Maria L. Blasco
SARS-CoV-2 antibodies, serum inflammatory biomarkers and clinical severity of hospitalized COVID-19 patients
Background The involvement of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies in mediating immunopathogenetic events in COVID-19 patients has been suggested. By using several experimental approaches, we investigated the potential association between SARS-CoV-2 IgGs recognizing the spike (S) protein receptor-binding domain (RBD), neutralizing antibodies (NtAb) targeting S, and COVID-19 severity. Patients and methods This unicenter, retrospective, observational study included 51 hospitalized patients (24 at the intensive care unit; ICU). A total of 93 sera from these patients collected at different time points from the onset of symptoms were analyzed. SARS-CoV-2 RBD IgGs were quantitated by ELISA and NtAb50 titers wer…
Papel del índice de Charlson en el pronóstico a 30 días y 1 año tras un infarto agudo de miocardio
Introduccion y objetivos.El indice de Charlson (iCh) ha sido utilizado como variable de ajuste en modelos multivariables como indicador de comorbilidad. Debido a que su valor pronostico per se para complicaciones cardiovasculares tras un infarto agudo de miocardio no ha sido ampliamente evaluado, nos propusimos determinar su valor predictivo para muerte de cualquier causa y/o reinfarto, a 30 dias y 1 ano del evento indice. Pacientes y metodo. Se incluyo a 1.035 pacientes con el diagnostico de infarto (508 con elevacion del segmento ST y 527 sin elevacion del segmento ST). La presencia de eventos se determino a 30 dias (13,9%) y a un ano (26,3%). El iCh se calculo junto con otras variables d…
SARS‐CoV‐2 N‐antigenemia in critically ill adult COVID‐19 patients: Frequency and association with inflammatory and tissue‐damage biomarkers
Abstract The current study aimed at characterizing the dynamics of SARS‐CoV‐2 nucleocapsid (N) antigenemia in a cohort of critically ill adult COVID‐19 patients and assessing its potential association with plasma levels of biomarkers of clinical severity and mortality. Seventy‐three consecutive critically ill COVID‐19 patients (median age, 65 years) were recruited. Serial plasma (n = 340) specimens were collected. A lateral flow immunochromatography assay and reverse‐transcription polymerase chain reaction (RT‐PCR) were used for SARS‐CoV‐2 N protein detection and RNA quantitation and in plasma, respectively. Serum levels of inflammatory and tissue‐damage biomarkers in paired specimens were …
SARS-CoV-2 RNA load in the lower respiratory tract, viral RNAemia and N-antigenemia in critically ill adult COVID-19 patients: relationship with biomarkers of disease severity
ABSTRACTBackgroundLittle is known about the comparative kinetics of SARS-CoV-RNA load in the lower respiratory tract and in blood compartment in patients admitted to the intensive care unit, and how these relate to biomarkers of COVID-19 severity.MethodsSeventy-three consecutive critically ill COVID-19 patients (median age, 65 years) were recruited. Serial lower respiratory tract (n=165) and plasma (n=340) specimens were collected. RT-PCR and lateral flow immunochromatography assay were used for SARS-CoV-2 RNA quantitation and N protein detection in plasma, respectively. Serum levels of inflammatory and tissue-damage biomarkers in paired specimens were analyzed.ResultsSARS-CoV-RNA was detec…
Prognostic Value of White Blood Cell Count in Acute Myocardial Infarction: Long-Term Mortality
Although traditionally an elevated white blood cell count (WBC), an indicator of systemic inflammation, has been accepted as part of the healing response following acute myocardial infarction (AMI), it has frequently been shown to be a predictor of adverse cardiovascular events. The present study was designed to assess the association between WBC and long-term mortality in AMI patients either with ST-segment elevation (STEMI) or without ST-segment elevation (non-STEMI). Patients and method. The study included 1118 consecutive patients who were admitted with the diagnosis of AMI: 569 non-STEMI and 549 STEMI. The WBC was measured in the 24 hours following admission. Patients were divided into…
Similar Clinical Course and Significance of Circulating Innate and Adaptive Immune Cell Counts in STEMI and COVID-19
This study aimed to assess the time course of circulating neutrophil and lymphocyte counts and their ratio (NLR) in ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) and coronavirus disease (COVID)-19 and explore their associations with clinical events and structural damage. Circulating neutrophil, lymphocyte and NLR were sequentially measured in 659 patients admitted for STEMI and in 103 COVID-19 patients. The dynamics detected in STEMI (within a few hours) were replicated in COVID-19 (within a few days). In both entities patients with events and with severe structural damage displayed higher neutrophil and lower lymphocyte counts. In both scenarios, higher maximum neutrophil and lower mi…
Resultados de la estrategia farmacoinvasiva y de la angioplastia primaria en la reperfusión del infarto con elevación del segmento ST. Estudio con resonancia magnética cardiaca en la primera semana y en el sexto mes
Introduction and objectives: Pharmacoinvasive strategy represents an attractive alternative to primary angioplasty. Using cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging we compared the left ventricular outcome of the pharmacoinvasive strategy and primary angioplasty for the reperfusion of ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction. Methods: Cardiovascular magnetic resonance was performed 1 week and 6 months after infarction in two consecutive cohorts of patients included in a prospective university hospital ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction registry. During the period 2004-2006, 151 patients were treated with pharmacoinvasive strategy (thrombolysis followed by routine non-immediate angi…
SARS‐CoV‐2‐reactive interferon‐γ‐producing CD8+ T cells in patients hospitalized with coronavirus disease 2019
Abstract There is limited information on severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS‐CoV‐2) T‐cell immune responses in patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID‐19). Both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells may be instrumental in resolution of and protection from SARS‐CoV‐2 infection. Here, we tested 25 hospitalized patients either with microbiologically documented COVID‐19 (n = 19) or highly suspected of having the disease (n = 6) for presence of SARS‐CoV‐2‐reactive CD69+ expressing interferon‐γ (IFN‐γ) producing CD8+ T cells using flow‐cytometry for intracellular cytokine staining assay. Two sets of overlapping peptides encompassing the SARS‐CoV‐2 Spike glycoprotein N‐terminal 1 to 643 am…
Therapeutic implications of low lymphocyte count in non-ST segment elevation acute coronary syndromes
Abstract Background Low lymphocyte count (LLC), a surrogate for inflammation, has emerged as a potential risk factor for cardiovascular outcomes, especially new ischemic events. To identify patients with non-ST segment elevation acute coronary syndromes (NSTEACS) who benefit from an invasive revascularization strategy remains a challenge. We sought to determine if patients with high-risk NSTEACS who exhibited LLC have a greater reduction in long-term post-discharge myocardial infarction (MI) when managed under a revascularization invasive strategy (RIS) as compared with conservative strategy (CS). Methods Nine hundred seventy two consecutive patients with high-risk NSTEACS were treated unde…
Co-detection of respiratory pathogens in patients hospitalized with Coronavirus viral disease-2019 pneumonia.
ABSTRACTThere is scarce information on the frequency of co-detection of respiratory pathogens (RP) in patients with Covid-19. Documentation of coinfections in Covid-19 pneumonia patients may be relevant for appropriate clinical and therapeutic management of patients. Between March 4th and March 28th, 2020, a total of 183 adult patients testing positive by SARS CoV-2 RT-PCR on respiratory specimens were hospitalized with interstitial pneumonia at our center, of whom 103 were tested for other RP by a multiplexed PCR assay. Three patients had a positive result for either one (n=2; Coronavirus HKU1 or Mycoplasma pneumoniae) or two targets (n=1; Influenza virus A (H3) and Respiratory syncytial v…
Prognostic Value of Charlson Comorbidity Index at 30 Days and 1 Year After Acute Myocardial Infarction
Introduction and objectives. The Charlson comorbidity index (CCI), an indicator of comorbidity, has been used as an adjusting variable in multivariate models. Because of its prognostic value per se for cardiovascular complications after acute myocardial infarction (AMI), we sought to determine the predictive value of the CCI for allcause mortality and recurrent AMI 30 days and 1 year after the index event. Patients and method. We analyzed 1035 consecutive patients admitted with the diagnosis of AMI (ST elevation=508 and non-ST elevation=527). The composite endpoint was determined after 30 days (13.9%) and 1 year (26.3%) of follow-up. The CCI was calculated on admission, and other variables …
Adaptive immune responses to SARS-CoV-2 in recovered severe COVID-19 patients
ABSTRACTObjectivesThere is an imperative need to determine the durability of adaptive immunity to SARS-CoV-2. We enumerated SARS-CoV-2-reactive CD4+ and CD8+ T cells targeting S1 and M proteins and measured RBD-specific serum IgG over a period of 2-6 months after symptoms onset in a cohort of subjects who had recovered from severe clinical forms of COVID-19.MethodsWe recruited 58 patients (38 males and 20 females; median age, 62.5 years), who had been hospitalized with bilateral pneumonia, 60% with one or more comorbidities. IgG antibodies binding to SARS-CoV-2 RBD were measured by ELISA. SARS-CoV-2-reactive CD69+-expressing-IFNγ-producing-CD4+ and CD8+ T cells were enumerated in heparinize…
Low rate of detection of active cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection early following acute myocardial infarction
SARS-CoV-2-reactive interferon-γ-producing CD8+ T cells in patients hospitalized with Coronavirus viral disease-2019
There is limited information on SARS-CoV-2 T-cell immune responses in patients with Covid-19. Both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells may be instrumental in the resolution of and protection from SARS-CoV-2 infection. Here, we tested 25 hospitalized patients with either microbiologically documented Covid-19 (n=19) or highly suspected of having the disease (n=6) for the presence of SARS-CoV-2-reactive- CD69+-expressing interferon-gamma;-producing-(IFN-gamma;) CD8+ T cells by a flow-cytometry for intracelular cytokine staining assay. Two sets of overlapping peptides encompassing the SARS-CoV-2 Spike glycoprotein N-terminal 1-643 amino acid sequence and the entire sequence of SARS-CoV-2 M protein were used …
Pronóstico a corto plazo de los pacientes ingresados por probable síndrome coronario agudo sin elevación del segmento ST. Papel de los nuevos marcadores de daño miocárdico y de los reactantes de fase aguda
Objectives. The relative value of classic markers, myocardial damage variables, and levels of acute-phase reactants in establishing the pre-discharge prognosis of acute coronary syndrome without ST-segment elevation was analyzed. Method. We prospectively studied 385 consecutive patients admitted from our chest pain unit with a highprobability diagnosis of acute coronary syndrome without ST-segment elevation. The clinical and electrocardiographic data, myocardial damage markers (troponin I, CK-Mb mass, myoglobin), and acute-phase reactants (high-sensitivity C-reactive protein, fibrinogen) were recorded. Results. During admission, 15 deaths (3.9%) and 16 complicative infarctions (4.2%) occurr…
Procalcitonin and long-term prognosis after an admission for acute heart failure
Abstract Background Traditionally, procalcitonin (PCT) is considered a diagnostic marker of bacterial infections. However, slightly elevated levels of PCT have also been found in patients with heart failure. In this context, it has been suggested that PCT may serve as a proxy for underrecognized infection, endotoxemia, or heightened proinflammatory activity. Nevertheless, the clinical utility of PCT in this setting is scarce. We aimed to evaluate the association between PCT and the risk of long-term outcomes. Methods and results We measured at admission PCT of 261 consecutive patients admitted for acute heart failure (AHF) after excluding active infection. Cox and negative binomial regressi…
Valor pronóstico del recuento leucocitario en el infarto agudo de miocardio: mortalidad a largo plazo
Introduccion y objetivos. Publicaciones recientes respaldan el papel pronostico del recuento leucocitario (RL) en pacientes con infarto agudo de miocardio (IAM). El objetivo de este trabajo fue determinar el valor predictivo atribuible al RL, con independencia de otras variables de contrastado valor pronostico, para predecir mortalidad a largo plazo en pacientes con IAM sin elevacion del segmento ST (IAMSEST) y con elevacion del segmento ST (IAMEST). Pacientes y metodo. Analizamos a 1.118 pacientes admitidos de forma consecutiva con el diagnostico de IAM (IAMSEST = 569; IAMEST = 549). El RL se obtuvo en la primera determinacion analitica. Se utilizaron modelos de regresion de Cox para deter…
Resultados de la estrategia farmacoinvasiva y de la angioplastia primaria en la reperfusión del infarto con elevación del segmento ST. Estudio con resonancia magnética cardiaca en la primera semana y en el sexto mes
[EN] Introduction and objectives: Pharmacoinvasive strategy represents an attractive alternative to primary angioplasty. Using cardiovascular magnetic resonance imaging we compared the left ventricular outcome of the pharmacoinvasive strategy and primary angioplasty for the reperfusion of ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction. Methods: Cardiovascular magnetic resonance was performed 1 week and 6 months after infarction in two consecutive cohorts of patients included in a prospective university hospital ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction registry. During the period 2004-2006, 151 patients were treated with pharmacoinvasive strategy (thrombolysis followed by routine non-immediate…