A. Remoto

Study of scintillation light collection, production and propagation in a 4 tonne dual-phase LArTPC

The $3 \times 1 \times 1$ m$^3$ demonstrator is a dual phase liquid argon time projection chamber that has recorded cosmic rays events in 2017 at CERN. The light signal in these detectors is crucial to provide precise timing capabilities. The performances of the photon detection system, composed of five PMTs, are discussed. The collected scintillation and electroluminescence light created by passing particles has been studied in various detector conditions. In particular, the scintillation light production and propagation processes have been analyzed and compared to simulations, improving the understanding of some liquid argon properties.

research product

Results of the search for neutrinoless double-βdecay inMo100with the NEMO-3 experiment

The NEMO-3 detector, which had been operating in the Modane Underground Laboratory from 2003 to 2010, was designed to search for neutrinoless double $\beta$ ($0\nu\beta\beta$) decay. We report final results of a search for $0\nu\beta\beta$ decays with $6.914$ kg of $^{100}$Mo using the entire NEMO-3 data set with a detector live time of $4.96$ yr, which corresponds to an exposure of 34.3 kg$\cdot$yr. We perform a detailed study of the expected background in the $0\nu\beta\beta$ signal region and find no evidence of $0\nu\beta\beta$ decays in the data. The level of observed background in the $0\nu\beta\beta$ signal region $[2.8-3.2]$ MeV is $0.44 \pm 0.13$ counts/yr/kg, and no events are obs…

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Contribution of recently measured nuclear data to reactor antineutrino energy spectra predictions

This paper attempts to summarize the actual problematic of reactor antineutrino energy spectra in the frame of fundamental and applied neutrino physics. Nuclear physics is an important ingredient of reactor antineutrino experiments. These experiments are motivated by neutrino oscillations, i.e. the measure of the θ 13 mixing angle. In 2011, after a new computation of the reactor antineutrino energy spectra, based on the conversion of integral data of the beta spectra from 235 U, and 239;241 Pu, a deficit of reactor antineutrinos measured by short baseline experiments was pointed out. This is called the “reactor anomaly”, a new puzzle in the neutrino physics area. Since then, numerous new ex…

research product

New antineutrino energy spectra predictions from the summation of beta decay branches of the fission products

In this paper, we study the impact of the inclusion of the recently measured beta decay properties of the $^{102;104;105;106;107}$Tc, $^{105}$Mo, and $^{101}$Nb nuclei in an updated calculation of the antineutrino energy spectra of the four fissible isotopes $^{235, 238}$U, and $^{239,241}$Pu. These actinides are the main contributors to the fission processes in Pressurized Water Reactors. The beta feeding probabilities of the above-mentioned Tc, Mo and Nb isotopes have been found to play a major role in the $\gamma$ component of the decay heat of $^{239}$Pu, solving a large part of the $\gamma$ discrepancy in the 4 to 3000\,s range. They have been measured using the Total Absorption Techni…

research product

Final results on $${}^\mathbf{82 }{\hbox {Se}}$$ 82Se double beta decay to the ground state of $${}^\mathbf{82 }{\hbox {Kr}}$$ 82Kr from the NEMO-3 experiment

Using data from the NEMO-3 experiment, we have measured the two-neutrino double beta decay ($$2\nu \beta \beta $$ 2νββ ) half-life of $$^{82}$$ 82 Se as $$T_{\smash {1/2}}^{2\nu } \!=\! \left[ 9.39 \pm 0.17\left( \text{ stat }\right) \pm 0.58\left( \text{ syst }\right) \right] \times 10^{19}$$ T1/22ν=9.39±0.17stat±0.58syst×1019 y under the single-state dominance hypothesis for this nuclear transition. The corresponding nuclear matrix element is $$\left| M^{2\nu }\right| = 0.0498 \pm 0.0016$$ M2ν=0.0498±0.0016 . In addition, a search for neutrinoless double beta decay ($$0\nu \beta \beta $$ 0νββ ) using 0.93 kg of $$^{82}$$ 82 Se observed for a total of 5.25 y has been conducted and no evide…

research product

A 4 tonne demonstrator for large-scale dual-phase liquid argon time projection chambers

A 10 kilo-tonne dual-phase liquid argon TPC is one of the detector options considered for the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE). The detector technology relies on amplification of the ionisation charge in ultra-pure argon vapour and offers several advantages compared to the traditional single-phase liquid argon TPCs. A 4.2 tonne dual-phase liquid argon TPC prototype, the largest of its kind, with an active volume of \three has been constructed and operated at CERN. In this paper we describe in detail the experimental setup and detector components as well as report on the operation experience. We also present the first results on the achieved charge amplification, prompt scintillat…

research product

Detailed studies of $$^{100}$$ 100 Mo two-neutrino double beta decay in NEMO-3

The full data set of the NEMO-3 experiment has been used to measure the half-life of the two-neutrino double beta decay of $$^{100}$$ 100 Mo to the ground state of $$^{100}$$ 100 Ru, $$T_{1/2} = \left[ 6.81 \pm 0.01\,\left( \text{ stat }\right) ^{+0.38}_{-0.40}\,\left( \text{ syst }\right) \right] \times 10^{18}$$ T1/2=6.81±0.01stat-0.40+0.38syst×1018 year. The two-electron energy sum, single electron energy spectra and distribution of the angle between the electrons are presented with an unprecedented statistics of $$5\times 10^5$$ 5×105 events and a signal-to-background ratio of $$\sim $$ ∼ 80. Clear evidence for the Single State Dominance model is found for this nuclear transition. Limit…

research product

Detailed studies of $^{100}$Mo two-neutrino double beta decay in NEMO-3

The full data set of the NEMO-3 experiment has been used to measure the half-life of the two-neutrino double beta decay of $^{100}$Mo to the ground state of $^{100}$Ru, $T_{1/2} = \left[ 6.81 \pm 0.01\,\left(\mbox{stat}\right) ^{+0.38}_{-0.40}\,\left(\mbox{syst}\right) \right] \times10^{18}$ y. The two-electron energy sum, single electron energy spectra and distribution of the angle between the electrons are presented with an unprecedented statistics of $5\times10^5$ events and a signal-to-background ratio of ~80. Clear evidence for the Single State Dominance model is found for this nuclear transition. Limits on Majoron emitting neutrinoless double beta decay modes with spectral indices of …

research product

Search for neutrinoless double-beta decay ofMo100with the NEMO-3 detector

We report the results of a search for the neutrinoless double-$\beta$ decay (0$\nu\beta\beta$) of $^{100}$Mo, using the NEMO-3 detector to reconstruct the full topology of the final state events. With an exposure of 34.7 kg.y, no evidence for the 0$\nu\beta\beta$ signal has been found, yielding a limit for the light Majorana neutrino mass mechanism of $T_{1/2}(0\nu\beta\beta)>1.1 \times 10^{24}$ years (90% C.L.) once both statistical and systematic uncertainties are taken into account. Depending on the Nuclear Matrix Elements this corresponds to an upper limit on the Majorana effective neutrino mass of $ < 0.3-0.8$ eV (90% C.L.). Constraints on other lepton number violating mechanisms of 0$…

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