Sergejs Rikacovs
Improving uptake of screening for colorectal cancer: a study on invitation strategies and different test kit use
Objective The aim of this study was to compare the uptake of mail-delivered tests for colorectal cancer screening. We assessed the effect of an advance notification letter and a reminder letter, and analysed the proportion of inappropriately handled tests. Materials and methods Fifteen thousand randomly selected residents of Latvia aged 50–74 years were allocated to receive one of three different test systems: either a guaiac faecal occult blood test (gFOBT) or one of two laboratory-based immunochemical tests (FIT) – FOB Gold or OC-Sensor. Half of the target population received an advance notification letter; all nonresponders were sent a reminder letter. Results The uptake of screening was…
Metamodel specialization based DSL for DL lifecycle data management
A new Domain Specific Language (DSL) based approach to Deep Learning (DL) lifecycle data management (LDM) is presented: a very simple but universal DL LDM tool, still usable in practice (called Core tool); and an advanced extension mechanism, that converts the Core tool into a DSL tool building framework for DL LDM tasks. The method used is based on the metamodel specialisation approach for DSL modeling tools introduced by authors.
Export of Relational Databases to RDF Databases: A Case Study
The vast amount of business information nowadays is stored in relational databases. For the Semantic Web vision to become a reality, we need ways how to exploit this data in form of RDF triples. The universal and commonly accepted solution for this problem still does not exist. In most cases, mapping languages are used for specification of correspondences between OWL ontology and DB schema. At the same time, these languages generally are not well suited for specification of mappings in cases when there is a substantial difference between OWL ontology and DB schema. In this paper, we describe a new model transformation-based method for specification of correspondences between the elements of…
Export of Relational Databases to RDF Databases by Model Transformations
The Semantic Web is a Web of Data. To fulfill this web with data we need methods how to transfer business data from existing relational databases. In most cases, textual mapping languages are used for the specification of correspondences between relational DB schema and OWL ontology. These languages generally are rather awkward and not well-suited for the specification of mappings in cases when there is a substantial semantic gap between the source ER schema and the target OWL ontology. At the same time specification of mappings is a classical use case for graphical model transformation languages. In our previous work [10] we have proposed a new, model transformation-based method for the sp…
Towards DSL for DL Lifecycle Data Management
A new method based on Domain Specific Language (DSL) approach to Deep Learning (DL) lifecycle data management tool support is presented: a very simple DL lifecycle data management tool, which however is usable in practice (it will be called Core tool) and a very advanced extension mechanism which in fact converts the Core tool into domain specific tool (DSL tool) building framework for DL lifecycle data management tasks. The extension mechanism will be based on the metamodel specialization approach to DSL modeling tools introduced by authors. The main idea of metamodel specialization is that we, at first, define the Universal Metamodel (UMM) for a domain and then for each use case define a …
Model Transformation Languages and Their Implementation by Bootstrapping Method
In this paper a sequence of model transformation languages L0, L1, L2 is defined. The first language L0 is very simple, and for this language it is easy to build an efficient compiler to C++. The next language L1 is an extension of L0, and it contains powerful pattern definition facilities. The last language L2 is of sufficiently high level and can be used for implementation of traditional pattern-based high level model transformation languages, as well as for the development of model transformations directly. For languages L1 and L2 efficient compilers have been built using the bootstrapping method: L1 to L0 in L0, and L2 to L1 in L1. The results confirm the efficiency of model transformat…