Jānis Bārzdiņš
UML Style Graphical Notation and Editor for OWL 2
OWL is becoming the most widely used knowledge representation language. It has several textual notations but no standard graphical notation apart from verbose ODM UML. We propose an extension to UML class diagrams (heavyweight extension) that allows a compact OWL visualization. The compactness is achieved through the native power of UML class diagrams extended with optional Manchester encoding for class expressions thus largely eliminating the need for explicit anonymous class visualization. To use UML class diagram notation we had to modify its semantics to support Open World Assumption that is central to OWL. We have implemented the proposed compact visualization for OWL 2 in a UML style …
Learning with belief levels
AbstractWe study learning of predicate logics formulas from “elementary facts,” i.e. from the values of the predicates in the given model. Several models of learning are considered, but most of our attention is paid to learning with belief levels. We propose an axiom system which describes what we consider to be a human scientist's natural behavior when trying to explore these elementary facts. It is proved that no such system can be complete. However we believe that our axiom system is “practically” complete. Theorems presented in the paper in some sense confirm our hypothesis.