Galerucella nymphaeae (Col., Chrysomelidae) grazing increases Nuphar leaf production and affects carbon and nitrogen dynamics in ponds.
The grazing effects of the waterlily beetle Galerucella nymphaeae on Nuphar lutea stands were studied in three ponds in Central Finland. Production of floating leaves of N. lutea and growth in the G. nymphaeae population were investigated in the ponds and bioenergetics of the beetle larvae in the laboratory. Combination of field and laboratory data enabled estimation of the effect of the beetle on the production of floating leaves of N. lutea and the consequences of grazing for the input of detritus from Nuphar into the ponds. Adults and larvae of G. nymphaeae consumed 3.0–6.1% of the net annual floating leaf production during the growing period. In addition to consumption losses, feeding a…