Ilona Kunda


Learning and Innovation in Agriculture and Rural Development: The Use of the Concepts of Boundary Work and Boundary Objects

Purpose: The paper explores the role of boundary work and boundary objects in enhancing learning and innovation processes in hybrid multi-actor networks for sustainable agriculture (LINSA). Design/Methodology/Approach: Boundary work in LINSA is analysed on the basis of six case studies carried out in SOLINSA project under a common methodology. In developing typologies of boundary work and objects, a grounded approach is used. Findings: LINSA analysis demonstrates the dynamic character, diverse forms and multiple functions of boundary work and objects in three domains: learning, innovation, and sustainability. Addressing specific types of goals and actors leads to specific types of boundary …

research product

Inovācijas universitātē: varas un leģitimitātes aspekti

Anotācija Promocijas darba mērķis ir analizēt augšupvērstas inovācijas universitātē, tās specifiskajā strukturālās varas, profesionālās autonomijas un profesionālo prakses kopienu kontekstā. Pētījums veikts izmantojot konstrukcionisma pieeju datos pamatotās vidēja līmeņa teorijas izveidei. Teorētiskie jēdzieni aizgūti no situatīvās mācīšanās teorijas, papildinātas ar mikro-institucionālisma pieeju un varas konceptualizācijām. Veikta 30 mikro-gadījumu analīze divās Latvijas universitātēs. Pētījumā raksturota augšupvērstu inovāciju daudzveidība, izveidoti trīs inovāciju virzīšanas modeļi, identificēta to iznākumu ietekme uz inovācijas rosinātāju identitāti un piederību. Autore saista šos rezu…

research product

Learning as Issue Framing in Agricultural Innovation Networks

AbstractPurposeNetworks are increasingly viewed as entities of learning and innovation in agriculture. In this article we explore learning as issue framing in two agricultural innovation networks.Design/methodology/approachWe combine frame analysis and social learning theories to analyse the processes and factors contributing to frame convergence and hence improved practical collaborative outcomes in networks. Issue framing in the networks was followed during a two-year period with the help of multiple methods assembled under a transdisciplinary case study, action research and grounded methodology framework.FindingsOur research suggests that learning and collective action for more sustainab…

research product