Inta Belogrudova
Combined Effects of 50 Hz Electromagnetic Field and SiO2 Nanoparticles on Oxidative Stress in Plant’s Gametic Cells / Zemfrekvences (50 Hz) Elekromagnētiskā Lauka Un SiO2 Nanodaļiņu Kombinētā Ietekme Uz Augu Gametisko Šūnu Oksidatīvo Stresu
Abstract The paper presents the results of combined effects of an extremely low frequency electromagnetic field (50 Hz) (ELF EMF) and SiO2 nanoparticles on fluorescence of plant gametic cells (immature microspores). The data were recorded by a BD FACSJazz® cell sorter after cell irradiation by blue laser (488 nm). A significant difference of fluorescence was observed between gametic cells after 1 hour incubation in suspension of SiO2 nanoparticles and the control gametic cells. It was observed that fluorescence intensity of gametic cell was higher with ELF EMF treatment in comparison to control cells, but it was statistically significant only for cells treated with electromagnetic radiation…
Reto un izzūdošo Latvijas savvaļas orhideju bioloģiskās īpatnības in situ un in vitro
Promocijas darbs (publikāciju kopa) tika izstrādāts V/a „Nacionālais Botāniskais dārzs Augu valsts bioloģiskās daudzveidības in vitro saglabāšanas nodaļā laika posmā no 2008. līdz 2011. gadam. Ģenētiskie pētījumi tika veikti LU Bioloģijas institūta Augu Ģenētikas laboratorijā 2010. un 2012. gadā.
Genetic Diversity of Liparis loeselii in Latvia
Abstract According to the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation, 75% of endangered species should be preserved in ex situ collections till 2020. The genus Liparis has a lot of recognised taxons, but only one species, Liparis loeselii (L.) Rich., grows in Europe. L. loeselii is a rare and endangered orchid species occurring in Europe. In Latvia L. loeselii is classified as the third category of endangered and protected species. To develop the best conservation strategy, the knowledge concerning the genetic differences of protected plants in a particular area is crucial. For this purpose, the genetic diversity of L. loeselii populations from different Latvian habitats was tested. The inter-r…
Influence of SiO2 nanoparticles on relative fluorescence of plant cells
Nanoparticles (nano-scale particles (NSPs)) are defined as particles with dimensions less than 100 nm. SiO<sub>2</sub> nanoparticles are one of the most widely common nanoparticles in the environment, particularly in urban areas. The sources of SiO<sub>2 </sub>nanoparticles are very different, including natural nanoparticles, anthropogenic and engineered nanoparticles. The SiO<sub>2 </sub>nanoparticles could be considered a source of different pollution effects on leaving organisms. Nevertheless, knowledge of the mechanisms, through which the SiO<sub>2 </sub>nanoparticles affect cells, is incomplete. The aim of the research was to elaborate a …