Anja I. Schermann
Humanized mice in cutaneous leishmaniasis—Suitability analysis of human PBMC transfer into immunodeficient mice
Humanized mice represent a suitable preclinical test system for example therapeutic interventions in various disease settings, including infections. Here, we intended to establish such system for cutaneous leishmaniasis by infecting T, B and NK cell-deficient mice adoptively transferred with human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC). L major infection led to the establishment of parasite lesions harbouring viable parasites and human T cells, but parasite elimination was not seen due to a species-specific activity of T cell-derived human IFNγ. In addition, up to 50% of infected mice succumbed to severe graft-versus-host disease. In summary, even though long-term disease outcome assessm…
Animal Model for Cutaneous Leishmaniasis
Using cutaneous leishmaniasis of mice, the existence of so-called T helper (Th) cells type 1 and type 2 had been identified more than 20 years ago. Nowadays, it is well accepted that additional T cell populations as well as B cell-mediated immunity is required for immunity against Leishmania major. Finally, using inbred mouse strains, the relevance of genetical factors that influence anti-pathogen immunity as well as elements of the skin-immune system have been identified. This protocol describes a model for murine experimental leishmaniasis that tries to mimic natural parasite transmission by several means: (1) utilization of only infectious-stage parasites that are found in sand fly saliv…