Juha Lilja
Mortality of pike-perch (Stizostedion lucioperca), brown trout (Salmo trutta) and landlocked salmon (Salmo salar m. sebago) caught as by-catch in pelagic trawling in a Finnish lake
Altogether 146 pike-perch, 49 brown trout and 19 landlocked salmon were caught in 23 exploratory trawl-hauls in lake Pyhaselka, Finland. Brown trout and salmon were caught only in surface trawling, whereas pike-perch were taken also in mid-water trawling. Most of the fish were smaller than the minimal legal size of 40 cm. To estimate their post-trawling mortality, 129 fish were kept in net cages for 1 week. Less than 15% of the pike-perch and brown trout caught by surface trawl died during 1 week caging, whereas every caged salmon died. Mid-water trawling was far more lethal to pike-perch than surface trawling. We conclude that pike-perch and brown trout can recover from surface trawling. S…
Indice de réflexion latérale du saumon Atlantique (Salmo salar), de la truite de mer (Salmo trutta), du corégone (Coregonus lavaretus) et du brochet (Esox lucius).
L'indice de reflexion acoustique laterale (TS) de 19 saumons Atlantique (Salmo salar), 16 truites de mer (Salmo trutta), 10 coregones (Coregonus lavaretus) et 7 brochets (Esox lucius) a ete mesure en utilisant un sondeur de 200 kHz, afin d'etudier la relation entre l'indice TS et la taille, le poids et la surface du poisson. Les effets de l'angle d'incidence sur l'indice TS ont aussi ete etudies. Des modeles lineaires entre TS et le logarithme de l'indice de taille du poisson ont ete ajustes et ont montre que la meilleure prevision provient de l'indice de longueur. Classiquement, l'erreur standard de l'estimation etait de 1,2 a 2,9 dB. Les resultats des mesures de TS sur des poissons de lon…
La remontée du saumon pour le frai dans le fleuve Tornionjoki, suivie au moyen d'un sonar à double faisceau horizontal.
Fixed location split-beam horizontal echosounding was used to assess the size and timing of the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) spawning run in the River Tornionjoki. Four transducers, two on each river bank, were mounted across the river at the study site 4 km upstream from the river mouth. Net weirs were used on both shores to direct the passage of fish through the acoustic beams. Hydroacoustic monitoring covered 40-50% of the river cross-sectional area. Also test fishing and yearly catch statistics of salmon were used as an indication of the size of the spawning run in the river. Altogether, 7 700, 5 300 and 4 300 salmon-sized targets (target strength, TS ≥ -29 dB) moving upstream were det…
Assessment of fish migration in rivers by horizontal echo sounding : problems concerning side-aspect target strength
Liljan tutkimus osoittaa, että sivuttaissuuntaisella kaikuluotauksella pystytään hyvin havaitsemaan vastavirtaan uivat kalat. Kalan koon määrittäminen sekä lajien erottaminen toisistaan monilajisessa kalayhteisössä ei ole kuitenkaan mahdollista tarkastelemalla pelkästään heijastunutta kaikua. Liljan mukaan kaikuluotaustutkimuksiin onkin syytä yhdistää koekalastukset aina, kun läsnä on tutkittavan lajin lisäksi muita kalalajeja.Kiinteästi paikalleen asetettuja lohkokeilakaikuluotaimia on käytetty jokeen nousevien emolohien lukumäärän arvioinnissa 1990-luvun vaihteesta lähtien. Menetelmässä kalat läpäisevät kaikuluotaimen lähettämän äänikeilan aktiivisesti uimalla ja tulevat näin rekisteröidy…
Densité et mobilité des poissons sous la glace, sur une zone de pêche à la senne de deux lacs finlandais, par écho-intégration.
The density and movements of fish under ice were studied with single-beam mobile surveys and fixed location split-beam surveys, as well as exploratory fishing in winter-seining areas of two shallow Finnish lakes during winter 1999. Fish schooled near the bottom during the day but the schools dispersed and fish ascended at night. Single and split-beam target strength distributions corresponded fairly closely with the length distribution of seine catch samples. Estimated fish densities were greater at night than in daylight. The swimming speed of smelt (Osmerus eperlanus) was 0.18 m·s -1 in daylight and 0.36 m·s -1 at night. The corresponding figures for vendace (Coregonus albula) were 0.11-0…
Early-season river entry of adult Atlantic salmon: its dependency on environmental factors
River entry of adult Atlantic salmon Salmo salar into the River Tornionjoki, monitored during three migration seasons (1997–1999) by horizontal split-beam hydroacoustics, started early in June when water temperature was c. 9° C and when the discharge varied between 1700 and 2000 m3 s−1. In 1997 and 1999, migration peaked during the latter half of June, 17 days after the peak flood, at water temperatures ranging from 11· 5 to 18·2° C. Few statistically significant correlations were observed between river entry and six measured environmental factors and those that were significant were not persistent over the years. The strongest correlation ( r = −0·60) was between the number of upstream mig…
Upstream migration activity of cyprinids and percids in a channel, monitored by a horizontal split-beam echosounder
A 200 kHz digital echosounder (HTI) with two split-beam transducers was aimed horizontally to monitor the upstream migration activity of fish, from 24 April to 28 June, in Aijalansalmi channel (mean width 35 m, length 700 m, and maximum depth 5 m) from large mesotrophic Lake Paijanne to small eutrophic Lake Jyvasjarvi. This study was part of a larger project which aims to analyse the movement of commercially unimportant fish species and reduce the abundance of these fish in L. Jyvasjarvi. Catch samples were collected with a trap net located immediately upstream from the acoustic beams. The most common species in the catch were roach (Rutilus rutilus), perch (Perca fluviatilis), bream (Abram…