Dispenza G
Recupero del freddo nella rigassificazione del GNL: produzione di energia elettrica
Studio di fattibilità ed Analisi energetica di impianti innovativi con deumidificazione chimica
CHP plants for production of electrical energy during regasification of LNG recovering exergy of cold.
The tranport of natural gas by pipeline from gas fiel tothe town or industrial sites in most case is impossible, so there is need to transport LNG by ship. At the terminal of arrival a regasification process of LNG, which is liquefied near well-head, returns it back to gas state before its transport in the pipelinenetwork. This paper deals with the results of feasibility studies on ventures based on an appropriate thermo-economic analysis of improved cycles (CHP Cycles: the top Cycle is a convevtional Gas Turbine open Cycle fed by natural gas and the bottom Cycle is an improved Gas Turbine closed cycle working with Helium or Nitrogen gas). The analysis shows the convenience and the profitab…
Studio di fattibilità di un impianto di produzione combinata di caldo, freddo ed energia elettrica con Sistemi MCFC per un grosso ipermercato ubicato in Sicilia
Exergy recovery in regasification facilities – Cold utilization: A modular unit
Abstract The paper deals with the problem of cold recovery for direct utilization both in the site of regasification facility and far from it. A modular LNG regasification unit is proposed having the regasification capacity of 2 billion standard cubic meters/year of gas. The modular plant is based on use of a power cycle working with ethane or ethylene which allows operation of cold energy transfer, contained in LNG to be regasified, in a range of temperatures suitable for multipurpose use of cold, reducing regasification process irreversibility. Some electric energy is produced by the power cycle, but the own mission of modular unit proposed is addressed to deliver cold suitable for indust…
Exergy recovery during LNG regasification: Electric energy production – Part one
Abstract In liquefied natural gas (LNG) regasification facilities, for exergy recovery during regasification, an option could be the production of electric energy recovering the energy available as cold. In a previous paper, the authors propose an innovative process which uses a cryogenic stream of LNG during regasification as a cold source in an improved combined heat and power (CHP) plant. Considering the LNG regasification projects in progress all over the World, an appropriate design option could be based on a modular unit having a mean regasification capacity of 2 × 109 standard cubic meters/year. This paper deals with the results of feasibility studies, developed by the authors at DRE…