Masculinity in flux? : Male managers navigating between work and family
The article sheds light on male managers’ experience as fathers in a post-Soviet context in Lithuania. This empirical study of 12 male managers’ experiences of work-family integration (WFI), their ways of coping with negative experiences, and the role of organizations in reducing conflict and enriching WFI, reveal the emergence of a new paternal identity: fathers who perceive their role as caregivers but for whom this is still subordinate to the dominant role of the breadwinner. Relying on their wife is a man’s dominant coping strategy. Organizations are perceived as family unfriendly. The managerial implications of the need for organizational support are discussed. peerReviewed
Managing Social Responsibility in Universities
Development of organizational trust among employees from a contextual perspective
It is becoming increasingly accepted that trust in the workplace is an important factor which potentially leads to enhanced organizational performance and can be a source of competitive advantage in the long run (e.g. McAllister 1995, Whitener et al. 1998, Leana & van Buren III 1999, Wicks et al. 1999, Gould-Williams 2003). Although it may be unreasonable to expect that any firm can have boundless trust among employees, the starting point of this paper lies in the argument that organizational trust is more desirable from the viewpoint of the firm’s economic prosperity than its lack. Organizational trust is important for successful socialization, cooperation and effective teamworking (cf. Pu…
Effects of responsible human resource management practices on female employees’ turnover intentions
This study focuses on the effects of socially responsible human resource management (SR-HRM) practices on female employees’ turnover intentions and the moderating effect of supervisor gender on this relationship. With a sample of 212 female employees from eight different industries in Finland, the results indicate that SR-HRM practices promoting equal career opportunities and work–family integration play a significant role in reducing women's turnover intentions. The study adds to the academic discourse of corporate social responsibility by highlighting the impact of the organizational-level HRM determinants on the individual-level outcome. In addition, supervisor gender makes a difference …
Lyties dimensija socialiniame versle: Lietuvos socialinių verslininkių patirtys
Straipsnyje nagrinėjama, kaip moterys – socialinės verslininkės – suvokia socialinį verslą ir lyties dedamąją tokiame versle. Interviu (n=18) su socialinių verslų Lietuvoje atstovėmis analizė parodė, kad socialinio verslo misija yra arba labai pragmatiška (organizacijų, turinčių socialinės įmonės juridinį statusą), atsiejama nuo socialinio poveikio, kurį tokie verslai paprastai kuria, arba gana neapibrėžta, tačiau akcentuojanti gėrio kūrimą. Tačiau į lyties dedamąją socialiniuose versluose žvelgiama stereotipiškai, t. y. lyties poveikis arba ignoruojamas, arba interpretuojamas stereotipiškai skirstant į tradiciškai laikomas vyriškomis ir moteriškomis veiklos sritis. This paper explores how …
Innovativeness and sustainable innovations in social businesses in Lithuania: experiences of women social entrepreneurs
Straipsnyje nagrinėjamos socialinių verslininkių sampratos apie jų verslo novatoriškumo formas ir darniąsias inovacijas. Empirinis šio straipsnio pagrindas – interviu (n=18) su socialinių verslų Lietuvoje atstovėmis. Interviu medžiagos analizė parodė, kad moterys – socialinės verslininkės novatoriškumą bei darniąsias inovacijas tokio verslo kontekste apibrėžia tiek individo, tiek organizacijos lygmenimis, tačiau darniąsias inovacijas sieja su globaliais kontekstais ir technologijomis. Tokios sampratos atitinka kitose šalyse atliktų tyrimų rezultatus ir rodo analizuojamos tematikos universalumą, kita vertus – pagrindžia Lietuvoje atlikto tyrimo rezultatus. This paper focuses on the perceptio…
Teaching and learning business ethics in a multicultural group
Building organizational trust in a low‐trust societal context
PurposeThe purpose of the paper is to explore the interrelations between organizational trust and ethics management tools as well as ethical organizational practices in a post‐socialist context.Design/methodology/approachA conceptual framework of the interrelations among organizational trust, ethics management tools and ethical organizational practices is reasoned and the interrelations among the variables are explored using quantitative methods of data analysis. The method of data gathering is a questionnaire survey that was carried out in Lithuania which is taken as an example of a post‐socialist society where trust is rather low. In total, answers from 519 respondents were collected.Find…
The Relationship Between Ethical Organisational Culture and Organisational Innovativeness : Comparison of Findings from Finland and Lithuania
The paper explores the interrelations between ethical organisational culture and organisational innovativeness in two different socio-cultural contexts, Finland and Lithuania. According to the Global Innovation Index 2013, Finland ranked 6th and Lithuania 40th in terms of the national capacity to produce innovations. Prior research by Riivari and Lamsa (J Business Ethics 124:1–17, 2014) and Riivari et al. (Eur J Innov Manag 15:310–331, 2012) argues the importance of the ethical dimension of organisational culture in fostering the organisational capacity to innovate. In this paper, a different context is taken to test hypothesised differences between the two multidimensional phenomena. The p…