Ulrike Maas
Testis differentiation in the glowworm,Lampyris noctiluca, with special reference to the apical tissue
The gonads of Lampyris noctiluca are sexually undifferentiated during the first larval instars. They consist of many gonadal follicles that include the germ stem cells enclosed by the somatic cells of the follicle wall. Follicle wall cells are more numerous at the follicle apices than at the distal parts, but different cell types cannot be distinguished. In male larvae, the appearance of apical follicle tissue, derived from follicle wall cells, marks the onset of testis differentiation. When maximally expressed, the apical tissue occupies about the upper half of the testis follicles and can be observed in larvae of the fifth and sixth instar. The apical tissue is characterized by its “light…
Localization of neuroglobin protein in the mouse brain.
Neuroglobin is a recently discovered vertebrate oxygen-binding respiratory protein. In situ hybridization data demonstrated that neuroglobin-mRNA is widely expressed in neuronal cells of the central and peripheral nervous systems as well as in endocrine cells. The present study was conducted to investigate the presence of neuroglobin protein in neurons of the mouse brain. A polyclonal antibody directed against a synthetic peptide of neuroglobin was raised in rabbits and affinity-purified. The specificity of the antibody was demonstrated by ELISA and preabsorption tests. We report here for the first time that neuroglobin is expressed on the protein level in many brain sites including cerebra…
No evidence of androgenic hormone from the testes of the glowworm, Lampyris noctiluca.
The widely accepted concept, stating that insects have no true sex hormones, and that primary as well as secondary sex characteristics are controlled by the genetic inventory of each single cell, is challenged by the report of Naisse, J. [1966a. Controle endocrinien de la differenciation sexuelle chez l'Insecte Lampyris noctiluca (Coleoptere Malacoderme Lampyride). I. Role androgene des testicules, Arch. Biol. Liege, 77, 139-201] on the discovery of an androgenic hormone in the glowworm, Lampyris noctiluca. This case is of special interest, since it may point to an ancestral mode of sex differentiation in arthropods, considering that androgenic hormones have been discovered and characterize…
Case of unilateral wing formation in the female of the glowwormLampyris noctiluca
On July 27, 1999, the first author found a unilaterally winged adult glowworm in a park in the city of Mainz. Except for the wings on the left side, the specimen exhibited female characteristics that extended to external sexual appendages, the lantern and the gonads. The internal organization showed some remarkable differences between right (wingless) and left (winged) side. The right ovary contained three times more mature eggs than the left side and the volume of the corpus allatum of this side was about one-third larger than that of the left side. This suggests that aptery and egg maturation are affected by corpus allatum activity, i.e., juvenile hormone production. The findings do not s…