Mauro Viganò
Liver-related and extrahepatic events in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: a retrospective competing risks analysis.
Background & Aim: Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), and especially fibrotic non-alcoholic steatohepatitis, is associated with high risks of liver-related events (LRE) and extrahepatic events (EHE). We evaluated the competitive risk occurrence of LRE and EHE in a large cohort of biopsy-proven NAFLD stratified according to baseline severity of fibrosis. Methods: Two thousand one hundred thirty-five patients with biopsy-proven NAFLD were enrolled. Observed cumulative incidence functions (CIFs) were used to evaluate the risk of LRE and EHE; cause-specific Cox model and predicted CIFs were fitted to identify predictors of LRE and EHE. A replication cohort of NAFLD patients with live…
Real life experiences in HCV management in 2018
Introduction: Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is a major cause of chronic liver disease, with approximately 71 million chronically infected individuals worldwide. Treatment of chronic hepatitis C has considerably improved in the last few years thanks to the introduction of direct-acting antivirals able to achieve sustained virological response in more than 95% of patients. Successful anti-HCV treatment can halt liver disease progression and solve the HCV-related extra-hepatic manifestations, eventually reducing liver-related and overall mortality. Areas covered: With the aim to respond to unmet needs in patient’s identification, universal access to antiviral therapy and treatment optimiza…
Survival of patients with HCV cirrhosis and sustained virologic response is similar to the general population.
Background & Aims: Life expectancy of patients with compensated hepatitis C virus (HCV) cirrhosis achieving sustained virologic response (SVR) is limited by liver events as compared to the general population. Thus, survival benefit of SVR remains to be measured. Methods: The study includes prospective surveillance data from three cohorts of Italian patients with compensated HCV cirrhosis who achieved SVR on an interferon-based (IFN) regimen, compared to simultaneously observed non-SVR, untreated and decompensated patients. Overall survival was calculated from the date of start of IFN to death. The number of deaths expected during the at-risk period was determined by applying age- and se…
A cholestatic pattern predicts major liver-related outcomes in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
NAFLD patients usually have an increase in AST/ALT levels, but cholestasis can also be observed. We aimed to assess in subjects with NAFLD the impact of the (cholestatic) C pattern on the likelihood of developing major liver-related outcomes (MALO).
A Cholestatic Pattern Predicts Liver-Related Events in Patients with Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
Background & Aims: Liver test alteration patterns can be categorized as: predominantly hepatocellular(H), with an ALT/ALP ratio>5; predominantly cholestatic pattern(C) with a ratio 55 years(HR2.55,95%C.I.1.17-5.54;p=0.01), platelets<150,000/mmc(HR0.14,95%C.I.0.06-0.32;p<0.001), albumin<4g/L(HR0.62,95%C.I.0.35-1.08;p=0.09), C vs M pattern(HR7.86,95%C.I.1.03-60.1;p=0.04), C vs H pattern(HR12.1,95% C.I.1.61-90.9;p=0.01) and fibrosis F3-F4(HR35.8,95%C.I.4.65-275.2;p<0.001) were independent risk factors for LRE occurrence. C vs M pattern(HR14.3,95%C.I.1.90-105.6;p=0.008) and C vs H pattern(HR15.6,95%C.I. 2.10-115.1;p=0.0068) were confirmed independently associated with LRE occurrence in the vali…
Accuracy of Transient Elastography in Assessing Fibrosis at Diagnosis in Naïve Patients With Primary Biliary Cholangitis: A Dual Cut-Off Approach
Background & aims Liver fibrosis holds a relevant prognostic meaning in primary biliary cholangitis (PBC). Non-invasive fibrosis evaluation using vibration-controlled transient elastography (VCTE) is routinely performed. However, there is limited evidence on its accuracy at diagnosis in PBC. We aimed to estimate the diagnostic accuracy of VCTE in assessing advanced fibrosis at disease presentation in PBC. Approach & results We collected data from 167 consecutive treatment-naive PBC patients who underwent liver biopsy(LB) at diagnosis at six Italian centers. VCTE examinations were completed within 12 weeks of LB. Biopsies were scored by two blinded expert pathologists, according to Ludwig sy…
Profiling the risk of hepatocellular carcinoma after long-term HCV eradication in patients with liver cirrhosis in the PITER cohort
Background and aims: Severe liver disease markers assessed before HCV eradication are acknowledged to usually improve after the SVR. We prospectively evaluated, in the PITER cohort, the long-term HCC risk profile based on predictors monitored after HCV eradication by direct-acting antivirals in patients with cirrhosis. Methods: HCC occurrence was evaluated by Kaplan-Meier analysis. Cox regression analysis identified the post-treatment variables associated with de-novo HCC; their predictive power was presented in a nomogram. Results: After the end of therapy (median follow-up:28.47 months), among 2064 SVR patients, 119 (5.8%) developed de-novo HCC. The HCC incidence was 1.90%, 4.21%, 6.47% a…
Non-invasive prediction of esophageal varices by stiffness and platelet in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease cirrhosis.
Background & Aims: Baveno VI and expanded Baveno VI criteria can avoid the need for esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) to screen for varices needing treatment (VNT) in a substantial proportion of compensated patients with viral and/or alcoholic cirrhosis. This multicenter, cross-sectional study aims to validate these criteria in patients with compensated cirrhosis due to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), accounting for possible differences in liver stiffness measurement (LSM) values between M and XL probes. Methods: We assessed 790 patients with NAFLD-related compensated cirrhosis who had EGD within six months of a reliable LSM, measured by FibroScan® using M and/or XL probe. Baveno …
Treatment of Hepatitis C virus infection in Italy: A consensus report from an expert panel
Abstract Hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection remains one of the main causes of chronic liver disease worldwide. The advent of direct-acting antivirals (DAAs) has significantly improved the course of patients with chronic HCV infection (CHC), due to the ability of these drugs to achieve high rates of sustained virological response (SVR). These exceedingly high rates of SVR and the excellent safety data have been confirmed in real life practice. Evolving guidelines have been issued by national and international scientific societies in accordance with the progression of clinical knowledge and the availability of new DAAs. These recommendations, however, may not be applied universally because of …
AISF position paper on HCV in immunocompromised patients.
Abstract This report summarizes the clinical features and the indications for treating HCV infection in immunocompromised and transplanted patients in the Direct Acting Antiviral drugs era.
From current status to optimization of HCV treatment: Recommendations from an expert panel
Chronic hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection is a major public health problem at a global level, causing an enormous burden of hepatic and extra-hepatic morbidity and mortality. Treatment of chronic HCV (CHC) has been revolutionized in the last few years by the introduction of highly effective and well tolerated direct acting antiviral agents (DAAs) able to achieve >90% rates of sustained virological response (SVR) in many groups of patients, including those previously excluded from interferon-based regimens. For such reason interferon-free regimens are now the treatments of choice for all patients. Successful anti-HCV treatment can stop liver disease progression and can solve the HCV-relat…
Monitoring Occurrence of Liver-Related Events and Survival by Transient Elastography in Patients With Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease and Compensated Advanced Chronic Liver Disease
[Background & Aims] Patients with advanced fibrosis related to nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) are at risk of developing hepatic and extrahepatic complications. We investigated whether, in a large cohort of patients with NAFLD and compensated advanced chronic liver disease, baseline liver stiffness measurements (LSMs) and their changes can be used to identify patients at risk for liver-related and extrahepatic events.
Effectiveness and safety of switching to entecavir hepatitis B patients developing kidney dysfunction during tenofovir
Background and Aims: Tenofovir disoproxil fumarate (TDF) is recommended for chronic hepatitis B (CHB) treatment, but it may induce kidney dysfunction whose management is not yet known. This Italian, multicentre, retrospective study aimed to assess the efficacy and safety of switching to entecavir (ETV) patients who developed TDF-associated glomerular and/or tubular dysfunction. Methods: A total of 103 TDF-treated patients were included as follows: age 64 years, 83% male, 49% cirrhotics, 98% with undetectable HBV DNA, 47% with previous lamivudine resistance (LMV-R) and 71% previously treated with adefovir. Twenty-nine (28%) were switched to ETV because estimated glomerular filtration rate (e…
Recurrence of hepatocellular carcinoma after direct acting antiviral treatment for hepatitis C virus infection: Literature review and risk analysis
Although studies suggest decreased incident hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) after treatment with direct-acting antivirals (DAAs) for hepatitis C virus (HCV) infection, data are conflicting regarding risk and aggressiveness of recurrence in patients who have a history of treated HCC. This review analyses data available in literature in order to elucidate the impact of DAAs on the risk of HCC recurrence after successful treatment of the tumor. Overall 24 papers were identified. The available data cannot be considered definitive, but the initial alarmist data indicating an increased risk of recurrence have not been confirmed by most subsequent studies. The suggested aggressive pattern (rapid gr…
Real-world experience with obeticholic acid in patients with primary biliary cholangitis
Background & aims Obeticholic acid (OCA) is the second-line treatment approved for patients with primary biliary cholangitis (PBC) and an inadequate response or intolerance to ursodeoxycholic acid. We aimed to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of OCA under real-world conditions. Methods Patients were recruited into the Italian PBC Registry, a multicentre, observational cohort study that monitors patients with PBC at national level. The primary endpoint was the biochemical response according to Poise criteria; the secondary endpoint was the biochemical response according to normal range criteria, defined as normal levels of bilirubin, alkaline phosphatase (ALP), and alanine aminotransfer…