Implementation of dosimetry equipment and phantoms at the MedAustron light ion beam therapy facility
Purpose: To describe the implementation of dosimetry equipment and phantoms into clinical practice of light ion beam therapy facilities. This work covers standard dosimetry equipment such as computerized water scanners, films, 2D-array, thimble and plane parallel ionization chambers, but also dosimetry equipment specifically devoted to the pencil beam scanning delivery technique such as water columns, scintillating screens or multi-layer ionization chambers. Method: Advanced acceptance testing procedures developed at MedAustron and complementary to the standard acceptance procedures proposed by the manufacturer are presented. Detailed commissioning plans have been implemented for each piece…
Phosphororganische Verbindungen, XXXVII. Versuche zum Vorgang der Wasserstoffübertragung, VII. Reduktionspotentiale einiger quartärer Phosphonium‐ und Arsoniumsalze
Quartare Phosphonium- und Arsoniumsalze werden in Wasser und athanol polarographiert. Zwischen der Halbstufenpotentialen und der praparativ ermittelten Bindungsfestigkeit einer Anzahl von Liganden an Phosphor und Arsen besteht eine Parallele.