Dinesh Kumar
Nutrient removal by rice–wheat cropping system as influenced by crop establishment techniques and fertilization options in conjunction with microbial inoculation
AbstractNutrient uptake by the rice–wheat cropping system (RWCS) is an important indicator of soil fertility and plant nutrient status. The hypothesis of this investigation was that the rate and sources of nutrient application can differentially influence nutrient removal and soil nutrient status in different crop establishment techniques (CETs). Cropping system yield was on par in all the CETs evaluated, however, there were significant changes in soil nutrient availability and microbiological aspects. The system nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K) and zinc (Zn) uptake in aerobic rice system followed by zero tillage wheat (ARS-ZTW) was 15.7–17.6 kg ha−1, 0.7–0.9 kg ha−1, 7–9.8 kg ha…
Characterizing the effects of salt stress in Calendula officinalis L
In this study the effects of salt stress on growth and several stress markers were investigated in the ornamental and medicinal plant Calendula officinalis. One month old plants were submitted to increasing concentrations of salt up to 150mM NaCl for a period of 30 days. Salinity affected growth in terms of stem length and fresh weight of the plants, but water content remained unchanged indicating a certain tolerance to low and mild concentrations of salt. Although Na+ and Cl− increased in parallel to applied salt treatments, the levels of K+ and Ca2+ showed no significant change, while Mg2+ levels recorded a two folds increase upon the application of the highest salt concentration. Other m…
Synthesis of spherical porous silicas in the micron and submicron size range: challenges and opportunities for miniaturized high-resolution chromatographic and electrokinetic separations.
Classical silica technology has reached its limit with respect to an ultimate minimum particle size of about 2 microm in diameter. Here, a novel process is presented which allows one to synthesize porous silica beads and control their particle diameter in situ, within the range of 0.2-2.0 microm. As a result, no sizing is required and losses of silica are avoided. Furthermore, the process enables one to control in situ the pore structural parameters and the surface chemistry of the silica beads. Even though surface funtionalized silicas made according to this process can principally be applied in fast HPLC the column pressure drop will be high even for short columns. In addition, the column…
Validating retinal fundus image analysis algorithms: issues and a proposal.
This paper concerns the validation of automatic retinal image analysis (ARIA) algorithms. For reasons of space and consistency, we concentrate on the validation of algorithms processing color fundus camera images, currently the largest section of the ARIA literature. We sketch the context (imaging instruments and target tasks) of ARIA validation, summarizing the main image analysis and validation techniques. We then present a list of recommendations focusing on the creation of large repositories of test data created by international consortia, easily accessible via moderated Web sites, including multicenter annotations by multiple experts, specific to clinical tasks, and capable of running …
MCM-41, MCM-48 and related mesoporous adsorbents: their synthesis and characterisation
MCM-41, MCM-48, MCM-41 analogue materials and disordered silica xerogels were compared with respect to their long range and short range order, their specific surface area, pore structure and pore structural parameters, pore wall thickness and their surface hydroxyl group concentration. Based on X-ray diffraction data it could be seen that the degree of long range order decreased in the order MCM-41>MCM-48>MCM-41 analogues >amorphous silica xerogels. The particle porosity and pore wall thickness increased in the same sequence such that MCM-41 analogues and amorphous silica xerogels were more stable towards water and water vapour. The concentration of the surface hydroxyl groups increased whe…
Rational design, tailored synthesis and characterisation of ordered mesoporous silicas in the micron and submicron size range
Cooperative formation of inorganic-organic interfaces in the synthesis of silicate mesostructures.
A model is presented to explain the formation and morphologies of surfactant-silicate mesostructures. Three processes are identified: multidentate binding of silicate oligomers to the cationic surfactant, preferential silicate polymerization in the interface region, and charge density matching between the surfactant and the silicate. The model explains present experimental data, including the transformation between lamellar and hexagonal mesophases, and provides a guide for predicting conditions that favor the formation of lamellar, hexagonal, or cubic mesostructures. Model Q(230) proposed by Mariani and his co-workers satisfactorily fits the x-ray data collected on the cubic mesostructure …