Meenu Arora
Reversible dehydration polymerization of terephthalate bridged [{Cu2(2,2′-bpy)2(tp)(H2O)3(NO3)}·H2O·NO3]2
The title compound is the first example of a molecular magnet sponge, which exhibits a carboxylate-assisted unique reversible dehydrative polymerization–rehydrative monomerization phenomenon.
Unique copper ion catalyzed hydrolytic cleavage of C–N(2) bond of thiosemicarbazide
Abstract For the first time, stable but coordinatively unsaturated Cu(II) complexes [Cu(2,2′-bpy)X2] · xH2O (X = ClO4, NO3, CH3COO and 2,2′-bpy = 2,2′-bipyridyl) have been found to promote the hydrolysis of C–N(2) bond of thiosemicarbazide (tsc) at 25 °C and at neutral pH yielding monomeric [Cu(2,2′-bpy)(NCS)2]. Direct reaction between [Cu(2,2′-bpy)2]Cl2 · 6H2O, KSCN and CuCl2 results in polymeric [Cu(2,2′-bpy)(NCS)2]n [1] [Inorg. Chim. Acta. 286 (1999) 108]. Similarly tsc is cleaved by Cu(I) complex [Cu(ϕ3P)2(CH3CN)2]ClO4 [ϕ3P = triphenylphosphine] which itself is converted into dimeric [Cu(ϕ3P)2(NCS)]2.
A new isomer of [{Zn(IX)2(NO3)2}·2.5H2O]n [IX = 1,4-bis(imidazole-1-methylene)-benzene] as a rare example of topological isomerism in coordination polymers
Syntheses and crystal structures of three novel Cu(II) coordination polymers of different dimensionality constructed from Cu(II) carboxylates (carboxylate=malonate (mal), 2 acetate (ac), fumarate (fum)) and conformationally flexible 1,4-bis(imidazole-1-yl-methylene)benzene (IX)
Abstract We herein report three new coordination polymers generated from Cu(II) carboxylates (mal, 2ac, fum) and conformationally flexible bifunctional IX as building blocks. All the three complexes adopt unique structures in the solid state. The complex [Cu2(mal)2(IX)2(H2O)6]n crystallizes as orthorhombic co-linear rods with space group P2(1) P2(1) P2(1). Each rod is further formed of two tightly intertwined strings. The second polymer [Cu2(ac)4(IX)2]n crystallizes with space group P1 which consists of two sets of intersecting 2D sheets composed of parallel rods which interpenetrate to form a fully interlocked 3D structure. In both these complexes IX coordinates in the anti mode. The third…