Patrizia Spallino

L’immaginazione creatrice in Ibn ‘Arabi

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Maryam. La Vergine Immacolata nella tradizione musulmana

This study analyzes the figure of Mary in the Koran and the related question on the conception of the mother of Christ

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Cuore, anima e mente. Un esempio di circolarità lessicale tra tradizione islamica e cristiana

The starting point of this article is a topic that features in the synoptic Gospels (Mt 22, 37; Mc 12, 29-31; Lc 10, 27) and is presented as the most essential among Jesus’ precepts: “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind”. The three terms that are mentioned here – heart, soul, and mind – are of prominent importance both in the Christian and Islamic spiritual traditions. We compare them and the respective traditions of commentary both on a lexicographical and exegetical level. The analysis of similarities and differences issued from a comparison of the contexts of the exegeses, and the respective reactions to the common Biblical background,…

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La corrispondenza tra al-Qunawi e at-Tusi: la questione sulla comprensione delle realtà delle cose.

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Rivelazione e conoscenza: la via del filosofo e la via del sufi secondo Sadr al-Din al-Qunawi

From the correspondence between Sadr al-Din al-Qunawi and Nasir al-Din al-Tusi the question of speculative knowledge and mystical knowledge is extrapolated here. Principle of knowledge is God but there are two approaches that lead to the same goal.

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Le langage philosophique de l’Empereur Frédéric II dans le Questions Siciliennes de Ibn Sab'in et l’Aiguillon des disciples de Ja’aqov Anatoli

Depuis quelques années, un groupe de recherche qui relie l’Officina di Studi Medievali et la faculté de Lettres et Philosophie de Palerme poursuit une recherche qui a pour but de remonter directement à la source du ferment intellectuel de la cour de Frédéric II, en traduisant les oeuvres dont on avait une idée approximative du contenu, et en commentant des textes jusque-là connus surtout par leur titre et leur contenu approximatif. Les deux premiers résultats visibles de ce travail sont les textes récemment publiés: al-Masa’il al-siqilliyya (Les questions siciliennes) de Ibn Sab‘in, philosophe et soufi musulman , et le Malmad ha-talmidim (L’aiguillon des disciples) de Ja’aqov Anatoli , phil…

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Ibn Sab'in, Le questioni siciliane. Federico II e l’universo filosofico.

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Il significato simbolico del nome Allah in Ibn ‘Ata' Allah al-Iskandari

A fundamental trait of the Islamic tradition is represented from the exegesis of divine names. Names that describe God under his manifold ones aspects and which are therefore attributives: the Clement, the Merciful, the Creator, the Righteous. The Islamic texts on this subject are innumerable and present themselves to the scholar both in the form of entire treatises and as chapters dedicated to them within larger works.In the following study we will draw on one of the basic texts of the question on names divine elaborated by one of the most important medieval masters of tasawwuf. The text dealing with divine names (entitled Book of exclusive aspiration on the knowledge of the isolated name)…

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Lettere immerse nel'inchiostro

La calligrafia islamica è una scienza nobile perché dà visibilità alla parola rivelata. In questo articolo si presenta il significato teologico dell'arte dello scrivere, la storia della calligrafia islamica , le varianti della scrittura ed il significato simbolico di alcune lettere . Islamic calligraphy is a noble science because it gives visibility to the revealed word. This article presents the theological meaning of the art of writing, the history of Islamic calligraphy, the variants of writing and the symbolic meaning of some letters.

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Du livre de la médecine spirituelle: l'ame et l'éthique chez Miskawayh

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L'intelletto nella Risala mahiyyat al-'aql di al-Harith al-Muhasibi

The epistle on the essence of the intellect places at the center of the research a philological analysis of the term intellect and its conceptual analysis based on the main sources of Islamic knowledge: the Koran and the sunna. The author is also interested in the ethical aspect of the intellect, the ability to distinguish between good and evil. Intelligence, understanding, intellectual light ultimately lead man to the contemplation of divine realities.

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Menzione di Dio e presenza del cuore nella preghiera islamica e cristiano ortodossa

Il presente studio esamina l'organo del cuore come sede della preghiera cristiana islamica e ortodossa. Nella tradizione islamica la preghiera chiamata dhikr, in quella cristiana ortodossa la preghiera del cuore o esicasta. L'articolo presenta anche strumenti cultuali come la masbaha e il kombuschini, vengono citati anche vari autori islamici e cristiani che hanno fornito riflessioni sull'argomento. The present study examines the organ of the heart as the seat of Islamic and Orthodox Christian prayer. In the Islamic tradition the prayer called dhikr, in the Orthodox Christian one the prayer of the heart or Hesychast. The article also presents cultic tools such as the masbaha and the kombusc…

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L’etica islamica dalle origini al XII secolo: appunti di studio.

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Le vie (turuq) di Allahtra XIII e XIV secolo

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Les questions siciliennes de Ibn Sab'in: nouvelles perspectives de recherche

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Il medico Burzoe e la confluenza del sapere nel Libro di Kalila e Dimna. In Coesistenza e Cooperazione nel Medioevo. In memoriam Leonard E. Boyle (1923-1999)Atti del IV Congresso Europei di Studi Medievali della FIDEM, Palermo, 23-27 giugno 2009.

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La faute de grammaire entendue comme mal et le mal de la faute de grammaire dans le Taṯqīf al-lisān de Ibn Makkī al-Ṣiqillī

Abstract The Taṯqīf al-lisān wa talqīḥ al-ǧanān by the grammarian and linguist, Abū Ḥafṣ ʿUmar Ibn Ḫalaf Ibn Makkī al-Ḥamīrī al-Māzirī al-Ṣiqillī, is an example of the Arabic language spoken in 10th-century Sicily, when the island was an Islamic Emirate. In its 50 chapters, the treaty lists grammatical errors made by Sicilians whether common people (al-ʿāmma) or cultivated speakers (al-muḫaṣṣiṣūn). The typology of this treatise falls within those classified as laḥn al-ʿāmma, a field of linguistic science that is dedicated to correcting forms that deviate from the grammar rules of the standard language accepted by grammarians and lexicographers. This study will focus on two chapters concerni…

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Iconofilia ed iconoclastia: Teodoro Abū Qurrah e la diatriba sull’immagine tra Cristianesimo d’Oriente ed Islām

The main theme of this intervention is the role played by Syrian and PalestinianChristians in collecting and preserving the Greek philosophical thought and in guaranteeing its trasmission by being the warrantors of Greek and Patristic culture in the following centuries. During the period following the Islamic expansion, these started to translate in arabic this cultural heritage and it is thanks to this translating masterpiece from Greek to Syrian or from Greek to Arabic that the new comers found the first Arabic translations of the greatest Greek philosophers. The author whose thought will be inspected lived under the caliphates of Hārūn al-Rašīd (766–809) and al-Ma ʾmūn (786–833). Teodoro…

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Spazio sacro e wilāya nella tradizione islamica

Questo intervento si concentra su un particolare aspetto del sacro, quello del luogo e del rito ad esso connesso. Lo spazio sacro per eccellenza della tradizione islamica è rappresentato dalla Mecca, centro obbligato del «pellegrinaggio» (ḥaǧǧ). Il rito a sua volta è soggetto ad innumerevoli prescrizioni e spostamenti spaziali che lo rendono particolarmente complesso ed articolato anche nella sua simbologia. La sacralità rimanda alla santità e la santità alla sacralità; questo studio seleziona ed analizza alcuni termini inerenti al lessico della tradizione islamica con muovendosi nello specifico nell’ambito del sufismo. This paper focuses on a specific aspect of the sacred in the Islamic tr…

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Ibn Sab'in

‘Abd al-Haqq ibn Sab‘ı¯n was born in the Ricote Valley, near Cieza, in the Kingdom of Murcia sometimes between the year 613 and 614 of the Hegira (1216 or 1217 CE). He studied Arabic, Andalusi literature, logic and philosophy, medicine, alchemy, white magic, and the ‘‘Science of Names and Letters.’’ At that time Ibn Khala¯s: was the qadi of Ceuta. He chose Ibn Sab‘ın to answer the philosophical questions sent by the emperor Frederick II of Hohenstaufen. It has been contended that Ibn Sab‘ı¯n was forced to leave his new hometown after answering the emperor’s arguments. What seems more likely, however, is that his Sufi ideas were not very popular with the political chief of the town. The time…

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Il Liber de Deo Maiore et de Deo Minore (op. 239) di Raimondo Lullo

The Liber de Deo maiore et Deo minore (1314) is a tract that is a fundamental part Llull's work from Messina. The themes covered include the theological issues most often debated between Christians and Muslims: the Trinity and the Incarnation of Christ.

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Il medico Burzoe e la confluenza del sapere nel Libro di Kalila e Dimna

The introduction to the Book of Kalila and Dimna, a text that has come to us in Arabic thanks to the version of Ibn al-Muqaffa '(d. 139 h./756 AD) presents the character of Burzoe. In this study Burzoe and his trip to India are taken into consideration. The journey as such, on the other hand, represents the means by definition which civilizations cooperate and coexist. In the literary field it presents itself as a real topos that unfolds in various ways. In the case of the Book of Kalila e Dimna we are faced with an example of travel that at first glance it would seem definable as a worldly experience oriented towards a goal. The main character during the move will move to a designated plac…

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Tawfiq al-Hakim, due drammi

In questo volume sono presentati e tradotti per la prima volta in italiano due lavori di Tawfik al-Ḥakim, letterato e scrittore arabo-egiziano contemporaneo, noto soprattutto come drammaturgo. Il primo, Pigmalione,è un dramma di carattere simbolistico ispirato al mondo mitologico classico. Il secondo, Viaggio nel futuro,è invece un dramma la cui atmosfera richiama autori come Orwell e Wells.

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Testi arabi di Sicilia. Un esempio di disputa linguistica

Il mio contributo si propone di illustrare un testo esemplare dei rapporti culturali tra la Sicilia e la civiltà islamica. Il testo si intitola Taṯqīf al-lisān wa talqīḥ al-ǧanān di Abū Ḥafṣ ῾Umar Ibn Ḫalaf Ibn Makkī al-Ḥamīrī al-Māzirī al-Ṣiqillī, grammatico e linguista ed è un esempio della lingua araba parlata in Sicilia nel X secolo , quando l'isola era un emirato sotto il dominio islamico. Il Taṯqīf al-lisān, composto da cinquanta capitoli, il trattato elenca gli errori grammaticali commessi dai siciliani sia persone comuni (al-'amma) che dotti (al-muḫaṣṣiṣūn). Ogni errore elencato è seguito dalla sua forma corretta. Il grammatico classifica gli errori secondo alcune categorie: paradig…

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L'elemento acqua nella tradizione islamica

Questo intervento tocca l'argomento elemento acqua così come viene mostrato dalle principali fonti della tradizione islamica: il Corano e la sunna del profeta Muhammad. Dall'acqua passa l'abluzione, sia quella denominata maggiore sia la minore, anche se bisogna considerare che ogni vera purità passa dalla purificazione del cuore. Anche la Sunna cita ripetutamente l'acqua nelle narrazioni relative ad episodi della vita di Muhammad e nei suoi detti. Si constata anche come l'acqua sia oggetto di avvenimenti prodigiosi, mentre nello stesso tempo, varie raccomandazioni ed avvertimenti ruotano nel suo utilizzo.

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Elia il giovane. La vita e l'insegnamento dall'età bizantina al mondo contemporaneo

The life of Elia the Younger (823-903), a native of Enna in the heart of Sicily, offers itself as an undoubtedly fascinating document in the narrative of political and religious events in the Mediterranean during the 9th century of our era. In Sicily, just a few years before the beginning of the Arab conquest of the island, Elia was born and his human and spiritual story is intertwined with the reality of his times. An expression of that Italo-Greek monasticism that flourished in the provinces of Southern Italy, Elia's life (like that of many of his contemporaries and countrymen) is also, if not above all, that of a tireless traveler. Each trip is an opportunity to visit monasteries, give p…

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