A. R. Mauri
Flame atomic absorption analysis of gold in jewelry samples
A new procedure is proposed for the determination of gold by flame atomic absorption in jewelry samples. The method is based on the acid digestion of 10 mg of sample in a microwave oven and on the on-line dilution, using a three-way valve. The dynamic range of the technique is extended to 100 mg/l gold solutions and using a weighted bracketing method for the treatment of the results, accuracy errors lower than 2% can be found in the analysis of real samples as compared with those obtained by fire assay. The method is very fast and implies only little damage to the jewelry samples.
Vapor-phase introduction of alkyltin compounds in atomic absorption spectrophotometry
Abstract Different systems for the introduction of alkyltin compounds in atomic absorption spectrophotometry using the vapor-phase introduction approach have been compared. Samples and standards were introduced in both quartz cell and flame atomizer using a vertical and a horizontal reactor. The better sensitivity was obtained with the quartz cell and the horizontal reactor.