F. Pace

Successo occupazionale e nuove forme di organizzazione del lavoro

Quali sono le risorse fondamentali che decidono del successo e della fortuna di ogni organizzazione? Senza dubbio le persone. Per questo i processi di gestione e sviluppo delle persone meritano particolare attenzione e richiedono investimenti significativi capaci di garantire efficacia organizzativa e qualità della vita di lavoro. La psicologia delle risorse umane rappresenta un ambito disciplinare articolato, che si propone di rispondere a tutti gli interrogativi concernenti la relazione tra persone e organizzazioni dal punto di vista della realizzazione di condizioni di reciproca soddisfazione. Obiettivo del manuale è affrontare in sedici capitoli le principali questioni in gioco in tale …

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Affect heuristic e career decision-making

research product

Ruolo delle emozioni nel career decision-making

research product

Valutare il livello di autoefficacia accademica e professionale

research product

The prognostic value of thyroid function tests in predominantly non-alcoholic cirrhotic patients: A prospective investigation

The prognostic value of thyroid function parameters (T3, T4, rT3 and the rT3: T3 ratio) and common liver tests (serum bilirubin, albumin and prothrombin activity) was investigated on hospital admission in 100 consecutive patients with predominantly non-alcoholic liver cirrhosis. Twenty-nine out of 100 patients had a well compensated cirrhosis and their mean values of thyroid tests were similar to those of 40 healthy controls. A low T3 syndrome was found in the remaining 71 decompensated patients. In these thyroid function parameters were correlated with serum bilirubin and prothrombin activity. Moreover mean values of all thyroid and liver tests, except serum albumin, were significantly dif…

research product

Impact of sex, age, and risk factors for venous thromboembolism on the initial presentation of first isolated symptomatic acute deep vein thrombosis

Abstract Background and aims Sex-specific differences exist for the initial presentation of acute venous thromboembolism (VTE): men are more likely to present with proximal deep vein thrombosis (DVT) in the lower limbs (versus pulmonary embolism [PE] or isolated distal DVT [IDDVT]) than women. We studied in detail the influence of sex, age, and VTE risk factors on the initial presentation of IDDVT versus proximal DVT. Methods A total of 24,911 patients with a first episode of objectively diagnosed acute symptomatic lower-limb DVT (without symptomatic PE) were enrolled in RIETE (years 2000–2017) and included in the present analysis. Results A total of 4266 (17.1%) patients had IDDVT. No tren…

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