Fundoplicatio sec. Nissen videolaparoscopica e metaplasia intestinale in esofago: osservazioni preliminari
The aim of this preliminary study conducted in a few cases was the retrospective evaluation of the effects of laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication on oesophageal intestinal metaplasia. Seventy-seven patients with hiatal hernia underwent digital videofluorography, endoscopy with biopsies, motility studies and 24-h oesophageal pH-monitoring. On the basis of the results of the diagnostic procedures and considering the patients' ages and response to proton-pump inhibitor treatment, 8 patients underwent laparoscopic Nissen fundoplication; in 5 cases intestinal metaplasia was present at histopathological examination. Two of these had Barrett's oesophagus at endoscopy and intestinal metaplasia was a…