Pariya Shahbazi
New novel idea for Cloud Computing: How can we use Kalman filter in security of Cloud Computing
Cloud is a virtual image about some amount of undefined powers, that is widespread and had unknown power and inexact amount of hardware and software configurations, and because of we have not any information about clouds location and time dimensions and also the amounts of its sources we tell that Cloud Computing. This technology presents lots of abilities and opportunities such as processing power, storage and accessing it from everywhere, supporting, working - team group - with the latest versions of software and etc., by the means of internet. On the other hand, in such a large scale networks we should consider the reliability and powerfulness of such networks in facing with events such …
On Novel Variants of the Hierarchical Stochastic Searching on the Line
Master's thesis Mechatronics MAS500 - University of Agder, 2012 Konfidensiell til / confidential until 01.07.2017