E. Guerras
We measure the differential microlensing of the UV Fe II and Fe III emission line blends between 14 quasar image pairs in 13 gravitational lenses. We find that the UV iron emission is strongly microlensed in four cases with amplitudes comparable to that of the continuum. Statistically modeling the magnifications, we infer a typical size of r{sub s}∼4√(M/M{sub ⊙}) light-days for the Fe line-emitting regions, which is comparable to the size of the region generating the UV continuum (∼3-7 light-days). This may indicate that a significant part of the UV Fe II and Fe III emission originates in the quasar accretion disk.
Measuring Supermassive Black Hole Masses: Correlation between the Redshifts of the Fe III UV Lines and the Widths of Broad Emission Lines
We test the recently proposed (Mediavilla et al. 2018) black hole mass scaling relationship based on the redshift {with respect to the quasar's rest frame} of the Fe III$\lambda\lambda$2039-2113 line blend. To this end, we fit this feature in the spectra of a well suited sample of quasars, observed with X-shooter at the Very Large Telescope (VLT), whose masses have been independently estimated using the virial theorem. For the quasars of this sample we consistently confirm the redshift of the Fe III$\lambda\lambda$2039-2113 blend and find that it correlates with the squared widths of H$\beta$, H$\alpha$ and Mg II, which are commonly used as a measure of $M_{BH}/R$ to determine masses from t…
The structure of the accretion disk in the lensed quasar SBS 0909+532
We derive the size and temperature profile of the accretion disk of the lensed quasar SBS 0909+532 by measuring the wavelength dependence (chromaticity) of the microlensing magnification produced by the stars in the lens galaxy. After correcting for extinction using the flux ratios of 14 emission lines, we observe a marked change in the B-A flux ratio with wavelength, varying from -0.67 ± 0.05 mag at (rest frame) ∼1460 Åto -0.24 ± 0.07 mag at ∼6560 Å. For λ ≳ 7000 both effects, extinction and microlensing, look minimal. Simulations indicate that image B rather than A is strongly microlensed. If we model the change in disk size from 1460 Å to 6560 Å using a Gaussian source (I exp(-R 2/2r 2 s…
Microlensing of Quasar UV Iron Emission
We measure the differential microlensing of the UV Fe II and Fe III emission line blends between 14 quasar image pairs in 13 gravitational lenses. We find that the UV iron emission is strongly microlensed in 4 cases with amplitudes comparable to that of the continuum. Statistically modeling the magnifications we infer a typical size of r ~ 4*sqrt(M/Msun) light-days for the Fe line emitting regions which is comparable to the size of the region generating the UV continuum (3 ~ 7 light-days). This may indicate that a significant part of the UV Fe II and Fe III emission originates in the quasar accretion disk.
Systematic Redshift of the Fe III UV Lines in Quasars. Measuring Supermassive Black Hole Masses under the Gravitational Redshift Hypothesis
We find that the Fe III$\lambda\lambda$2039-2113 spectral feature in quasars appears systematically redshifted by amounts accountable under the hypothesis of gravitational redshift induced by the central supermassive black hole. Our analysis of 27 composite spectra from the BOSS survey indicates that the redshift and the broadening of the lines in the Fe III$\lambda\lambda$2039-2113 blend roughly follow the expected correlation in the weak limit of Schwarzschild geometry for virialized kinematics. Assuming that the Fe III UV redshift provides a measure of $M_{BH}\over R$ (${\Delta \lambda\over \lambda}\simeq{3\over2}{G\over c^2} {M_{BH}\over R}$) and using different estimates of the emittin…
Microlensing-Based Estimate of the Mass Fraction in Compact Objects in Lens
We estimate the fraction of mass that is composed of compact objects in gravitational lens galaxies. This study is based on microlensing measurements (obtained from the literature) of a sample of 29 quasar image pairs seen through 20 lens galaxies. We determine the baseline for no microlensing magnification between two images from the ratios of emission line fluxes. Relative to this baseline, the ratio between the continua of the two images gives the difference in microlensing magnification. The histogram of observed microlensing events peaks close to no magnification and is concentrated below 0.6 magnitudes, although two events of high magnification, $\Delta m \sim 1.5$, are also present. …
Microlensing of Quasar Broad Emission Lines: Constraints on Broad Line Region Size
We measure the differential microlensing of the broad emission lines between 18 quasar image pairs in 16 gravitational lenses. We find that high ionization lines such as CIV are more strongly microlensed than low ionization lines, indicating that the high ionization line emission regions are more compact. If we statistically model the distribution of microlensing magnifications, we obtain estimates for the broad line region radius of 24 (-15/+22) and 55 (-35/+150) light-days (90% confidence) for the high and low ionization lines, respectively. When the sample is divided attending to quasar luminosity, we find that the line emission regions of more luminous quasars are larger, with a slope c…