Llanos Conesa
Epidemiology and risk factors of eating disorders: A two-stage epidemiologic study in a Spanish population aged 12-18 years
Objective The authors studied the prevalence rates of eating disorders (ED) and their risk factors in a Spanish population aged 12–18 years. Method A two-stage epidemiologic study was conducted in the province of Valencia. Educational centers, classrooms, and individuals were selected randomly. The initial sample comprised 544 subjects. During Stage 1, subjects were screened with the 40-item Eating Attitude Test and a sociodemographic questionnaire that evaluates risk factors. During Stage 2, a semistandardized clinical interview was conducted with each participant. A random control group was paired by class, age, and sex. Comorbid psychiatric disorders and partial and subclinical forms wer…
Influence of Stress in the Onset of Eating Disorders: Data From a Two-Stage Epidemiologic Controlled Study
Background We explore the role of stress in the onset of eating disorders (EDs) in a community sample of adolescents, the mediating role of psychiatric comorbidity and the quantitative evolution of stress in the year preceding the onset of an ED. Methods The Life Events and Difficulties Schedule interview was applied to a sample with 32 cases and 32 controls selected from a two-phase epidemiologic study among a representative population of adolescents, followed by a decay model to assess acute and chronic stress in the year preceding the onset of ED. Psychiatric comorbidity was assessed using the SCAN interview. Results Cases (46.9%) and 9.4% of controls were found to have associated psychi…
Teasing and Disordered Eating Behaviors in Spanish Adolescents
The purpose of this study is to investigate the associations between peer teasing and body dissatisfaction (BD), emotional symptoms, drive for thinness (DT), and abnormal eating behaviors, as well as to analyze the mediating role of gender and body mass index (BMI) in such disorders. We screened 57,997 school children between 13 and 16 years of age. Scores in weight-related teasing and competency-related teasing were higher among girls, as well as overweight or obese individuals. Weight-teasing correlated more strongly with abnormal eating attitudes and behaviors, whereas competency-teasing correlated with emotional symptoms. Multiple linear regression analysis showed that weight-teasing is…
Teasing as a risk factor for abnormal eating behaviours: A prospective study in an adolescent population.
Abstract Introduction There are discrepancies in the literature about the role of teasing in the onset of eating pathology. This article aims to establish the influence of teasing in abnormal eating behaviours and attitudes in the adolescent population. Material and methods This is a two-year prospective study conducted in 7167 adolescents between 13 and 15 years of age. In a first assessment, teasing about weight and teasing about abilities were measured by means of the POTS.questionnaire. Its association with eating psychopathology after two years was analysed controlling nutritional status (BMI), body dissatisfaction, drive to thinness, perfectionism (EDI), emotional symptoms and hyperac…
Burlas como factor de riesgo para conductas alimentarias anómalas: estudio prospectivo en una población adolescente
Resumen Introduccion Existen discrepancias en la literatura sobre el papel de las burlas en la aparicion de clinica alimentaria. El objetivo de este articulo es establecer la influencia de las burlas sobre la aparicion de conductas alimentarias anomalas en una poblacion adolescente. Material y metodos Se trata de un estudio prospectivo a 2 anos en el que participaron 7.167 adolescentes de entre 13 y 15 anos. En una evaluacion basal se estudio su exposicion a burlas sobre el peso y sobre las capacidades, mediante el cuestionario POTS. Posteriormente, se analizo su asociacion con psicopatologia alimentaria (EAT) ulterior controlando el efecto del estado nutricional (IMC), la insatisfaccion co…