V. Restivo
Dinamiche della colonizzazione da pneumococco in Sicilia tra il 2009 ed il 2017: implicazioni nella vaccinazione anti-pneumococcica in soggetti di tutte le età
Introduzione Streptococcus pneumoniae è uno dei maggiori responsabili di meningiti, sepsi e polmoniti a livello globale. La colonizzazione asintomatica da pneumococco (carriage) rappresenta il reservoir di sierotipi batterici ed è considerata un pre-requisito per lo sviluppo della malattia. In questo lavoro viene descritto l’andamento del carriage da pneumococco e la distribuzione dei sierotipi circolanti in Sicilia, una delle regioni italiane a proporre nei nuovi nati, già dal 2004, la vaccinazione universale con il vaccino anti pneumococcico coniugato e dal 2013 anche nei soggetti a rischio di qualsiasi età e negli adulti over-65. Materiali e metodi Soggetti di tutte le età, giunti all’os…
Mental health of medical students belonging to sexual minorities: A focus on help-seeking behavior in an Italian multicenter survey
The aim was to examine social, university, health-related differences among heterosexual and Sexual Minority Medical students (SM-Meds), and explore predictors of help-seeking behavior (i.e., current psychological support and hypothetical university counseling use). A multicenter cross-sectional study was conducted in Italy (2018). Questionnaires included socio-demographic items and Beck Depression Inventory-II (BDI-II). Chi-squared tests and multivariable regressions adjusted for BDI-II score were performed (sample size = 2513). SM-Meds were 13.9%. SM-Meds with depressive symptoms were 40.5%. Both considering overall and non-depressed students, SM-Meds exercised less and had worst relation…
L’epidemiologia del morbillo nell’era dell’eliminazione: l’esperienza della Sicilia tra il 2012 ed il 2019
Introduzione Il morbillo è una patologia ad elevata contagiosità di origine virale e, malgrado l’Introduzione della vaccinazione universale, è an-cora causa di elevata morbilità e mortalità. In linea con la strategia globale posta dall’OMS, è in vigore in Italia un “Piano Nazionale per l’Eliminazione del Morbillo e della Rosolia congenita (PNEMoRc)”. In questo lavoro viene descritta l’epidemiologia del morbillo in Sicilia e le sue dinamiche molecolari, in accordo alle attività di sorveglianza svolte dal Laboratorio di Riferimento Regionale. Materiali e metodi Nel periodo 2012-2019, campioni biologici di soggetti con diagnosi clinica di morbillo, su tutto il territorio regionale, sono stati …
Being a serious threat to physical and emotional health of children and adolescents all over the world, bullying in school represents an important public health issue. Since 2007, in Italy, the Ministry of Education (MIUR) has promoted activities to face and prevent bullying in schools of all levels while at the same time national and local Health Authorities have implemented effective social-health strategies. To date, the lack of consistent data needed to properly describe the concerning increase of this Public Health phenomenon prevents both the ability to systematically survey and measure the effectiveness of the public health strategies against bullying. The Bullying In Sicilian School…
COVID-19: opinions and behavior of Italian general population during the first epidemic phase
Background and aim: On January 9, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared that Chinese health authorities had identified a new coronavirus strain never before isolated in humans, the 2019-nCoV later redefined SARS-CoV-2, that still today represent a public health problem. The present survey started on 10 February 2020 with the aim of a) assessing the risk perception in healthcare workers and young students, following the evolution of attitudes, perception and knowledge over time, b) provide useful information to the general population during survey. Results: A study sample consisting of 4116 Italian in-dividuals of both sexes was enrolled. High levels of risk perception, low perc…
Vaccinazioni: stato dell’arte, falsi miti e prospettive. Il ruolo chiave della prevenzione.
La pratica vaccinale in Italia è organizzativamente incardinata all’interno del Servizio Sanitario Nazionale (SSN) e nei Servizi Sanitari Regionali (SSR). I luoghi “classici” in cui viene effettuata la procedura/prestazione vaccinale sono i servizi di vaccinazione della Aziende Sanitarie Locali (ASL) o Provinciali (ASP) delle varie Regioni.
Effectiveness of an educational intervention on seasonal influenza vaccination campaign adherence among healthcare workers of the Palermo University Hospital, Italy.
Introduction. Healthcare workers are continuously exposed to the risk of being infected by influenza viruses during their work, thus representing a threat especially for fragile patients. Although the Italian Ministry of Health strongly recommends influenza vaccination for all HCWs, coverage levels in Italy are still far from the expected. Several studies report that one of the preferred strategies to improve vaccination coverage among Healthcare Workers is improving vaccination knowledge through specific multidisciplinary courses. To assess the effectiveness of an educational intervention on influenza vaccination coverage among Healthcare Workers a study was conducted at "Paolo Giaccone" U…
How should vaccination services be planned, organized, and managed? Results from a survey on the Italian vaccination services
Background. Quality improvement is an increasingly recognized approach to maximize service effectiveness and minimize costs in public health. However, the Italian law never provided for the institutional accreditation of vaccination services. Furthermore, a recently approved law added six more compulsory vaccinations to the original four, which has led to a considerable increase in vaccination efforts, without any previous resources evaluation. The aim of the study was to investigate structural, organizational and managerial characteristics of the Italian vaccination services, in order to suggest the adoption of adequate quality standards. Study design. A survey involving the representative…
Risk assessment in ginecology and obstetrics in Sicily: an approach based on Wolff's Criteria
Objectives To apply Wolff’s Criteria to hospital discharge records (HDR) in order to detect adverse events worthy of further study. Methods Gynecology and Obstetrics Units of three Sicilian hospitals were considered and HDR regarding ordinary and day hospital admissions in 2008 were collected. A matched case-control study was designed, by random selection of 10 controls at maximum for each case. Matching was performed on the variables age and speciality of admission (gynecology or obstetrics). Results Out of a total of 7011 HDR examined, 114 cases were identified with Wolff’s Criteria. Multivariate analysis confirmed a statistically significant association with the origin of admission, diag…
Stato vaccinale e immunitario contro le malattie prevenibili da vaccino in un campione di operatori sanitari del Policlinico Universitario di Palermo
Introduzione La vaccinazione degli operatori sanitari (OS) riduce il rischio delle infezioni professionali, previene la trasmissione nosocomiale e garantisce la continuità delle cure sanitarie durante le epidemie di malattie vaccinoprevenibili. Nonostante le raccomandazioni del Piano Nazionale della Prevenzione Vaccinale 2017-2019, la copertura vaccinale degli OS in Italia risulta molto bassa. Scopo dello studio è valutare lo stato vaccinale e immunitario degli OS del Policlinico Universitario di Palermo. Materiali e metodi Un questionario anonimo è stato somministrato online tra Settembre e Dicembre 2018 agli OS del Policlinico Universitario di Palermo. Il questionario era suddiviso nelle …
Campagna social #proteggitixproteggermi: andamento delle coperture vaccinali antinfluenzali degli operatori sanitari dell’AOU Policlinico “P. Giaccone” di Palermo in seguito all’implementazione di strategie comunicative ed informative
Introduzione Ogni anno il 20% circa degli operatori sanitari (OS) contrae l’influenza, continuando a lavorare e favorendo la diffusione dei virus influenzali nei reparti. La copertura media della vaccinazione antinfluenzale tra gli OS italiani si attesta attorno al 22%. Alla base del rifiuto vaccinale degli OS vi sono principalmente le scarse conoscenze, attitudini e percezioni in merito all’efficacia e alla sicurezza della vaccinazione antinfluenzale. In questo studio è stato analizzato il trend della copertura vaccinale contro l’influenza durante le ultime 12 stagioni negli OS dell’Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria Policlinico (AOUP) di Palermo, valutando l’impatto delle strategie comunic…
Voxel-Based Morphomerty study in patients with amnestic Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer's Disease: population-based data from the Zabùt Aging Project
Aims and objectives Methods and materials Results Conclusion Personal information References
Improvement in vaccination knowledge among health students following an integrated extra curricular intervention, an explorative study in the University of Palermo
Summary Introduction. Vaccination coverages threaten to decrease because of false beliefs in their unsafety and inefficacy. Therefore formation of future health-care workers on this topic is fundamental to deal with any doubt and to promote active immunization among general population. Methods. In order to assess health-care students' knowledge about vaccination before an integrated seminar on this topic, and to evaluate their improvement after the educational intervention, an integrated educational intervention was held by a multidisciplinary team. Before and after the seminar, 118 students of medicine and biology schools at Palermo University were asked to answer 10 multiple-choice questi…