Frédéric Thomas

Evolutionary routes leading to host manipulation by parasites

18 pages; International audience

research product

The macroecology of cancer incidences in humans is associated with large-scale assemblages of endemic infections.

8 pages; International audience; It is now well supported that 20% of human cancers have an infectious causation (i.e., oncogenic agents). Accumulating evidence suggests that aside from this direct role, other infectious agents may also indirectly affect cancer epidemiology through interactions with the oncogenic agents within the wider infection community. Here, we address this hypothesis via analysis of large-scale global data to identify associations between human cancer incidence and assemblages of neglected infectious agents. We focus on a gradient of three widely-distributed cancers with an infectious cause: bladder (~2% of recorded cancer cases are due to Shistosoma haematobium), liv…

research product

Un « situationnisme » belge ? Sur le passage de Pouvoir ouvrier belge à travers une assez courte unité de temps

International audience

research product

Intraspecific variability in host manipulation by parasites

8 pages; International audience; Manipulative parasites have the capacity to alter a broad range of phenotypic traits in their hosts, extending from colour, morphology and behaviour. While significant attention has been devoted to describing the diversity of host manipulation among parasite clades, and testing the adaptive value of phenotypic traits that can be manipulated, there is increasing evidence that variation exists in the frequency and intensity of the changes displayed by parasitized individuals within single host-manipulative parasite systems. Such variability occurs within individuals, between individuals of a same population, and across populations. Here we review the non-genet…

research product

Ecologie de la santé

Quand l'écologie pose son diagnostic. L'actualité nous le rappelle sans cesse : les maladies comme le paludisme, le Sida, ébola ou zika sont difficiles à combattre, et les maladies chroniques de type cancer, diabète ou maladies cardio-vasculaires toujours plus meurtrières. Pour la première fois de son histoire, l'humanité voit même son espérance de vie diminuer. Pour comprendre les raisons de cette crise sanitaire, l'écologie scientifique pose un autre regard sur la santé qui prend en considération les transformations de l'environnement et l'évolution de nos modes de vie. Cette nouvelle approche évolutive et écologique des problèmes de santé tente d'élucider les mécanismes en jeu dans la tr…

research product

Champignons mycorhiziens et symbiose mycorhizienne, les as de la nutrition végétale

Prod 2018-228 SPE IPM INRA UB; National audience

research product

Behavioral manipulation outside the world of parasites.

15 pages

research product

Host-manipulation by parasites with complex life cycles: adaptive or not?

7 pages; International audience; The effect of host manipulation by parasites on trophic transmission to final hosts remains unclear. The transmission benefits gained by manipulative parasites are difficult to assess, and evidence for a causal link between manipulation and trophic transmission is missing. In addition, infected intermediate hosts can also be more vulnerable to predation by nonhosts, whereas recent theoretical advances indicate that the evolution of host manipulation does not require increased specificity in trophic transmission. We propose that a deeper consideration of the evolution of complex life cycles in helminth parasites might provide a different perspective on the ev…

research product

Diversity and distribution of feather lice on Greater Flamingoes (Phoenicopterus ruber roseus) in the Camargue, southern France

Feather lice were collected from 2S0 chicks of the Greater Flamingo (Phoenicopterus ruber roseus Pallas) captured alive in the Camargue, southern France, in July 1997. Five louse species were identified: Colpocephalum heterosoma Piaget, Colpocephalum salimalii Clay and Trinoton femoratum Piaget of the family Menoponidae; Anaticola phoenicopteri (Coinde) and Anatoecus pygaspis (Nitzsch [in Giebel]) of the family Philopteridae. Our collecting results also show that there is body-site segregation among the several louse species inhabiting the same host individual.

research product

Enquête semis direct sous couvert végétal transition agronomique et évolution des problèmes malherbologiques

L’agriculture de conservation s’impose aujourd’hui largement comme troisième voie grâce à ses bénéfices agronomiques etenvironnementaux. Alors que le travail du sol était et reste encore souvent mis en avant comme la solution la plus efficace enmatière de gestion du salissement, l’ACS a apporté d’autres stratégies innovantes avec des avantages indéniables en matièrede contrôle des adventices. Cependant, dans certaines situations et notamment pour les graminées d’automne, la situationse complique. Avec des rotations souvent trop courtes, en complément d’un rétrécissement des solutions chimiques, d’undurcissement des réglementations d’usage et d’un manque de nouveautés techniques, on enregist…

research product

Do distantly related parasites rely on the same proximate factors to alter the behaviour of their hosts?

Phylogenetically unrelated parasites often increase the chances of their transmission by inducing similar phenotypic changes in their hosts. However, it is not known whether these convergent strategies rely on the same biochemical precursors. In this paper, we explored such aspects by studying two gammarid species ( Gammarus insensibilis and Gammarus pulex ; Crustacea: Amphipoda: Gammaridae) serving as intermediate hosts in the life cycle of two distantly related parasites: the trematode, Microphallus papillorobustus and the acanthocephalan, Polymorphus minutus . Both these parasite species are known to manipulate the behaviour of their amphipod hosts, bringing them towards the water surfa…

research product

Interactions between immune challenges and cancer cells proliferation: timing does matter!

Using first a theoretical framework, we show that repeated short immune challenges could impact the accumulation of cancerous cells through continuous perturbation of immune system efficiency. We discuss for a new indirect role for infectious disease in cancer progression.

research product

Cancer: a disease at the crossroads of trade-offs

11 pages; International audience; Central to evolutionary theory is the idea that living organisms face phenotypic and/or genetic trade-offs when allocating resources to competing life-history demands, such as growth, survival, and reproduction. These trade-offs are increasingly considered to be crucial to further our understanding of cancer. First, evidences suggest that neoplastic cells, as any living entities subject to natural selection, are governed by trade-offs such as between survival and proliferation. Second, selection might also have shaped trade-offs at the organismal level, especially regarding protective mechanisms against cancer. Cancer can also emerge as a consequence of add…

research product