E. Cannizzaro
Acetaldehyde effects in the brain
The effects of alcohol have been widely studied during the past century as alcohol abuse is a major health problem in Western society. In the last years, a growing body of evidence indicates that acetaldehyde, the first oxidation product of ethanol, is one of the mediators of peripheral and central effects of ethanol. Indeed, acetaldehyde has been recently taken into account as the mediator of the rewarding properties of alcohol. The role of acetaldehyde in ethanol-related properties has been proved by enzymatic manipulation studies in which the inactivation of acetaldehyde potentially synthesized in the brain produces the same results as blocking the formation of acetaldehyde by inhibiting…
Perinatal treatment with 5-methoxytryptamine reduces depressive – like behaviour induced by forced swim in mature male rats
Monitoraggio della funzionalità renale in un gruppo di soggetti esposti a rischio chimico
Nei lavoratori esposti a rischio chimico, la sorveglianza sanitaria risulta strumento indispensabile nella prevenzione delle malattie professionali. A tal proposito il nostro studio si è rivolto in particolare alla individuazione di eventuali effetti nefrolesivi precoci attraverso un protocollo clinico e di esami di laboratorio specifici.
Perinatal Treatment with 5-metoxytriptamine affects cognition and behavioural reactivity in the juvenile male rat progeny; influence of maternal separation
Protocols for the health surveillance | Protocolli per la sorveglianza sanitaria dei lavoratori della pesca
Obiettivo. Definire i protocolli per la sorveglianza sanitaria dei lavoratori della pesca marittima per specifico fattore di rischio occupazionale, tenendo in considerazione le conoscenze scientifiche più avanzate. Materiali e metodi. È stata analizzata la letteratura specifica per individuare i fattori di rischio occupazionali cui sono esposti i lavoratori della pesca. Quindi per fattore di rischio sono stati definiti i protocolli per gli accertamenti sanitari e per la loro periodicità. Risultati e discussione. I fattori di rischio cui sono esposti i lavoratori della pesca sono essenzialmente rumore, vibrazioni, radiazioni solari e ultraviolette, agenti climatici (caldo, freddo, vento, pio…
Association between sleep-disordered breathing and hearing disorders: Clinical observation in Sicilian patients
Introduction: To examine the putative association between Sleep-Disordered breathing and hearing disorders Material and methods: 120 Sicilian subjects ranging from 14 to 85 years of age who were divided in 46 cases suffering from tinnitus (G1 group) and 74 controls (G2 group) were evaluated through STOP BANG screening questionnaire and Four-Variable Screening Tool; after Data collecting each subject underwent Audiological assessment by multi-frequency audiometry (PTA) and Transient-evoked otoacoustic emissions (TEOAE-diagnostic) for each ear. Results: Cases showed: PTA significantly severe than the control group (58.70% vs. 16.89% hearing loss; P<0.001), such as a lower signal-to-noise r…
Effects of Prenatal Treatment with 5-Metoxytryptamine on Learning Performance of Juvenile Male Rat Progeny. Influence of Maternal Separation
Role of cannabinoids in the treatment of tinnitus
Tinnitus is a frequent symptom in audiological clinical practice characterized by an abnormal noise perceived in one or both ears or in the head, in which a patient has a conscious hearing percept in absence of external sound. Tinnitus might be caused by a homeostatic response of central dorsal cochlear nucleus auditory neurons that makes them hyperactive in compensation to auditory input loss. One hypothesis suggests that tinnitus is a sensory form of epilepsy that involves the cochlear nucleus and the inferior colliculus, which display impairment in the electrical activity in the auditory system. This alteration determines a synaptic plasticity in the dorsal cochlear nucleus that becomes …
Chronic perinatal treatment with 5-methoxytryptamine reduces depressive-like behaviour induced by forced swim in mature male rats
Upper respiratory tract infections in children: From case history to management
Respiratory tract infections are the most common diseases in childhood. The respiratory tract, widely branched system of ducts, is particularly exposed to the action of microorganisms transmitted by air from here the high frequency of infections they face especially in the first years of life. It is usual distinguish: upper respiratory tract infections (URTI) and lower respiratory tract infections (LRTI). In particular, in infections of the upper airways, the inflammatory process, result of the interaction between microbes and the immune response, can be localized to the mucosa of the nose or sinuses (common cold and sinusitis), or the pharynx or larynx (pharyngotonsillitis and laryngitis) …
Cardiopatie professionali da agenti chimici.
Le cardiopatie da esposizione a sostanze chimiche hanno in passato suscitato un interesse secondario in confronto ad altre patologie più specificatamente correlate a noxae lavorative e caratterizzate da quadri clinici e fisiopatologici patognomonici per tecnopatia. Proprio la specificità di tali forme le ha rese di difficile diagnosi quando sganciate dal contesto eziologico lavorativo. Inoltre negli ambienti di lavoro a rischio chimico si verificano spesso situazioni di esposizione a molteplici sostanze, i cui effetti sulla salute a lungo termine sono di difficile interpretazione, visto il miglioramento complessivo delle condizioni di lavoro nei paesi occidentali e l’osservanza dei valori l…