Falcone G.

Marginalia in tema di pignus conventum

Discussing a recent book on the subject of pignus conventum, the author makes some exegetical observations and interpretative hypotheses on the history of this institution and its judicial protection.

research product

Life Cycle Assessment of olive oil: a case study in Southern Italy

The paper describes the results of a specific LCA based analysis of the production of oil in the region of Calabria, in southern Italy. The goal of the study is to assess the energy and environmental impacts of different scenarios involving conventional and organic cultivations, plains and hills cultivations and involving different operating techniques. The study also aims at assessing the share of each life cycle step on the total of energy and environmental impacts. The functional unit chosen for the comparative analysis is a glass bottle of 0.75 l of extra-vergine oil. A “from cradle to gate” perspective was chosen. The analysis was developed according to the LCA standards of the ISO 140…

research product

Instituere e instruere in D. e il modello del docere respondendo

Attraverso l'esame di un noto brano dell'Enchiridion di Pomponio (D. e di due brani di Cicerone (Brut. 306; or. 42) si assume, contro autorevole e consolidata opinione, che già (al più tardi) agli inizi del I sec. a.C. al modello di insegnamento del diritto comunemente designato 'docere respondendo' si era affiancato un insegnamento autonomo, svincolato dalla prassi del responso.

research product

Rottura di rene trapiantato.Analisi di due casi

research product

Chiazzese, Riccobono e i confronti ritrovati

Si illustra l'importanza del ritrovamento e della trascrizione di un corposo manoscritto relativo alla 'Parte speciale' dell'opera 'Confronti testuali. Contributo alla dottrina delle interpolazioni giustinianee' di Lauro chiazzese. Il testo offre una ricchissima sinossi analitica di 1170 testi giuridici romani pervenuti in più versioni, delle quali almeno una all'interno del Corpus iuris; e costituisce non soltanto un documento storiografico di eccezionale valore per lo studio e la valutazione della stagione della critica interpolazionistica, ma anche, e soprattutto, un prezioso strumento di consultazione per l'esame capillare dei passi paralleli e una fonte di spunti critici originali anco…

research product

Studi sui commentarii 'istituzionali' di Gaio: formazione e natura del testo, vol. 01

The only classical jurisprudential text to have come down to us, in its entirety, without the mediation and filter of the Justinian Digest, Gaius's commentaries from the famous Codex Veronensis no. 13 - commonly referred to as institutiones, but perhaps not by their author - present such characters and writing techniques as to be recognised as an isagogical text that the jurist-teacher must have composed (around the middle of the 2nd century AD, reigning Antoninus Pius) as a teaching aid intended to circulate exclusively among the circle of his students. The peculiarities of the compositional strategy suggest an original and direct Gaian authorship, freeing the work from a consolidated cons…

research product

Ancora sul divieto giustinianeo di commentarii al Digesto

Through some additional arguments, the author confirms his previous interpretation that the Justinian’s ban on commentaries was established only for the Digest and was not specifically addressed to law teachers, but rather concerned the forensic use of the Digest; furthermore, starting from Scheltema’s idea that forbidden commentaries were marginal notes placed directly in the manuscripts, the author hypothesizes that the prohibition aimed at avoiding a writing practice attested in many fields during late Antiquity, i.e. the creation of ‘chaines’ (catenae) of marginalia, which collected different interpretations from other people’s commentaries: such a practice would have contrasted the pro…

research product

Nota sul programma ciceroniano di ius civile ad artem redigere

The author offers an interpretation of the fragment of Cicero's work 'De iure civili in arte redigendo' preserved by Aulus Gellius and makes an analysis of some passages of the De oratore relating to the program of isagogical arrangement of ius civile on a dialectical basis, highlighting, in particular, the peculiar significance of the desired reduction to a few 'genera', which scholars have so far overlooked.

research product

Chiazzese e i confronti ritrovati: una replica e una postilla

The author replies to a critical article by Mario Varvaro regarding some points of his own essay on Chiazzese’s Confronti testuali; he also reports some passages of an unpublished manuscript containing the work plan of Chiazzese’s research.

research product

Matteo Marrone (13.10.1929 - 8.4.2020)

Commenmorazione di Matteo Marrone

research product

Lauro Chiazzese, Confronti testuali. Contributo alla dottrina delle interpolazioni giustinianee. Parte speciale (Materiali)

research product

Litteras reddere

Si descrive brevemente un corposo manoscritto dei 'Confronti testuali' (Parte speciale) di Lauro Chiazzese, recentemente ritrovato e trascritto.

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