Lidón Mars
En este estudio cuasi-experimental pre-test post-test sin grupo control, se analizaron los efectos de un programa de intervencion, cuyo objetivo fue mejorar el bienestar de los educadores a traves de la satisfaccion de las necesidades de competencia y de autonomia. Participaron 55 educadores, 24 hombres y 31 mujeres (M edad = 33,6; DT = 8,1) que trabajaban en Centros de Proteccion de Menores de la Comunidad Valenciana. Los resultados mostraron un cambio significativo en todas las variables en la direccion esperada. Ademas, informaron que los cambios en la satisfaccion de las necesidades de competencia y autonomia produjeron cambios en la autoestima; mientras que las variaciones en la vitali…
Web based survey to measuring social interactions, values, attitudes and travel behavior
Abstract This paper presents the data collection methodology developed for Minerva research project. The aim of Minerva is to study the influence of values, attitudes and social interactions on travel behavior. For this purpose, a web based survey has been developed, which consists of several questionnaires to collect respondents’ values and attitudes; a two-day activity-travel diary; information about social interactions; and socio-demographic characteristics. To identify the social contacts, it is being used a contact diary methodology together with the activity-travel diary.
Determinants of elimination decisions in the activity scheduling process
[EN] This paper presents an analysis on the determinants related to a particular rescheduling decision in the activity-travel scheduling process: elimination decisions, which consist in the non-execution of pre-planned activity-travel episodes. Data used come from an in-depth computer-assisted telephone interview (CATI) follow up survey carried out during the implementation of the first wave of an activity scheduling process panel survey. Open-ended answers related to the reasons associated to changes between pre-planned and executed agenda are studied. First, an interpretative qualitative method based on analytic induction (AI) is used to cope with the complex nature of the rescheduling de…
Connotative meaning of travel modes and activity-travel behavior
Abstract This paper aims to present results of a study regarding how the meaning of travel modes influences on the performance of activities and trips. Connotative meaning of travel modes was measured using semantic differential scales, which collect the suggestive significance of the terms used to name current travel modes. More than 400 people provided that information together with values and other types of attitudes, characteristics of their usual companions, socio-demographics, and 2-days activity-travel diary that includes a weekend day and a weekday. Descriptive analysis, which include frequency distributions, Factor Analysis, and correlations, have been developed to find potential r…
Trip Characteristics Analysis of the Effects of a Travel Behavior Change Program
[EN] Travel behavior change programs (TBCP) are measures or actions specifically designed to motivate people to reduce their car use. This study contributes to the literature on rigorous evaluation of the effects of participating in TBCP. In particular, we analyze the effect of TBCP in relation to a potential for a reduction in car use. In contrast to previous studies, the effect of TBCP is analyzed considering two characteristics of the trip: travel companion and time of trip. The TBCP, consisting of three persuasion actions customized to the needs of the participants in the research, was designed and implemented in Valencia (Spain). To evaluate the effects of participating in the TBCP, a …
Effects of a Travel Behaviour Change Program on Sustainable Travel
The main objective of the present study is to analyse the effect of a Travel Behaviour Change Program (TBCP) based on health improvement actions, in relation to a potential for an increase in walking and cycling, with reference to particular groups of people defined according to sociodemographics. A TBCP consisting of three persuasion actions based on health improvements was planned and executed in Valencia (Spain). A two-wave panel survey was used to study the effects of taking part in the TBCP. The panel survey collected data related to activity-travel scheduling process before and after the execution of the TBCP. To study the influence of participating in the TBCP, respondents were separ…
Identification of determinants for rescheduling travel mode choice and transportation policies to reduce car use in urban areas
[EN] This paper presents a qualitative analysis about the determinants related to rescheduling travel mode decisions during the activity scheduling process. Notably, we were interested to study changes between intention and behavior. Data used came from an in-depth Computer Assisted Telephone Interview (CATI) follow up survey to habitual drivers carried out during the implementation of a panel survey. An interpretative qualitative method based on Analytic Induction was used to cope with the complex nature of rescheduling decisions and the characteristics of the data. The Theory of Planned Behavior has been used to gain a better understanding of the reasons associated with rescheduling trave…
A qualitative study on the role of the built environment for short walking trips
The present study uses a qualitative approach with the aim to identify built environmental factors influencing short walking distances for transportation among adults (18-65 years), with special attention to micro-scale attributes. Three focus groups were held in Valencia (Spain) and conducted with participants who undertook, at least once a week, one short non-shopping trip in any travel mode (were "short trip" is defined as less than 3045 min walking distance). A thematic analysis of the data was performed and six categories of factors emerged related to the built environment. Factors were also classified as either barriers to walking, or secondary factors related to the attractiveness of…
[EN] The characteristics of people who are related or tied to each individual affects her activity-travel behavior. That influence is especially associated to social and recreational activities, which are increasingly important. Collecting high quality data from those social networks is very difficult using traditional travel surveys, because respondents are asked about their general social life, which is most demanding to remember that specific facts. On the other hand, currently there are different potential sources of transport data, which is characterized by the huge amount of information available, the velocity with it is obtained and the variety of format in which is presented. This s…
Changes in the Scheduling Process According to Observed Activity-travel Flexibility
Abstract In this work we analyze the reasons for changing pre-planned activities and travels episodes considering the type of modification observed during the scheduling process. Specifically we selected a small sample from those pre-planned episodes that are no executed at all as a pilot study. The data analyzed was collected in the first wave of a weekly activity-travel panel survey carried out in Valencia (Spain) in 2010. Each survey wave consisted on a face-to-face interview to generate a pre-planned activity agenda for the following week, an activity-travel diary implemented on mobile phones to collect activities and travels as they are executed, and in-depth telephone interviews to in…
Qualitative methodology is extensively used in a wide range of scientific areas, such as Sociology and Psychology, and it is been used to study individual and household decision making processes. However, in the Transportation Planning and Engineering domain it is still infrequent to find in the travel behavior literature studies using qualitative techniques to explore activity-travel decisions. The aim of this paper is first, to provide an overview of the types of qualitative techniques available and to explore how to correctly implement them. Secondly, to highlight the special characteristics of qualitative methods that make them appropriate to study activity-travel decision processes. Fa…