Paz Suárez-coalla

Detección temprana de la dislexia mediante el reconocimiento de voces

Un aspecto clave para la intervención educativa específica es la detección temprana de niños con riesgo de dislexia. En este trabajo presentamos una sencilla tarea conductual de asociación de voces (modalidad auditiva) con avatares (modalidad visual), en la que las personas con dislexia muestran un rendimiento más bajo que las personas normo-lectoras. Dicho patrón de datos ocurre no solamente con lectores adultos, sino también con niños. Por tanto, esta tarea de integración multisensorial puede ser empleada como un marcador de la dislexia, en conjunto con otras tareas (v.g., conocimiento fonológico).

research product

Ability for Voice Recognition Is a Marker for Dyslexia in Children

A recent voice recognition experiment conducted by Perrachione, Del Tufo, and Gabrieli (2011) revealed that, in normal adult readers, the accuracy at identifying human voices was better in the participants’ mother tongue than in an unfamiliar language, while this difference was absent in a group of adults with dyslexia. This pattern favored a view of dyslexia as due to “fundamentally impoverished native-language phonological representations.” To further examine this issue, we conducted two voice recognition experiments, one with children with/without dyslexia, and the other with adults with/without dyslexia. Results revealed that children/adults with dyslexia were less accurate at identify…

research product

Reading Comprehension in Both Spanish and English as a Foreign Language by High School Spanish Students

Several studies have highlighted that reading comprehension is determined by different linguistic skills: semantics, syntax, and morphology, in addition to one’s own competence in reading fluency (accuracy, speed, and prosody). On the other hand, according to the Linguistic Interdependence Hypothesis, linguistic skills developed in one’s own native language (L1) facilitate the development of these skills in a second one (L2). In this study, we wanted to explore the linguistic abilities that determine reading comprehension in Spanish (L1) and in English (L2) in Secondary Education students. To do this, 73 Secondary Education Students (1st and 3rd year) participated in this study. The student…

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