intraocular lens (pIOL) for different powers and optical apertures. Setting University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain. Design Experimental study. Methods The Nimo TR1504 deflectometry device was used to measure the V4c pIOL, which has a smaller optic diameter, and the V5 pIOL, which has a larger optic diameter. The pIOLs were measured for −3.00 diopters (D), −6.00 D, −9.50 D, and −10.50 D at different optical apertures from 3.00 to 6.00 mm depending on the IOL power and model. The root mean square of higher-order aberrations (RMS HOAs) was analyzed. The Strehl ratio, point-spread functi…
Tolerance to rotation of toric monofocal and bifocal intraocular lenses. A theoretical study
Abstract This manuscript aims to evaluate the tolerance to rotation of a toric monofocal and a toric bifocal intraocular lenses with different cylinder powers. Theoretical designs based on wavefront aberrations were created to simulate a toric monofocal and a toric bifocal intraocular lens. Cylinder power ranged from −1 D to −6 D, in steps of −1 D. Tolerance to rotation was estimated by the visual Strehl ratio based on the optical transfer function (VSOTF) metric. Tolerance to rotation for both monofocal and bifocal intraocular lenses decreased when the cylinder power increased. For the bifocal design studied, the tolerance to rotation was larger for the near focus than for the far, however…
The effect of simulated normal and amblyopic higher-order aberrations on visual performance.
Purpose To study the effect of simulated amblyopic and normal higher-order aberrations on visual performance of normal eyes. Methods To assess visual function, an adaptive optics visual simulator was used to compensate volunteers' ocular aberrations and simulate the wavefront aberration patterns found in healthy and amblyopic eyes in 7 healthy individuals. Visual acuity for high (100%), medium (50%), and low (10%) contrast and contrast sensitivity at 10, 20, and 25 cycles per degree (cpd) were measured after simulation of both pattern aberrations. The modulation transfer function and the point spread function were computed based on the aberration data. All measures were taken for 3 and 5.5 …
Interchangeability among five devices that measure anterior eye distances.
The aim was to study the interchangeability of various devices that measure anterior chamber depth (ACD) and white-to-white (WTW) distance.Eighty right eyes of eighty patients aged 20 to 40 years were included. Their spherical equivalent ranged from -4.25 to +1.00 dioptres. Each eye's ACD and the WTW distance were measured using the following devices: a Castroviejo surgical calliper, CA-200F Corneal Analyser, Orbscan II, Pentacam HR and IOLMaster 500.The Pentacam HR measured significantly greater ACD (p0.01) than the other two devices, whereas IOLMaster 500 and Orbscan II yielded comparable (p0.01) distances. Nonetheless, in every device comparison, the mean difference was within clinically…
In vitro optical quality comparison of 2 trifocal intraocular lenses and 1 progressive multifocal intraocular lens.
Purpose To evaluate the optical quality of 3 multifocal intraocular lenses (IOLs): the Mini Well Ready progressive multifocal aspheric IOL, the AT LISA trifocal diffractive IOL, and the Finevision full diffractive trifocal IOL. Setting University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain. Design Experimental study. Methods An instrument designed for measuring real-time modulation transfer function (MTF) and IOL power was used to measure the optical quality of each IOL for 3.0 mm and 4.5 mm apertures. This instrument measures both sagittal and tangential MTFs. The optical quality of each IOL was evaluated with the MTF, through-focus MTF, defocus tolerance, Strehl ratio MTF, and relative percentage of lig…
Effect of age in the ciliary muscle during accommodation: Sectorial analysis
Abstract Purpose To compare changes in the ciliary muscle area at different sectors between pre-presbyopic and presbyopic eyes during accommodation by means of an anterior segment optical coherence tomographer (OCT). Methods The anterior ciliary muscle area was measured in 20 healthy and phakic pre-presbyopic eyes, whose mean age was 23.3 ± 4.4 years, and in 20 healthy and phakic presbyopic eyes, whose mean age was 46.5 ± 5.2 years. The relative change in the cross-sectional area of the ciliary muscle was measured at the nasal, inferior, and temporal sectors between 0 and −3 D of vergence, in −1 D step. A linear model was used to assess the correlation of each eye parameter with the accommo…
Effect of contact lenses on ocular biometric measurements based on swept-source optical coherence tomography
ABSTRACT Purpose: To determine the reliability of swept- source optical coherence tomography in cases in which soft contact lenses cannot be removed when acquiring biometric measurements. Methods: Eight subjects were included and only one eye per participant was analyzed. Each eye was measured six times by swept-source optical coherence tomography with the IOLMaster 700 instrument (Carl Zeiss Meditec, Jena, Germany). Axial length, central corneal thickness, anterior chamber depth, lens thickness, and keratometric measurements were evaluated for the naked eye and while wearing soft contact lenses of three different powers (-1.5, -3.0, and +2.0 D). Results: There were statistically significan…
Measurements of anterior chamber depth, white-to-white distance, anterior chamber angle, and pupil diameter using two Scheimpflug imaging devices
Purpose: To compare the ocular anterior chamber depth, white-to-white distance, anterior chamber angle, and pupil diameter, as measured with two different Scheimpflug imaging devices. Methods: This transversal study included 80 right eyes from 80 subjects aged from 20 to 40 years. Their spherical equivalents ranged from -4.25 to +1.00 diopters (D). Each eye's anterior chamber depth, white-to-white distance, anterior chamber angle, and pupil diameter, were measured for far vision using both the Galilei G4 (double Scheimpflug camera) and the Pentacam HR (single Scheimpflug camera) systems. Results: Mean anterior chamber depths were calculated as 3.12 ± 0.23 mm and 3.19 ± 0.24 mm when measured…
Changes in anterior chamber eye during accommodation as assessed using a Dual Scheimpflug system
Purpose: To study the changes in anterior chamber depth (ACD), anterior chamber angle (ACA), and pupil diameter (PD) during accommodation. Methods: Eighty eyes of 80 subjects, aged 22 to 40 years, were included. The rotating Dual Scheimpflug and a Placido disc system (Galilei G4, Ziemer Ophthalmic Systems AG, Switzerland) was used to measure the changes in ACD, ACA, and PD during accommodation. ACD measurement was taken for the central zone and for 4 more positions, each in different orientation (nasal, superior, temporal and inferior), 4 mm away from the centre. ACA was measured for the whole eye as well for the nasal, superior, temporal, and inferior quadrants. These metrics were obtained…
Multisectorial changes in the ciliary muscle during accommodation measured with high-resolution optical coherence tomography
ABSTRACT Purpose: To measure changes in the anterior ciliary muscle during accommodation at the nasal, superior, temporal, and inferior sectors by means of an anterior chamber optical coherence tomographer, and correlate them with vergence changes. Methods: Twenty-four subjects with healthy, phakic eyes, whose mean age was 27.1 ± 8.9 years, underwent measurement with an anterior chamber optical coherence tomographer. The anterior ciliary muscle was measured at the nasal, temporal, superior, and inferior sectors for 0, -1, -2, and -3 D of vergence. A linear model was used to assess the correlation of each eye parameter with the accommodative demand. Results: The anterior ciliary muscle area …