Pietro Parisi

The effect of antiviral therapy on clinical outcome of HCV cirrhosis with portal hypertension: a prospective cohort study.

research product

HBV-DNA suppression and disease course in HBV cirrhosis patients on long-term lamivudine therapy

In hepatitis B virus (HBV) cirrhosis patients on long-term lamivudine (LAM), the relationships between HBV suppression, development of viral resistance and disease outcome are unclear. We analysed the dynamic of serum HBV-DNA and its relationship with the clinical course of 59 patients (52 males, mean age 51.4 ±8.4 years, 12 HBeAg positive and 47 HBeAg negative, and 57 genotype D and two genotype A) with cirrhosis (45 in Child-Turcotte-Pugh class A) and high levels of serum HBV-DNA (median 14.7x107 genomes/ml) treated with LAM [median (range): 44 (15–78) months]. A total of 50 patients (84.7%) achieved a virological response (serum HBV-DNA negative by PCR) during the first 6 months of ther…

research product

La termoablazione nel trattamento delle neoplasie epatiche primitive e secondarie

Radiofrequency thermoablation is a locoregional procedure based on the use of electromagnetic waves that induce movement and consequently the production of heat. This is the basis for the coagulative necrosis produced in the tissues. The method, experimented with and developed in the '90s, is today extensively used in the treatment of focal hepatic lesions, both primary and secondary. The factors that condition the procedure are related essentially to the characteristics of the tumours and to the possibility of obtaining a predictable area of necrosis that guarantees the radicality of the treatment. As regards primary neoplasms, it should be stressed that the treatment for hepatocellular ca…

research product

The impact of sustained virological response on clinical outcomes in compensated HCV cirrhosis: a prospective cohort study

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Seeding after radiofrequency thermal ablation of hepatocellular carcinoma in cirrhosis: a prospective study

research product

Combined treatment of relapse of chronic hepatitis C with high-dose α2b interferon plus ribavirin for 6 or 12 months

Abstract Background/Aims: Retreatment of relapses of chronic hepatitis C with a standard regimen of interferon plus ribavirin for 6 months obtains a sustained response in a minority of patients with high viraemia and genotype 1b . We aimed to assess whether increasing the interferon dose and prolonging the time of combined treatment may enhance the effectiveness, and also to evaluate the tolerability, and to identify the determinants of sustained response. Methods: Fifty subjects with chronic hepatitis C who had relapsed after one or more courses of α-interferon monotherapy were randomised to receive α 2 b interferon (6 MU tiw) plus ribavirin (1000–1200 mg daily) for 6 or 12 months. ALT nor…

research product

Mortality in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma predicted by six scoring: none is the winner

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Percutaneous radiofrequency therma ablation of small hepatocellular carcinoma: a prospective study

research product

L'RFTA nel trattamento dell'epatocarcinoma su cirrosi

research product

Survival of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma in cirrhosis: a comparison of BCLC, CLIP and GRETCH staging systems

Summary Background  A major problem in assessing the likelihood of survival of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) arises from a lack of models capable of predicting outcome accurately. Aim  To compare the ability of the Italian score (CLIP), the French classification (GRETCH) and the Barcelona (BCLC) staging system in predicting survival in patients with HCC. Methods  We included 406 consecutive patients with cirrhosis and HCC. Seventy-eight per cent of patients had hepatitis C. Independent predictors of survival were identified using the Cox model. Results  One-hundred and seventy-eight patients were treated, while 228 were untreated. The observed mortality was 60.1% in treated p…

research product

Seeding after radiofrequency ablation of hepatocellular carcinoma in patients with cirrhosis: a prospective study.

Abstract Background Neoplastic seeding of hepatocellular carcinoma may arise after radiofrequency ablation. Aims In order to clarify the real risk of seeding, we observed a prospective cohort of patients undergoing radiofrequency ablation. Methods Ninety-three (22.9%) out of 406 consecutive patients with hepatocellular carcinoma superimposed to cirrhosis diagnosed at our Liver Unit (2000–2005) were selected for radiofrequency ablation according to the Barcelona 2000 EASL guidelines. Seventy-one patients were treated by a percutaneous approach and 22 at laparotomy. After radiofrequency ablation ultrasound scan was repeated every 3 months and spiral-computed tomography every 6 months. Results…

research product

Survival of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma in cirrhosis: a comparison of BCLC, CLIP and GRETCH staging systems

A major problem in assessing the likelihood of survival of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) arises from a lack of models capable of predicting outcome accurately.To compare the ability of the Italian score (CLIP), the French classification (GRETCH) and the Barcelona (BCLC) staging system in predicting survival in patients with HCC.We included 406 consecutive patients with cirrhosis and HCC. Seventy-eight per cent of patients had hepatitis C. Independent predictors of survival were identified using the Cox model.One-hundred and seventy-eight patients were treated, while 228 were untreated. The observed mortality was 60.1% in treated patients and 84.9% in untreated patients. Among…

research product

The impact of sustained virological response on clinical outcome in compensated HCV cirrhosis: a prospective cohort study

research product

Natural history of untreatable hepatocellular carcinoma: A retrospective cohort study

Abstract AIM: To investigate the clinical course of untreatable hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) identified at any stage and to identify factors associated with mortality. METHODS: From January 1999 to December 2010, 320 out of 825 consecutive patients with a diagnosis of HCC and not appropriate for curative or palliative treatments were followed and managed with supportive therapy. Cirrhosis was diagnosed by histological or clinical features and liver function was evaluated according to Child-Pugh score. The diagnosis of HCC was performed by Ultra-Sound guided biopsy or by multiphasic contrast-enhanced computed tomography or gadolinium-enhanced magnetic resonance imaging. Data were collected…

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Il trattamento dell'HCC mediante RFTA

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The aetiological pattern of hepatocellular carcinoma ( HCC) in Italy is changing

The aetiological pattern of hepatocellular carcinoma ( HCC) in Italy is changing.

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