Työn ominaisuuksien merkitys työn ja yksityiselämän välisen rajan hallinnassa
Työn ja yksityiselämän välinen raja on nykyään monissa ammateissa häilyvä, koska työtä ei enää säätele aika ja paikka samassa määrin kuin ennen. Tässä tutkimuksessa etsitään vastausta kahteen pääkysymykseen. Ensinnäkin, millaisia tyylejä yksilöillä on hallita työn ja yksityiselämän välistä rajaa, kun huomioidaan sekä työasioiden kulkeutuminen yksityiselämään että yksityiselämän asioiden kulkeutuminen työhön? Toiseksi, määrittävätkö työn sisältämät vaatimukset ja voimavarat työn ja yksityiselämän rajanhallinnan tyylejä? Tutkimuksemme aineisto on kerätty keväällä 2013 verkkokyselyllä, johon osallistui 1106 eri ammattialoilla työskentelevää työntekijää. Aineistosta löytyi viisi työn ja yksityi…
Profiles of Nature Exposure and Outdoor Activities Associated With Occupational Well-Being Among Employees.
This research addresses the profiles of nature exposure and outdoor activities in nature among Finnish employees (N = 783). The profiles were formed on the bases of nature exposure at work and the frequency and type of outdoor activities in nature engaged in during leisure time. The profiles were investigated in relation to work engagement and burnout. The latent profile analysis identified a five-class solution as the best model: High exposure (8%), Versatile exposure (22%), Unilateral exposure (38%), Average exposure (13%), and Low exposure (19%). An Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) was conducted for each well-being outcome in order to evaluate how the identified profiles related to occupa…
Identifying long-term patterns of work-related rumination: Associations with job demands and well-being outcomes
Item does not contain fulltext The aim of this 2-year longitudinal study was to identify long-term patterns of work-related rumination in terms of affective rumination, problem-solving pondering, and lack of psychological detachment from work during off-job time. We also examined how the patterns differed in job demands and well-being outcomes. The data were collected via questionnaires in three waves among employees (N = 664). Through latent profile analysis (LPA), five stable long-term patterns of rumination were identified: (1) no rumination (n = 81), (2) moderate detachment from work (n = 228), (3) moderate rumination combined with low detachment (n = 216), (4) affective rumination (n =…
The Role of Work-Nonwork Boundary Management in Work Stress Recovery
The aim of the present study conducted among 1,106 Finnish employees was to identify boundary management profiles based on cross-role interruption behaviors from work to nonwork and from nonwork to work. Adopting a person-oriented approach through latent profile analysis, 5 profiles were identified: Work Guardians (21% of the employees), Nonwork Guardians (14%), Integrators (25%), Separators (18%), and an Intermediate Group (22%). We then examined differences between these profiles with respect to recovery experiences ( psychological detachment from work, relaxation, mastery experiences, and control during off-job time) and recovery outcomes (vigor and exhaustion). Work Guardians had the po…
Flow with Nature treatment for depression: Participants’ experiences
This study examined Flow with Nature (FWN) treatment, which is an integrative intervention (rehabilitation) based on eco and environmental psychology, psychotherapeutic theories and professional psychological practice. FWN is intended for depression rehabilitation with the help of social support, nature environments and FWN exercises. Exercises encourage sensing the environment, mindful awareness, psychological processing and focusing on the future. The FWN treatment proceeds in separate stages (horizon, growth and path), which emphasise nature, group (social support) and FWN exercises differently. This study focused on the experiences of the participants in the FWN treatment. Finnish adult…