Luca Zaccarian

Localization from inertial data and sporadic position measurements

International audience; A novel estimation strategy for inertial navigation in indoor/outdoor environments is proposed with a specific attention to the sporadic nature of the non-periodic measurements. After introducing the inertial navigation model, we introduce an observer providing an asymptotic estimate of the plant state. We use a hybrid dynamical systems representation for our results, in order to provide an effective, and elegant theoretical framework. The estimation error dynamics with the proposed observer shows a peculiar cascaded interconnection of three subsystems (allowing for intuitive gain tuning), with perturbations occurring either on the jump or on the flow dynamics (depen…

research product

State Observer with Round-Robin Aperiodic Sampled Measurements with Jitter

International audience; A sampled-data observer is proposed for linear continuous-time systems whose outputs are sequentially sampled via non-uniform sampling intervals repeating a prescribed Round-Robin sequence. With constant sampling intervals (jitter-free case) we provide constructive necessary and sufficient conditions for the design of an asymptotic continuous-discrete observer whose estimation error is input-to-state stable (ISS) from process disturbances and measurement noise. We use a time-varying gain depending on the elapsed time since the last measurement. With non-constant sampling intervals (jitter-tolerant case), our design conditions are only sufficient. A suspension system …

research product

A hybrid observer for localization from noisy inertial data and sporadic position measurements

We propose an asymptotic position and speed observer for inertial navigation in the case where the position measurements are sporadic and affected by noise. We cast the problem in a hybrid dynamics framework where the continuous motion is affected by unknown continuous-time disturbances and the sporadic position measurements are affected by discrete-time noise. We show that the peculiar hybrid cascaded structure describing the estimation error dynamics is globally finite-gain exponentially ISS with gains depending intuitively on our tuning parameters. Experimental results, as well as the comparison with an Extended Kalman Filter (EKF), confirm the effectiveness of the proposed solution with…

research product

A time-varying observer for linear systems with asynchronous discrete-time measurements

International audience; In this paper we propose a time-varying observer for a linear continuous-time plant with asynchronous discrete-time measurements. The proposed observer is contextualized in the hybrid systems framework providing an elegant setting for the proposed solution. In particular some theoretical tools are provided, in terms of LMIs, certifying asymptotic stability of a certain compact set where the estimation error is zero. Moreover the case of asynchronous measurements is considered, i.e. when the measurements are not provided in well defined time instants, but they occur at an arbitrary time in a certain time interval. A design procedure based on the numerical solution of …

research product

Time-varying Sampled-data Observer with Asynchronous Measurements

International audience; In this paper a time-varying observer for a linear continuous-time plant with asynchronous sampled measurements is proposed. The observer is contextualized in the hybrid systems framework providing an elegant setting for the proposed solution. In particular some theoretical tools are provided, in terms of LMIs, certifying asymptotic stability of a certain compact set where the estimation error is zero. We consider sampled asynchronous measurements that occur at arbitrary times in a certain window with an upper and lower bound. The design procedure, that we propose for the selection of the time-varying gain, is based on a constructive algorithm that is guaranteed to f…

research product

Linear flux observers for induction motors with quadratic Lyapunov certificates

International audience; We propose a full order Linear Time-Varying (LTV) Luenberger observer for the rotor flux estimation of an induction motor. Introducing a suitable reduced-order Linear-Time-Invariant (LTI) system that is always observable and controllable, we show that any arbitrary LTI design and its quadratic Lyapunov certificates can be lifted to the higher-order original LTV dynamics obtaining the same certificates. As a result, we show that arbitrary global uniform exponential bounds can be imposed on the estimation error, regardless of the rotor speed. Then applying a suitable order reduction technique, we build a reduced observer providing the same guarantees. We also establish…

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