Giuseppe Patera
Spatial localization and pattern formation in discrete optomechanical cavities and arrays
We investigate theoretically the generation of nonlinear dissipative structures in optomechanical (OM) systems containing discrete arrays of mechanical resonators. We consider both hybrid models in which the optical system is a continuous multimode field, as it would happen in an OM cavity containing an array of micro-mirrors, and also fully discrete models in which each mechanical resonator interacts with a single optical mode, making contact with Ludwig & Marquardt [Phys. Rev. Lett. 101, 073603 (2013)]. Also, we study the connections between both types of models and continuous OM models. While all three types of models merge naturally in the limit of a large number of densely distribu…
Noncritical generation of nonclassical frequency combs via spontaneous rotational symmetry breaking
Synchronously pumped optical parametric oscillators (SPOPOs) are optical cavities containing a nonlinear crystal capable of down-converting a frequency comb to lower frequencies. These have received a lot of attention lately, because their intrinsic multimode nature makes them compact sources of quantum correlated light with promising applications in modern quantum information technologies. In this work we show that SPOPOs are also capable of accessing the challenging but interesting regime where spontaneous symmetry breaking plays a crucial role in the quantum properties of the emitted light, difficult to access with any other nonlinear optical cavity. Apart from opening the possibility of…
Multimode OPOs as Sources for Multipartite Entanglement
We present here multimode OPOs as a source of multimode squeezing and multipartite entanglement of continuous-wave light beams, with applications to the engineering of multimode states of light in the spatial and spectral domains.
Generation of multimode squeezing and entanglement in the space and frequency domains : A general “supermode” approach
Optical parametric oscillators (OPO) have been extensively used in the continuous variable quantum optics community as a resource to produce non-classical states of light, including squeezed states or entangled beams. They have been widely studied, theoretically and experimentally, in the single mode case, and have found many applications to quantum information protocols and high sensitivity optical measurements. However, as the complexity of quantum information protocols increases, the need for multiplexed quantum channels has emerged, which require the use of multimode non-classical states of light.
Dissipative structures in optomechanical cavities
Motivated by the increasing interest in the properties of multimode optomechanical devices, here we study a system in which a driven mode of a large-area optical cavity is despersively coupled to a deformable mechanical element. Two different models naturally appear in such scenario, for which we predict the formation of periodic patterns, localized structures (cavity solitons), and domain walls, among other complex nonlinear phenomena. Further, we propose a realistic design based on intracavity membranes where our models can be studied experimentally. Apart from its relevance to the field of nonlinear optics, the results put forward here are a necessary step towards understanding the quant…
Multimode squeezing of frequency combs
We have developed a full multimode theory of a synchronously pumped type-I optical parametric oscillator. We calculate the output quantum fluctuations of the device and find that, in the degenerate case (coincident signal and idler set of frequencies), significant squeezing is obtained when one approaches threshold from below for a set of well-defined ``supermodes,'' or frequency combs, consisting of a coherent linear superposition of signal modes of different frequencies which are resonant in the cavity.